Aug 8, 2022Liked by epimetheus

is the gov't out there to 'get us'?


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so the heirs of the vikings, in former days the scourge of europe, have become a herd of docile sheep.

with the government openly discussing on how to lead them to the slaughterhouse....

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"...why on God’s green earth would anyone who’s taken three of these jabs already and got infected anyways line up for another shot of these injectable products?" Excellent question. I saw an announcement by a government-funded charity on Facebook giving notice of booster availability. I saw zero pushback in the comments. To the contrary. One person said he had been sick with a corona a few weeks ago. How long did he have to wait to get his booster? Another person wrote he was sick with corona right at that moment. How long did he have to wait to get the booster?


A comedian recently pointed out that these things are no longer injections. They're acupuncture.

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Non-scientific speculation:

By winter proper (Novemeber onwards) a new mutation will have started to become a proble, since it will be even more infectious, especially to people who are vaccinated since the vaccine hampers the body's ability to adjust to mutations, as we saw with Omicron last winter.

So mid-December, expect them to try and force people to get a 4/5 shot no matter what, saying it's the only way to stop the spread and so on. Covid policies are like shampoo after all: rinse and repeat.

Meanwhile, the only people I know or know about who get Covid more than once (by that I mean get so sick they are actually flat on their backs like with the regular flu) are the vaccinated, especially those who are in poor health, advanced age or in bad shape.

The latter especially. I know people 15 years younger who has now had Covid 3+ times, getting sicker than from a cold but not quite as severe a fever as with flu or pneumonia. Overweight almost to american levels, smokers, no physical activities, casual drinkers, goes clubbing every weekend meaning they wreck their sleep cycle every weekend, and they also all have careers with little to no physical activity involved.

They seem to get it easier and worse than octogenarians. One lady on my wife's circuit (she works as ambulatory caregiver to elders right now) is 90+, and has lived and worked on her farm all her life until the body was no longer up to it. That lady has Covid right now, it's like a stubborn cold apparently.

I think this purely anecdotal data points to something important media and medical informers have purposefully neglected to emphasise, for a lot of reasons: good shep equals virtually no danger.

Why they won't emphasise that aspect, well I have some ideas but I'll save you from them for now.

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