Depressing but good article as always.

I’m convinced that this is all to do with digital currency, the vaccine being the gateway to the vaccine passport and so forth.

What I don’t get is that they could implement the same system using the much safer pfizermectin. I get that you cant hide a pill under your tongue but not a vaccine. I get it. But still. They could say that they have to issue the magic pill from a central authority. And they have to do it every six months in case more deadly variants appear etc etc.

But there is this push to vaccinate. And they know it’s dangerous. Of course they do. It’s evil.

Here is a promise I would bet my home on: there will never never never be any protests in my town against the vaccine program. I can back this up by showing you all the shops that happily excluded the unvaccinated before it was law!

This is a rich town in a rich part of Germany and these are the most compliant of the compliant.

And guess what ? I am wrong. Dead wrong. Last night there was a huge protest.

You must understand that the worst thing to be if you are German is to be a Nazi. The second worse thing is to be called a Nazi. And these people are risking that. That’s a big deal for a German. People have had enough.

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Hi cm27874,

thanks for the insights from Germany. I'm originally from one of the other German-language areas of Central Europe, hence I'm very well aware of what you described about the two worst things to be called.

It's good to see that there's some push-back. Better late than never, I guess. Over in Covidistan, there's a lot of protesting going on, and now Chancellor Nehammer is calling on the protestors to 'tone it down' and 'descalate' (which is quite rich coming from one of the chief troublemakers in the past two years), but I think protests won't subside before Christmas, and they will continue afterwards.

More on Covidistan soon, but I'm also in agreement with your assessment of these evil policies. Yet, everytime I mention this at home, my spouse insists that it's ineptitude and, above all, laziness on part of the 'citizenry' (if we may call us that): nobody want's to move because it's too f***** inconvenient to be bothered.

Yet, as is well known, there's decades where nothing happens, and then there are days when decades happen.

I continue to be optimistic that we'll get out of this hole.

I have to be, if 'only' for the sake of our children.

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Yet, as is well known, there's decades where nothing happens, and then there are days when decades happen.

This👆🏻Times a million.

This will end. Just not in ways that we expect it to.

The English premier league footballers. Latest heart issue was Man United player this weekend.

People see it.

And don’t keep me waiting to long for the Austrian updates please :)

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Hi again, Ryk, and I'd like to offer my apologies for mistakenly calling you 'cm27874'.

Re ManU: yeah, I've seen this. Now Billie Eilish, who fell ill after the jab, is out stating she's survived Covid because of the jab. A statement that is, apparently, partially true (that is, the 'because of the jab' part, not the 'reasoning' behind it).

Re the Austrian update: I know, it's just my day job (and grading season) that's keeping me from doing these pieces. Give me until tonight or tomorrow, o.k.?

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And please take your time I only mean to imply that i look forward to those pieces. Many thanks.

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Agüero (Barcelona) retires because constant arritmias in the heart. Nothing to do with vaccines obviously.

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They are scared, and with a good reason. They highly suspect that the only bullet in the chamber, the vaccines, does not work at all. And we have a highly COVID-naive population, with about 3% ever infected

And the suspicion of OAS has been growing everywhere in the last two months. For example in the British reports and the Israeli airport study.

I think it is going to be much worse now than last year.

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Hi 'fra Norge',

I sense this as well. At this point, after re-reading the assessment, I think it's safe to assume they know (and admitted to) vaccine failure.

There's a good deal of preliminary data that suggests that Omicron is actually a much bigger problem for the 'vaccinated' than for the 'unvaccinated' (go to Steve Kirsch's substack and follow the links: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/why-omicron-will-soon-become-very), which doesn't mean one should take it lightly.

Agreed on the OAS issues raised--and on the conclusion: I do think it'll probably be worse than last year, 'if only' due to the high 'vaccine' uptake in Norway coupled with the highly Covid-naive population. If the issues Kirsch highlights are coming to pass, this will be a big problem.

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Regarding the public health system breakdown, it is a disaster. Nurses and doctors missing everywhere, and always the same excuse, "it takes to long to educate them...". I get infuriated every time. If they had opened three schools of medicine and 10 of nursing there would be no problem. All schools are filled and they are not enough, and they have not been enough for decades!!

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Well, same here--agreed, and it's the same everywhere else in Western Europe, isn't it?

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You should know that this piece of yours received rare 2 LIKES on my GETTR :)!

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That is excellent news. What is 'GETTR'?

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A better version of Parler. It is where most of the conservative people have migrated to. El Presidente of Brazil is on there.

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Thanks for the detailed analysis, some disturbing twists and turns in the official data. Jabs don’t work, or make everything worse, but we should have more of them, and more frequent. Insanity..

I did spot a minor typo in section 1 under table ten. ‘the problem is with large immigrants in Oslo who refuse to get jabbed’, I’m sure you meant large immigrant groups, but sounds funny and it put a smile on me while reading that heap of quite sad stuff. I would leave it as it is - ‘those large immigrants..’

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Hi Manu Rus,

thanks for the kind words (and esp. for spotting that typo; also, as funny as it may be, I've elected to correct it).

Speaking about insanity, https://fackel.substack.com/p/time-announced-elon-musk-is-their


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That’s just silly. Irrelevant distraction to the current affair. 400 MP’s in the UK just voted to extend mask requirements for venues and other stuff, versus 41 against. I’m talking about that insanity.

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Let me rephrase that, sorry I was in a hurry. The Tesla guy stuff is tabloid, irrelevant stuff. The history of the Time covers is an interesting one however. Case in point May 7 1945. I don’t think the editors were always meaning ‘the best guy this year’ more like ‘the most visible guy this year’. In which case this year’s one would be...pick your choice.

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I agree.

Did you check out the 'true' reason for me bringing it up? Covidistan media fell for that piece…


Is there a 'worst person of the year' award? My guess would be Fauci (second year in a row, though).

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Yes, I liked your piece about the Times covers history. For me personally the true face of this pandemic is, and always will be, Tedros.

You might find some value in my latest thoughts https://manurus.substack.com/p/the-perpetuation-of-nothing

Or maybe not. Cheers.

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Zoom into an Omicron, and you'll notice that is has a foot on its little head. Next variant will be dog-headed.

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Agreed. Puppies, I take it?

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Omicron, Pokemon. Last year, my oldest did a covid-as-pokemon cartoon project for school. Here's the enemy: https://postimg.cc/9wBqktfh

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Liars will always move on to other lies. Why? Because they can! Until they are pinned down and forced to admit their lies, they will continue. And we willl continue to play catch-ups.

"In other words: the stringent new measures announced earlier today are (see a primer here) are implemented because of the high vaccine uptake." I think I recall they used to blame the unvaxed.

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Hi Barry,

yes, as I detail in that piece, they tried to do so, but it appears to fall flat because of the sheer stupidity of the 'argument'.

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I dissent. They would have not bothered with that nonsense if they knew they would be laughed at. Proof? You still need more proofs? Liars don't lie for nothing if people don't believe them! Just as I would not claim that you owed me $1million.

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With 91% vaccinated nobody believes that because 4 "new fellow Norwegians" in Oslo they are having hospital collapse in Tromsø.

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Looking your 91% and 95% in NSW Australia, I am not so sure about "nobody believes."

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I was wrong and you were right. Today has been a circus. Newspapers even writing "we are being held hostage by a minority".

At least the prime minister was on the news saying that it is "wrong to blame a group of people for the problems, specially when it is not their fault".

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That's true, it's been a veritable shit-show of late, esp. as these 'hit pieces' appear to be increasing in recent days. At least the PM was outspoken about it, but then again: it's not about facts or objective truth or the like.

Finally, two questions to ponder:

a) why would anyone in his of her right mind blame anyone for falling ill with a disease? (hint: Covid isn't alcoholism of smoking)

b) this must be the first time in the history of mankind that society needs kids to be 'vaxxed' not to protect *them* but everyone else.

Clown world, anyone?

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See https://twitter.com/Covid19Crusher

for the latest data on omicon. Essentially it is an omiburger.

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"There you have it. It’s immune ****espace**** writ large...."

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Thanks, Barry, for spotting this! I fixed it.

What do you think about the report?

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Yours or theirs?

Theirs? I would piss on it! I don't, as a matter of habit, listen to liars.

Thanks for the analysis. I scanned your words; not theirs.

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Ha, good one.

By the way, their report isn't worth your piss--the further you scroll down, the more inconsistencies and, yes, typos are there. It was 'compiled' in a hurry and, apparently, no-one double-checked it.

Stupidity writ large.

I still owe you a larger response to your kind posts in the 'Open Thread'; I haven't forgotten about it.

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Dec 14, 2021
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Hi Billy, thanks for spotting this--you're correct about this: I was in a hurry and didn't proof-read the piece. I thought the importance of the report might warrant this, but then again I'm very grateful for your help on this.


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Dec 14, 2021
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Hei igjen, Billy,

I'm in full agreement with the significance of that particular sentence and why this is done. I'm also in agreement with the other issues you mentioned, esp. with respect to the long-term strategy (or lack thereof). Given the impossibility of knowing about the impact of the 'booster jabs', that might be the most plausible way right now.

I do admit that I was surprised by the FHI's admission that these measures are to protect the vaccinated. Well, we'll see.

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I am glad that they admit that the current strategy of vaccines and reduced contact does not work. And they are not the only ones now. For example here https://finansavisen.no/nyheter/helse/2021/12/01/7782451/dette-er-veldig-gode-nyheter-for-softox?internal_source=sistenytt

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