I was forwarded this info today. Wasn't entirely sure if it was genuine, very glad to see you confirm it here. The questions are very incisive and really go to the core of the matter such as requesting absolute and relative risk reductions offered by vaccination. If they receive honest answers, that could be it. The END =)

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Knew I should have learned more german than from listening to Einstürzende Neubauten way back when! Oh well, will look forward for a summary in lingua franca. Great find, thanks for bringing it to attention.

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Just give me some time, I'll post more on this before too long.

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No need to hurry for my sake. I'm just continously impressed by what you (and other 'Stackers) aremanaging to do - you are collectively fighting global media blackouts and several state media agencies without a millionth of their resources.

It's Horatius at the bridge, no two euro-cents about it!

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Ha! Maybe it is over. Fingers crossed for Covidistan's subjects, formerly (but perhaps also soon-to-again-be) known as citizens. The funny thing is that the Constitutional Court striking this down may in fact be in the putschists' best interests, in that it makes it less likely they'll wind up in prison later, once the dust settles. ("We didn't have any mandates! Look: the Constitutional Court said 'no,' and we obliged!)

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BMJ editorial asking for release, now, of raw clinical trial data? It is concerning that data is not being released in a timely manner by pfizer moderna et al. The data must be released in its entirety including any flaws or inconsistencies of any kind.


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Nothing make s the Courts grow balls, there must be another agenda?


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That, my friend, is a valid point.

In this case, though, I'll reserve judgement.

For now, you'll have to take my word for this (as I haven't had the time to translate the entire questionnaire yet), but basically the Constitutional Court is asking about all the things (presumptions) of the executive branch that underwrote its power grab.

I think two things may be true (and they may well be both true at the same time, mind you):

1) The court is genuinely interested in moving a bit closer to the mass-protesting people, lest 'more serious implications' are coming; in that case, the most likely 'agenda' is--self-preservation of the state's structures.

2) So far, the high-powered jurists didn't really fancy to think once about the (garbage) the régime has been doing; in that case, it's a case of 'better late than never'. As an aside, the judge who signed is from the 'right-wing', hence, he may have had no support in the court so far, but now the judges smell--fear.

I'll have a somewhat more long-ish elaboration on these matters in the pipeline, hence I must ask for your patience until tomorrow.

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I look forward to it!

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true the tide is turning. over the last few days, CDC former director had an interview on fox etc. BMJ editorial requesting release of raw trial data, now, plus all those lifting of restrictions out of the blue in UK, Ireland, now denmark .... the tide is turning.

I think this will be the prelude to later in spring of more relevations with pfizer papers (the judge in texas, another "with balls") to release it all in few months, probably a preparation for midterm elections.

you got fauci being thrown under the bus sometimes in april/may and then starts the blame game ... plus civil unrest and all bets are off .... huge agenda not just covid/vaxx massacres ... that is why trump is being pushed up front - part of that scenario.

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