Covid in Norway: Dead Men Talking Loudly--2/3 of all Covid deaths occurred in 2022; most of them were 'vaccinated'
Incl. notes on 'vaccine-induced' protection vs. death, public health obfuscation, and legacy media collaboration in this--nothing new under the midnight sun
Some more ‘news’ on the Covid front. Imagine my surprise when I saw the below-reproduced legacy media item that should be quite interesting. As always, here’s the piece, which appeared in Aftenposten (and was widely reproduced across the other media outlets owned by its parent company, Schibsted) earlier today. All emphases are mine, and so are the bottom lines below.
[Deputy Health Director] Nakstad on Covid Deaths in Norway: ‘Almost all have occurred this year’
More than two-thirds of all those who died of Corona in Norway have died this year. Now infections are increasing again.
In February 2020, we read about a woman from Tromsø who was the first Norwegian who came down with the novel Corona virus. Then only a few days passed—until Thursday 12 March of the same year—when Prime Minister Erna Solberg announced ‘the most comprehensive measures we have had in Norway in peacetime’.
Since then, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (IPH) has estimated that 3-4 million Norwegians have had Covid-19, although it is difficult to calculate it exactly.
‘We know that most people who have been ill during the pandemic will have been infected in 2022’, says Espen Rostrup Nakstad, deputy health director.
The same applies to deaths as a result of corona. The health official says that 3,000 deaths due to Covid have occurred in Norway in the last year alone: ‘It will probably contribute to some excess mortality in 2022 seen as a whole’, he says.

The Omicron variant arrived in December 2021. It was only in January of this year that it made a big impact. During the subsequent ‘winter wave’, the numbers were even higher.
‘The IPH has estimated that perhaps two million Norwegians were infected in February and March this year’, says Nakstad.
Today, a total of 4,286 (as of 14 Nov. 2022) Covid deaths have been registered in Norway.
The median age of those who have died from corona throughout the pandemic is 85 years. 53 percent of the dead are men, according to IPH.
How will the (Covid) Christmas be this year?
In both February/March and June/July 2022, Norway has experienced an increase in Covid infections.
‘The number of admissions with Covid-19 has increased steadily since the summer, which now amounts to approximately 150-200 patients per week, including around 5% intensive care patients. IPH’s monitoring of respiratory illnesses and wastewater is consistent with these data’, he says.
Countries such as Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Denmark experienced an early autumn wave, which is now returning.
[Editorial note: the rest of the piece is an interview with Mr. Nakstad.]
Which Corona variant will we get now?
It looks like several new sub-variants of Omicron are establishing themselves in Europe now. These are characterised by five different mutations that change the spike protein so that the virus more easily circumvents immunity built up from vaccination and disease. Among these is BQ.1.1, which has all five mutations, and BF.7, which has three of these mutations. Together, these variants make up more than 30% of virus samples in Norway now, and it is the BF.7 variant that has so far increased the most.
How dangerous is it?
So far, it looks like the new Omicron variants infect the population more easily than BA.5 variant, which we have had for a long time. That is why they make up an increasingly large proportion of all sequenced samples. There is no evidence that the new variants cause more serious disease.
How do you think (Covid) Christmas will be in Norway?
I think we can celebrate Christmas more or less like normal this year, but it is important to make sure that everyone is healthy, if you meet vulnerable people. Apart from that, I think Christmas measures are unlikely.
Many people talk about the fourth dose of the Covid vaccine. Who can take it?
As of today, everyone over 65 and risk groups are recommended to receive a fourth dose. You can find more information on the municipality’s website about where you can get the vaccine.
Bottom Lines
This is very interesting, indeed, but as so often, legacy media fails to ask the right questions, and public health officials—as has happened frequently before—are either very disingenuous in talking about the real issues (or consider the public too stupid to notice). Either way, this is another example of gaslighting and lying by omission.
Please allow me to elucidate, with references to specifics.
As to the disingenuity, well, here’s a bunch of pieces that provide evidence for my claims:
The second of these pieces, dated 8 Nov., is important as it relates to some of the statements made by Nakstad, in particular his dual claim that ‘the virus more easily circumvents immunity built up from vaccination and disease’ while ‘the new Omicron variants infect the population more easily than BA.5 variant’.
BA.5 is among the most prominent injection-induced escape immunity. This is hardly surprising as the EMA’s BioNTech/Pfizer clinical data clearly show that the original two-dose regimen’s ‘efficacy’ is ‘statistically indistinguishable from zero’. Even if we’re generous and assume, for the sake of the argument, that a third ‘booster’ injection would induce comparable ‘protection’ (which it doesn’t), we note that this part of the campaign was basically over by March 2022, i.e., more than six months ago.
Now Mr. Nakstad is telling us that the currently spreading variants are even better than BA.5 in terms of evading injection-induced ‘protection’. He should have noted this little detail, but if you happen to read ‘between the lines’, it’s quite obvious to see. Why legacy media continues to engage in this kind of intellectual bed-wetting, I don’t know, but I’d argue that it’s really getting harder and harder to gaslight the public.
Let me illustrate these points even more drastically in my final comment to this piece: according to the above piece, we now know the number of Covid deaths in Norway since the beginning of the ‘pandemic’: 4,286 individuals.
I’ve been on the record for quite some time to note the preponderance of ‘any number of injections’-related dead vs. Covid deaths among ‘unvaccinated’ (see, e.g., here). Now, though, we have some more clues:
Here we can observe the actually not-so-strange ‘decoupling’ of Covid-the-disease from dying of Covid. Note that the really odd asymmetry between the February/March Omicron infection peak vs. the drastically elevated Covid deaths ever since.
Now, we also learn the total number of Covid deaths stands at 4,286 (as of 14 Nov. 2022).
This is a good piece of information as it allows us to assess the claim that Covid injections afford at least some form of protection against severe disease and/or death.
The injection program commenced on 27 Dec. 2020, hence we may first subtract the number of 434 Covid-associated deaths that occurred between 9 March and 27 Dec. 2020 (source: IPH, report from week 52/2020, p. 25). We may do so because they were all ‘unvaccinated’.
From 28 Dec. 2020 through 2 Jan. 2022—which corresponds roughly to the pre-Omicron period—there were 487 ‘unvaccinated’ and 388 ‘fully vaccinated’ (i.e., two-dose recipients), according to information from the IPH (report from week 52/2021, p. 20):
Together, these three numbers (434 + 487 + 388) = 1,309, which indicates that 2,977 Norwegians died of Covid since the first week of 2022.
According to the official data (report from weeks 43 and 44/2022, p. 46), injection uptake among all residents older than 16 stood at 91% (1 dose), 87% (2 doses), 66% (3 doses), and 16% (4 doses). ‘Booster’ injection uptake is much higher among the elderly: 92% of all seniors (65+) have received a third dose, and 63% have taken another (4th) dose.
Combine these data with the information that the median age of Covid deaths is 85, i.e., roughly two years older than the average life expectancy in Norway.
With deaths overwhelmingly affecting the elderly, we may thus infer that at least nine of ten of these deaths would be triple or quadruple ‘vaccinated’.
Be that as it may, if we take these 2,977 dead since the beginning of the year, we may thus infer that 9 out of 10 of them would have received at least one injection; that number would be 2,709 (that’s 91% of the 2,977).
To these 2,709 we may then add the 388 ‘fully vaccinated’ dead from 2021, which brings the total to 3,097 since the beginning of the mass injection campaign. That would mean that 72-73% of all Covid deaths occurred among ‘the vaccinated’. Given that approx. 77% of the Norwegian population received at least one dose, it would appear that these injections actually do protect against dying of Covid, however small the margin actually is.
The injection campaign only commenced on 27 Dec. 2020, so we shouldn’t compare apples to oranges. To (dis)prove the hypothesis that the injections protect against dying of Covid, we must therefore subtract the dead that occurred before the mass vaccination campaign.
Mr. Nakstad’s information is very much misleading on analytical grounds.
If we were to subtract the 434 Covid-associated deaths that occurred before 27 Dec. 2020 from the total given by the IPH, the total number of Covid-associated deaths would be 3,852. If we now repeat the above calculation, the share of Norwegians who died of Covid with any number of injections would be 80-81%, i.e., higher than the vaccinee’s share of the total population (which stands at 77%).
The oft-repeated notion that any of these injections protect you from dying of Covid is misleading on empirical grounds.
Shame on you, Mr. Nakstad and the IPH, for lying about this.
Shame on you, Aftenposten (and other legacy media), for not asking public health officials about this.
Still, this episode, however disgraceful it may be, shows clearly, I’d argue, that it is getting increasingly hard to peddle this kind of BS. Dead people don’t lie, and as long as Covid-associated deaths will continue to rise ‘despite’ (irrespective—because?—of) these injections, there’s only so much BS that can be spread.
The day of reckoning will come.
Correlation isn't causation is a much-abused phrase, but it has a corollary nowadays seldom mentioned:
At some point, enough correlation makes drawing causative conclusions both valid and unavoidable.
In this case, the "vaccines" makes it easier for you to be infected, dampens your immune-response and therefore kills more than itwould have donw, had people remained free of the mRNA-juice.
Which everyone who bothered to read up on the mRNA-trials for such vaccines for animals knew, making this look like massmurder by criminal negligence on behalf of the health authorities.
The injection campaign only commenced on 27 Dec. 2022