Well, at least they separate vaccinated and unvaccinated in the public data, that's not done here as far as I can find. On the other hand, the official line is now "the vaccines are not dangerous or harmful" where it earlier read "the vaccines are safe" - feel free to apply Kremlology as needed.

For Sweden to compare, they haven't stopped counting or presenting data but testing is out since 9th of Februar (if I recall correctly), it is now only done when someone has obvious symptoms.

This page is the gateway to more detailed graphs and charts, you'll have to pick an "entry" depending on your web reader so I can't diect-link to the charts themselves:

[https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/smittskydd-beredskap/utbrott/aktuella-utbrott/covid-19/statistik-och-analyser/bekraftade-fall-i-sverige/] There might be a slight lag when loading the charts, and they are now updated on Thursdays only.

Out of 35 000 tests administered week 12, 17% showed viral being present, down from 20% of tests for week 11, and that's been the trend since the first week of February, where the rate dropped from tens of thousands of cases late January to being in the hundreds just two weeks later. Which I guess is normal for flu season?

Folkhälsomyndigheten (Agency for public health) estimate that 1.4% of the population are carriers.

About 15% to 20% of casualties are unvaccinated, so the majority are those who are double or triple vaccinated, old and have comorbidities. Nothing new about that - but the majority of casualties are now among people living in special housing for elderly or people with disabilities or cognitive handicaps. More than half the deaths for week 11 came from this subset: little to no education, no jobs, no income, minimum welfare and the swedish municipalities typically use old and sometimes condemned buildings to house these people in.

Total number of deaths for the entire Covid-affair stands at 16 245, as confirmed by post-mortem lab testing.

Meanwhile, our politicians are completely ignorant about the variant spreading from Hong Kong via South Korea to Australia. From what Igor Chudov is reporting about Hong Kong, the lethality is much higher than previous Omikron-variants. Want to bet that this time all our authorities decide to again do the exact opposite to what they should do?

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Hmmm, well, you work with the data you have, not with the data you'd wish you'd have.

That said, what I find striking is the almost total absence of any Covid-related 'information' in the legacy media (not that I mind that), but the issue is: why aren't those awful rates, like, you know, front-page news? (I suppose we know why…)

These numbers from Sweden are in the same ballpark of the Norwegian ones; yes, I'm following Igor Chudov's writings closely, and believe me, like Igor, I'm not happy about any of these data: the triple-injected included virtually all my relatives and most of my friends.

If the Helsedirektoratet's data--or what's left of it--is any indicator, I'd say that this is done because of the 'incidental Covid' admissions: they were 1 admission for Covid-19 as main cause for every 13 admissions with a positive test--and this was in week 11.

Personally, I doubt that there are no connections between these trajectories: the 'disappearance' from the public record, without explanation, of the 'incidental' data. Mind you, that the 1 admission for Covid-19 as main cause must further be broken down to show the different rates for 'unvaccinated' vs. 'all-cause vaccinated'.

At that point, I suggest that Igor's assessment--that the 'pandemic' is 'over for the unvaccinated'--is quite accurate. I doubt that politicians and/or public health authorities will acknowledge anything about that.

I'd rather ask: what will they serve (feed) us once the Russia-Ukraine mess runs out of steam?

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Apr 4, 2022Liked by epimetheus

To answer your closing question, look to the press-release coming from Lidl, Aldi and otheras reported by Berliner Zeitung: 30% increase in price on basic foods. 30% at least, to start with.

This will be blamed on the usual culprit: the white indigenous european. Or as I like to provoke people by calling it: the new "Ewige Jude", since it's the same rhetoric, the same ideas and basically the same ideology. The only real difference is the ones designated Evil and Good, respectively.

The only solution will be more migration from Africa/MENA, more islam, more and higher taxs, more welfare, and more coercive control.

Oh, and more grooming in schools. See the european press rage about the Hungarian election results. What prime minister can boast a 55% support?

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deletedApr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022
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Apr 5, 2022Liked by epimetheus

Inside 50 years it doesn't matter anyway, for the EU, excepting Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary.

Because demography is destiny: how a nation is, is dependent on the people living there.

Here's an example from my teaching days:

Compare and contrast Norway and Venezuela. Why is one an ideal nation, and he other a warning example?

Because of the cultures/races/people invlved, and only because of that. Wave a magic wand, swapping out the populations, and inside five years Venezuela would be tidy, ordered and prosperous whereas Norway would be the same corrupt shithole Venezuela of today is.

Because of the race inhabiting it. And how many millions of arabs and africans enter the EU every year?

Typical european woman has 2-3 children, the first at age 30-35.

Typical arab woman has 4-8 children, the first at age 20-25.

Typical african woman has 6-8 children, the first at age 16-20.

Start with 150 000 000 europeans, 10 000 000 arabs, and 5 000 000 africans. The latter two groups also grows by migration, 2m and 1m respectively each year. After how many years are the europeans a minority?

Stopping migration from MENA/Africa would slow this, but for Europe to survive at all 90%+ of all african and MENA migrants, including offspring, must return home.

The above is of course based on Sweden, but the principle applies universally: imagine if all the uighurs of China were allowed to travel to Austria and apply for asylum. There's about 10 000 000 uighurs, all moslem, little to no education, very prolific, doesn't use contraceptives.

Syuff like that is not opinion or value any more than calculating how an increase in the number of deers raises cases of meningitis or lyme disease: one simply follows the other.

So our race, in both meanings, is done unless extrem politics are enacted and now, and that's something virtually everyone in eastern Europe and Russia realises.

Hence the hate spewed in media: our neighbours show us that the EU is a Fritzl-basement, nothingelse.

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Ha, I'd also add: war leads to social and state dis-integration, which can occur quite rapidly at times.

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deletedApr 5, 2022·edited Apr 5, 2022
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To answer you both: mulitculturalism and heterogenous nations (or empires, kingdoms, whatever the administrative label really) only works under a brutal autocratic totalitarian regime. Either one which follows a more or less Platonic ideal of the State as itself and its own goal, as something separate from culture et al, or where one ethnicity is perpetually on top using brutality, coercion and patron/client-systems to keep other factions balanced (Irak under Saddam f.e.).

Neither one is necessary for peace, prosperity or mutual respect for and betwen different races, cultures or nations.

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deletedApr 4, 2022·edited Apr 4, 2022
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You're welcome, PolarNinja.

The contractual shenanigans are one thing--but your comment presupposes that states cannot change or simply ignore their own laws.

I do agree with the lose/lose situation for the above-stated reasons, and while I hope GVB is wrong (but I, sadly, think he's more correct than not), I suspect that the most likely outcome to be something like this:

* the current ratio between 'real' vs. 'incidental' Covid is 1 : 13 in Norway, which allows the powers-that-be to bring up any other number of 'health issues'. In other words: the future lack of data will be perfect to do so.

* if (when) push comes to shove, the public will be so disoriented/panicked that they cannot really put cause (mRNA injections) and effects (VAIDS) together. In such situations of disorientation, 'scapegoats' are typically paraded around town.

The price will be paid by all of us, but some will pay a heavier price than others, for sure.

One of the things I'm asking myself is--how do societies deal with such calamities? I mean, leaving aside material issues and the like, but cognitively, emotionally, mentally, and psychologically? Will 'we' also give in to despair?

As to the 'we' factor: my primary guess is that anyone who relates to someone else (e.g., children, parents, friends, etc.) will be infinitely better off, due to the 'simple' fact that a purpose in life provides focus and, to some extent, happiness, and esp. the latter is known to render people more resilient.

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