Covid in Norway: Excess Mortality in 2022 Reached 7%, According to the Institute of Public Health
Also, more gaslighting in terms of 'explanations' and 'treatment options' (ahem) from the geniuses working in public health
On the day of the winter solstice, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (IPH) finally came out with a new ‘memo’ (notat) about the phenomenon otherwise known as ‘excess mortality’. Part of them doing so, I’d argue, would have to do with the severe budget cuts imposed by the government in November, which translates into letting go of between 30-40% of the IPH’s workforce.
Before you start shedding crocodile tears for those dedicated public health officials, keep in mind that these layoffs are actually the result of the ‘Covid Waves’ of new employees, as a brief glance at the relevant annual reports (2019 vs. 2021) shows: as of 31 Dec. 2019, there were 901 full-time equivalent positions (or 977 employees) whereas as of 31 Dec. 2021, these numbers stood at 1,096 and 1,186, respectively.
This glorious fighting force in the struggle against Covid was so successfully fighting the good war that—as late as 29 Nov. 2022 (!)—the Health Norway website (Helsenorge, Norway’s NHS equivalent) maintained the following concerning ‘treatment’:

Yep, you read that correctly: as recently as one month ago, Helsenorge pretended that no treatment existed. Take that, tinfoil-hat-wearing internet weirdos, like Vladimir Zelenko, Drs. Fareed and Tyson, Pierre Kory, Paul Marik, Peter McCollough, and many more.
By the way, care to learn how that same website now looks like?

Oh, wonder of wonders, now we learn that it’s important to ‘treat early’, but with Paxlovid. And a less-than-subtle reminder that the modRNA injections are still the saviour of humanity.
For how well that is going, we may turn to the IPH’s most recent weekly update (no. 50/2022, p. 50), which shows injection uptake as of 18 Dec. 2022:
So, after this tour de force into what’s happening, let’s have a look at how good these wonderful treatments and emphasis on injections have worked.
7% Excess Mortality in 2022 (provisional)
As of 21 Dec. 2022, the IPH found roughly 7% excess mortality, ‘most of which is attributable to Covid-19’, all relative to the period 2015-19. This means some 2,700 excess deaths than expected, as of week 46.
Here’s highly paid IPH Director Camilla Stoltenberg (sister of NATO chieftain Jens) on this:
The calculations show excess mortality in 2022. Most of the excess mortality is due to deaths related to Covid-19.
If one dares to look a bit closer, though, one is able to find this sub-page with the below information (which is linked in the news item cited above; emphases mine):
For 2020 and 2021 as a whole, the number of deaths fell within the range of what was expected [don’t be fooled]. In winter 2020/2021, however, mortality was lower than expected, while it was higher than expected in the second half of 2021 [gee, I wonder as to why that might be…]. From the second half of 2021 onwards and continuing in 2022, there is an increase in mortality among those over 60, but no change in the population under 60 years of age. Mortality was highest and increased most in the oldest age groups, and particularly among those over 90. Men and women follow the same pattern in variation of mortality over time, but mortality increased more among men than among women [what a cosmic form of retribution for centuries of what is alleged to have been ‘white male supremacy’, eh?].
For the latter half of 2021, the increase in mortality in the elderly may be due to a shift in deaths that was avoided when society had strict infection control restrictions in 2020 and early 2021 [how wonderful these lockdowns and measures worked, isn’t it?]. However, the excess mortality observed in 2022 appears to be more directly attributable to an increase in Covid-19 deaths. Up to week 46 in 2022, 4,399 deaths related to Covid-19 have been registered. Two-thirds of these deaths occurred in 2022, with a peak in March. The median age for deaths related to Covid-19 is 85.6 years in 2022.
Strange, eh? It’s so good that my taxpayer money is funding these brilliant minds who tirelessly work to explain these things. To be fair, lockdowns clearly didn’t work as anticipated by public health officialdom, hence the IPH came out against any mandates in January 2022 (to their credit).
Still, about that excess mortality thing, we note a strange chronological correlation:
Apologies for the crappy graph, but responsibility for this shitty representation rests with the IPH. We note a strong increase of 3rd dose uptake in the final quarter of 2021, followed by an equally strong, if not faster, reduction in the first quarter of 2022.
Curiously, Steve Kirsch has suggested, based on data from the US, that the injections ‘are taking an average of 5 months to kill people’. Interestingly—and mind you, I’m not implying anything here (mainly because Norway has been quite slow in divulging such data for 2022) yet—there appears to be a stunning correlation between the ramping up of injections in October and November 2021 vs. the above-related ‘peak [of Covid deaths] in March’ 2022.
Bottom Lines
I find this an almost too-good-to-believe coincidence of injection uptake followed by a peak in excess mortality 3-5 months later. I know what Steve Kirsch suggested, and there appears to be something going on, yet I do remain wary, mainly because of the ‘summer wave’ (which was due in autumn 2022) that caused Covid-related hospitalisations to shoot up virtually vertically, relative to 2020 and 2021.
Kirsch’s suggestion is good enough to serve as a tentative explanation for the March excess mortality peak (together with Omicron), but what about excess mortality after that point in time, esp. as injection uptake has essentially flatlined for roughly half a year afterwards?
These notions aside, I’d maintain that the more interesting side-effects of these budget cuts was the decision to cease feeding mortality data to the Euromomo aggregator (citing these budgetary shortfalls) and the cessation of publishing numbers on all matters related to Covid that were, arguably, somewhat more accurate than their peers.
Oh, lest I forget: less than three months ago, public health officials ‘explained’ excess mortality by pointing to an aging population:
Call me a cynic, but you’d only do that if you’ve got something to hide, even if it’s ‘only’ your own failure (check again the above-related ‘treatment’ vs. ‘vaxxing’ agit-prop).
I’d propose the following (tentative) explanation for this situation:
The leading luminaries in public health were all-in on the pro-vaxx part before they left medical school.
The best and the brightest promising young doctors go into (international) research and leave; there’s hardly a profession as local, if not localistic, as medicine (with law a close second, I’d argue).
Virtually all practicing physicians come from the second-to-lower tiers of their class years, hence they will—GPs/family doctors and those who work in hospitals alike—follow guidelines, treatment protocols, and vaxx schemes ‘intimated’ by what they perceive to be their (better) peers.
Speaking of public health officialdom, they typically come from those graduates of medical schools who don’t want to—or, worse, are too incompetent—to work ‘in the field’ as family doctors, to say nothing about an international research career (but these multiple failures write the guidelines).
If you’d add financial incentives (payments for injections)—most GPs are heavily indebted due to running their own practices—you can adequately explain the current mess; in case you’re asking yourself whether your doctor would base his or her recommendations to you weighing his or her own financial benefits, well, yes, they do that. All the time.
One last word about public health officials: not everyone who works in public health is as self-righteous a bastard as Norway’s chief epidemiologist (ahem) Preben Aavitsland:
Join me tomorrow as we’ll take a close look at the actual report on excess mortality in Norway.
We had the Covid-bump in mortality during 2020, anout 8 000-10 000 more than expected. However, as Covid generally kills the very old, infirm and those with specific comorbidities, this is bump cannot be blamed solely on the virus as such, since Sweden had a bumper crop of babies during the 1940s, especially the latter half of that decade, and these people arenow in their 80s.
As in, that entire generation is reaching their life-expectancy at the same time as Covid hits. So the largest generation in swedish history (relative population numbers at the time of their birth) is now passing, leading to a general increase in all-cause mortality.
After 2020, mortality is dropping which is also unsurprising as - to put it callously - those especially vulnerable to Covid have now largely died off. Thereis as of yet no excess mortality reported that matches the roll-out of the RNA-injetions, as there seems to be in Britain (The Naked Emperor has beenlooking at this, among others), the US (as Igor Chudov is reporting on) or other places.
While any discussion about why we see these differences between nations will be purely speculative at this point, my money is on underlying soceity-wide differences in access to and wuality of general health care, public health as such and the nutritional quality of food and access to same, and also dietay habits.
You simply do not see "american fat" poor people here. It is extremely rare, and whatfew there are, aren't enough to show up in national statistics - whereas in the US and to a lesser degree Britain, they number in the millions (or tens of millions in the US).
8 hours sleep per night, as unprocessed natural food as possble, a good mix of everything - no bloody diets!, avoid hyperprocessed goods like most candies, snacks, pastries and sodas and get at least 10-20 kilometes walking in per day, and avoid sitting down for extended periods; no longer than 20 minutes at a time, then be up and do something else.
The above is not based on science but on the simple fact that that is how we evolved, so that's hw we function. The modern day capitalist-industrialist (or Taylorist even) soceity, the dream of the old modernists and futurists, is purely unnatural. (And no, that doesn't mean Luddites or communists are worth considering as more than speed bumps - folly on one side of the river does not mean wisdom lives on the other.)
Oh, where would we be with our brilliant public health officials? Yeah, not dead. The vax has two hits, one within weeks of administration, the other about 5 months later. Both hits correlate with increased COVID. Same pattern everywhere in the (highly vaccinated) world. It's only baffling to some....