Correlation isn't causation is a much-abused phrase, but it has a corollary nowadays seldom mentioned:

At some point, enough correlation makes drawing causative conclusions both valid and unavoidable.

In this case, the "vaccines" makes it easier for you to be infected, dampens your immune-response and therefore kills more than itwould have donw, had people remained free of the mRNA-juice.

Which everyone who bothered to read up on the mRNA-trials for such vaccines for animals knew, making this look like massmurder by criminal negligence on behalf of the health authorities.

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Oh, as I maintained for some time now, the current situation is akin to an intelligence test. Those who see through the BS and lies will quite certainly do kinda 'o.k.'-ish. It just boggles my mind how many 'smart' people, esp. in academia and journalism have fallen for this scam, yet, as an avid reader of among other Bernays, Chomsky and Herman, and many others, it's obvious as to why: academia and the other white collar training facilities are no more institutions of science and objectivity but mainly churning out IYI types (intellectuald-yet-idiots).

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Yes, there are some very intelligent folks who are a part of all this. But then this points up the limitations of IQ. There is IQ and then emotional and social intelligence. Having a high IQ predisposes some to more easily slip over into Toxic Narcissism and sociopathy, psychopathy.

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The injection campaign only commenced on 27 Dec. 2022


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Hi Jan, thanks for spotting the typo! I fixed it now.

The campaign began on 27 Dec. 2020.

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