What do your academic colleagues think of your extremely based and redpilled articles?

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These things don’t cross their minds.

When I talked to one of my closer colleagues about ‘climate change’ not too long ago, he said he’d not read any papers himself (he’s not an expert, you see), hence he ‘trusts the science’.

Full professor.

Sure, humanities, but extremely trustful (still) of ‘the science(tm)’.

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Anyone who knows about any type of modelling knows how limited they are and you have to list all the caveats. Tweak one bit and it all changes. Not to mention garbage in/garbage out. Interesting to discuss but I'm not going to sit in the dark in a coffin apartment eating bugs while rich people fly in private jets and eat caviar and tell me to kill myself.

Simple as.

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To answer the question of why a panic in Europe?

24/7/365 propaganda for decades.

In the 1970s and 1980s, it was tangible and demonstarbly dangerous emissions from capitalist corporations that was the focus of any environmentalist movement.

Then, as the Wall came down, Green parties started to take place in parliaments. Soon, they became the pests we now them as today, lavishing punitive taxes and fees on the common people while not saying word one about ftalates, PFAS, glyfosat, bromides in electrnics, vaccines, hormonal waste in water, windmills massacring birds, and so on. Not a peep.

Call me Mr Suspiscious but it sure does seem they were captured one and all by global capitalism in the mid-to-late 1990s.

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Re the European 'panic': exactly. From an impending ice age (1970s) to 'pesticides' and 'acid rain' (remember that one?) in the 1980s to 'global warming' (1990s) to the present. The issue is, apparently, never the issue; it's always about increasing state-corporate control.

There is also plenty of evidence that, around 1990, 'the Greens' were 'brought into the fold' of the mainstream.

As an aside, on the 'don't say a word about' issues, well, the parallels to the 'anti-war™' movement today are obvious: what goes on in 'Gaza' is a 'genocide' but not a peep about, e.g., the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dead in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen…

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"Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose." ~ Saul Alinsky

“The issue is never the issue. The issue is always the revolution.”

-Popular SDS saying

The goal is the subjugation of society. “Climate change” is just another excuse to make it happen….

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As far as I can tell from your incessant bracketed interventions, we agree that climate catastrophism and the purported relation between anthropogenic emmisions and global temperature are unfounded.

However, when you fail to make a clear distinction between climate predictions and resource depletion documented in the historical record, you muddy the waters.

Climate predictions are falsely claimed to result from simulation modeling, a method of scientific inquiry that cannot make accurate predictions, but only provide insights as to where things might be headed.

Whereas, the massive resource consumption and depletion (on a finite planet) and its attendant ecological damage, which the use of fossil fuels has enabled over the last two centuries, is a fact easily discovered in the historical record, however much people want to deny it. The implication of such depletion is the eventual end of industrial civilization, and rests on the laws of thermodynamics, some of the most settled science we know.

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I remember when we Lived. As in, we made things for ourselves, repaired them, did not waste anything, bought and grew real food, and cooked. The modern opulation has been taught to rely on others, to think of cooking a meal as reheating factory food like product - yay, well done, look at how clever you are cooking at home instead of getting a take away or going out to eat. If you want something you buy it, rather than think about how to make it. Then when it bores you, you buy another.

It seems to me that through television, advertising and social media, over the last 40-50 years the populations have had major psyop to lose independentce, in actions and thought. Populations have been brainwashed into collectivism and lack of individuality. In this way all sorts of ideas are pushed and increased in emphasis so it becomes ever more difficult to be really true to oneself. The more who get sucjed in the harder it is for others to escape. Self fulfilling. Sure it's taken time, but once in motion, where we seem to be now, it's like the ever faster, ever bigger, ever consuming snowball racing downhill.

The lack of joined up thinking and basic common sense is, to me, quite staggering. That folk talk about cow farts - they don't fart btw, they are fore end fermenters, unlike vegetarian humans who do fart as they are hind end fermenters - and yet nothing is done to reduce air travel, chemical water pollution etc etc is nonsensical. Can people not see that perhaps the thousands of tonnes of detergents put into the water supply is causing a problem which can immediately be removed by stopping using detergents rather than killing cows? Rhetorical question. Of course they can not see it because they are told what the problem 'really' is and detergents continue to be sold and advertised freely. Just a small example. we cannot have a bonfire in our garden, but the planes keep flying.

Yes, it beggars belief. Yet here we are. I agree with you epimetheus, and Rikard. Maybe the snowball will smash at the bottom, but what of humanity will be left in its path we can only wait and see. Can we stop it? Somehow I fear not.

Thank you, again.

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