There was no order to begin with, hence the entire cascade of abuses was illegal from the get-go, yet those who committed these crimes refuse to take responsibility
- Dr. Sam Sigoloff is one of the first 3 of the DMED data whistleblowers together with Drs. Theresa Long and Pete Chambers. Their attorney, Tom Renz, spoke at Senator Johnson's January 4, 2022 roundtable, testimony which is transcribed here:
- This is an Internet interview, Dr. Sigoloff, in his home studio in Arizona, appears on the left side of the screen and Janette Rampfer, RN, outdoors, is on the right side.
DR. SAM SIGOLOFF: OK. The 10 USC 1107 Alpha that's the one that is the US code that states that it's unlawful and illegal to tell service members to participate in anything that's under EUA [emergency use authorization]. So that's masks, that's the testing for covid, that's the shot. It's all of that. And it, that's how they, I don't know how they were able to do this, but they convicted Mark Bashaw [1] of not getting the shot, not getting the testing, and not wearing the mask, even though it's unlawful under 10 USC 1107 Alpha.
JANNETTE REMPFER, RN: Right. I think the, the key point of information I was given, which was, I was privy to, not to most people, was that the JAG[2] officer that we had on our team, he wound up pulling up all sorts of information that was unlawful, going down to the point where Lloyd Austin[3] was also exempt from getting it because Congress signed off that he was the one mandating it for all the military and he himself hadn't even gotten it. So nobody in Congress was getting it, it was just really interesting coming from the government stand side.
Now what was happening in the hospital? Again, no names. I know handfuls of people that turned in fake cards. Got pregnant on purpose. That wound up getting a vaccine off post so-to-say and turned in— Things were just not quite organized in Hawaii. So you can get your vaccine at any drug store and it wasn't at the hospital, so any card just presented with the date. There were people selling them and just turning them in just to say they got it but they never received it. So there was a lot going on behind closed doors, and the hard part was not being able to speak because of UCMJ.[4]
DR. SAM SIGOLOFF: Yeah, it's interesting how they can kind of hamstring you and make you think that, oh, we're going to take legal action against you, even though you're talking about things that aren't mission-related. There're, it's, you know, I received the unlawful order that I cannot talk about covid 19 vaccine or virus during the duty day and in uniform. Well that's against the first amendment because it has nothing to do with my military duty.
JANNETTE REMPFER, RN: Well, I wound up having most people come to me privately and quietly, knowing that I was against what the government was doing with the military as far as this mandate. So people were starting to come to me and saying, hey, how can you help me? And I said, I can help you legally. I can't tell you what you can and can't do, but I can tell you if you need information to get you to not take this, that I can do. And the religious accommodation was one and medical. And I have helped numerous physicians, anesthesiologists, nurses, even soldiers, all dig their heels into the ground, not get it, and they're still fine. They're still in the military. Never got out.
I got out with honorable discharge because I got tired of not— um— What I had was the truth behind me, and I had enough guts to just start speaking out loud. And that's kind of where the tension was rising, but I was doing it in a professional way. But I had the power and nobody liked it. And at the end of the day we were right.
# # #
[1] See: "95. Mark Bashaw, Former 1LT in the Army"
From the rumble page show note: "Today I talk with former 1LT Mark Bashaw. He has been a previous guest on this show. He was taken to a Court Martial and convicted by the judge for not participating in Emergency Use Authorized masking and testing. He was given no punishment. The Judge recommended that his commanding General throw out the conviction, the General had a different plan."
[2] JAG stands for Judge Advocate General's Corps.
"JAG’s mission involves providing legal services to both military personnel and the organization. One primary duty is to ensure legal readiness. This involves advising commanders on military justice, operational law, and civil law. Officers also handle legal issues affecting military operations."
Note, also, that while the US is making amends now under Mr. Trump, nothing like this is forthcoming from the German gov't. It makes me wonder who the gov't think would do the fighting, if push came to shove…
Epimethius— It really was so head-scratchingly bizarre. We could ask the same question about any one of a number of professions, e.g., who did they think was going to fight the fires, or take care of patients in the hospital, or teach the kids? So many of the best people walked away or got fired, and they're not coming back. Some took the jabs and died, and many more have developed "baffling" medical conditions.
Readers might also find of interest the interview Dr. Sam Sigoloff gave to the Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance, and the Q & A (second excerpt) was questions mainly from doctors, one of them retired military. It's really heartbreaking. My guess would be that similar scenes played out in Canada, Australia, NZ, Ireland, UK, and all of Western Europe.
This is what happens when Empire controls everything in vassal countries (for decades), Deep State, military, politicians, media,…; people are conditioned to accept this as normal. There has been no power center to demand and deliver even minimal systemic change, without which the result will always be entropy. Civilization demands a constant inflow of positive energy. Western peoples must find this energy in order to save themselves from the Predators at the very top of the power pyramid. Always keep in mind that politicians are mere servants of the Predators class. Merely swapping politicians will never deliver the sufficient medicine to save us. There is continuity in predation.
You write: 'people are conditioned to accept this as normal'.
And this is the main issue; I observe this every day in 'Soviet Norway' (this is The Telegraph's terminology from 2 weeks ago), with the acquired inability to act without prior approval from above being the primary manifestation.
To illustrate this, permit me an anecdote: I was in a work-related meeting last week, and at one point I was confronted with the allegation of my professional stance being 'clouded by personal opinions'. The topic at-hand was the EU Parliament, which I hold isn't a legislature, to which my esteemed colleague--himself a political science [sic] professor objected, and he did so not by referring to anything about the function, distribution of authority between the EU Parliament, Commission, and Council, no, his 'argument™' was merely to remind me that 'the curriculur literature says it is a legislature'. (I kept my quiet but I was tempted to tell him that this isn't even a shit argument, for he logically also exonerated, say, eugenics, fascism, and a whole host of other rather unpalatable notions as they, too, once were 'in the curricular literature' of university courses.
Needless to say, academia is full of this kind of people.
"There is something essentially unpleasant in the need to express and judge all opinions and evaluations in accepted clichés and labels. It implies a devaluation of the work or of the idea involved, and it denies the subtle human differences between people and the phenomena their words describe. In Totalitaria, man is so anxietyridden, so fearful of any deviation from the prescribed opinions and ways of thinking that he only allows himself to express himself in the terms his dictators provide. To the citizen of Totalitaria, the acknowledged label becomes more important than the eternal variation that is life.
As words lose their communicative function, they acquire more and more of a frightening, regulatory, and conditioning function. Official words must be believed and must be obeyed. Dissension and disagreement become both a physical and an emotional luxury. Vituperation, and the power that lies behind it, is the only sanctioned logic. Facts contrary to the official line are distorted and suppressed; any form of mental compromise is treason. In Totalitaria, there is no search for truth, only the enforced acceptance of the totalitarian dogmas and clichés. The most frightening thing of all is that parallel to the increase in our means of communication, our mutual understanding has decreased. A Babel-like confusion has taken hold of political and non-political minds as a result of semantic disorder and too much verbal noise."
The Rape of the Mind | Joost A. M. Meerloo, M.D. (1956)
Thanks for this. It's as if a fog of madness descended upon so many people.
"106. Jannette Rempfer, Former Army RN."
Dr. Sigoloff, October 11, 2023
- Dr. Sam Sigoloff's rumble page is
- Dr. Sam Sigoloff is one of the first 3 of the DMED data whistleblowers together with Drs. Theresa Long and Pete Chambers. Their attorney, Tom Renz, spoke at Senator Johnson's January 4, 2022 roundtable, testimony which is transcribed here:
- This is an Internet interview, Dr. Sigoloff, in his home studio in Arizona, appears on the left side of the screen and Janette Rampfer, RN, outdoors, is on the right side.
DR. SAM SIGOLOFF: OK. The 10 USC 1107 Alpha that's the one that is the US code that states that it's unlawful and illegal to tell service members to participate in anything that's under EUA [emergency use authorization]. So that's masks, that's the testing for covid, that's the shot. It's all of that. And it, that's how they, I don't know how they were able to do this, but they convicted Mark Bashaw [1] of not getting the shot, not getting the testing, and not wearing the mask, even though it's unlawful under 10 USC 1107 Alpha.
JANNETTE REMPFER, RN: Right. I think the, the key point of information I was given, which was, I was privy to, not to most people, was that the JAG[2] officer that we had on our team, he wound up pulling up all sorts of information that was unlawful, going down to the point where Lloyd Austin[3] was also exempt from getting it because Congress signed off that he was the one mandating it for all the military and he himself hadn't even gotten it. So nobody in Congress was getting it, it was just really interesting coming from the government stand side.
Now what was happening in the hospital? Again, no names. I know handfuls of people that turned in fake cards. Got pregnant on purpose. That wound up getting a vaccine off post so-to-say and turned in— Things were just not quite organized in Hawaii. So you can get your vaccine at any drug store and it wasn't at the hospital, so any card just presented with the date. There were people selling them and just turning them in just to say they got it but they never received it. So there was a lot going on behind closed doors, and the hard part was not being able to speak because of UCMJ.[4]
DR. SAM SIGOLOFF: Yeah, it's interesting how they can kind of hamstring you and make you think that, oh, we're going to take legal action against you, even though you're talking about things that aren't mission-related. There're, it's, you know, I received the unlawful order that I cannot talk about covid 19 vaccine or virus during the duty day and in uniform. Well that's against the first amendment because it has nothing to do with my military duty.
JANNETTE REMPFER, RN: Well, I wound up having most people come to me privately and quietly, knowing that I was against what the government was doing with the military as far as this mandate. So people were starting to come to me and saying, hey, how can you help me? And I said, I can help you legally. I can't tell you what you can and can't do, but I can tell you if you need information to get you to not take this, that I can do. And the religious accommodation was one and medical. And I have helped numerous physicians, anesthesiologists, nurses, even soldiers, all dig their heels into the ground, not get it, and they're still fine. They're still in the military. Never got out.
I got out with honorable discharge because I got tired of not— um— What I had was the truth behind me, and I had enough guts to just start speaking out loud. And that's kind of where the tension was rising, but I was doing it in a professional way. But I had the power and nobody liked it. And at the end of the day we were right.
# # #
[1] See: "95. Mark Bashaw, Former 1LT in the Army"
Dr. Sigoloff, July 27, 2023
From the rumble page show note: "Today I talk with former 1LT Mark Bashaw. He has been a previous guest on this show. He was taken to a Court Martial and convicted by the judge for not participating in Emergency Use Authorized masking and testing. He was given no punishment. The Judge recommended that his commanding General throw out the conviction, the General had a different plan."
[2] JAG stands for Judge Advocate General's Corps.
"JAG’s mission involves providing legal services to both military personnel and the organization. One primary duty is to ensure legal readiness. This involves advising commanders on military justice, operational law, and civil law. Officers also handle legal issues affecting military operations."
— Source:
[3] Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense. For biographical note, see:
[4] UCMJ stands for Uniform Code of Military Justice. See:
This is both very sad and incredibly sick.
Note, also, that while the US is making amends now under Mr. Trump, nothing like this is forthcoming from the German gov't. It makes me wonder who the gov't think would do the fighting, if push came to shove…
Epimethius— It really was so head-scratchingly bizarre. We could ask the same question about any one of a number of professions, e.g., who did they think was going to fight the fires, or take care of patients in the hospital, or teach the kids? So many of the best people walked away or got fired, and they're not coming back. Some took the jabs and died, and many more have developed "baffling" medical conditions.
Readers might also find of interest the interview Dr. Sam Sigoloff gave to the Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance, and the Q & A (second excerpt) was questions mainly from doctors, one of them retired military. It's really heartbreaking. My guess would be that similar scenes played out in Canada, Australia, NZ, Ireland, UK, and all of Western Europe.
Dr. Sam Sigoloff Tells His Story (1st Excerpt)
Q & A with Dr. Sam Sigoloff (2nd Excerpt)
"Dr. Sam Sigoloff, a family medicine physician and US Army Major"
Virginia Medical Freedom Alliance, June 14, 2023
The one conclusion I think that everyone can draw is this: the powers-that-be hate everyone else with a vengeance.
I mean, look around: the damage is clearly visible, yet 'they' continue pushing this or that crap.
Eighty years ago the Allies out German soldiers in prison, for obeying orders.
Now, Germany is about to put its own soldiers in prison for disobeying orders never given, orders that would have been illegal if given.
And then, they wonder why willingness to join the armed forces is at an all-time low in all EU-nations.
Exactly. Might be our saving grace, though.
"Himmelschreiendes Unrecht" - injustice that cries to heaven, that's what this all is.
And then some--mostly contempt for those who claim to 'govern™' in 'our™' names.
This is what happens when Empire controls everything in vassal countries (for decades), Deep State, military, politicians, media,…; people are conditioned to accept this as normal. There has been no power center to demand and deliver even minimal systemic change, without which the result will always be entropy. Civilization demands a constant inflow of positive energy. Western peoples must find this energy in order to save themselves from the Predators at the very top of the power pyramid. Always keep in mind that politicians are mere servants of the Predators class. Merely swapping politicians will never deliver the sufficient medicine to save us. There is continuity in predation.
You write: 'people are conditioned to accept this as normal'.
And this is the main issue; I observe this every day in 'Soviet Norway' (this is The Telegraph's terminology from 2 weeks ago), with the acquired inability to act without prior approval from above being the primary manifestation.
To illustrate this, permit me an anecdote: I was in a work-related meeting last week, and at one point I was confronted with the allegation of my professional stance being 'clouded by personal opinions'. The topic at-hand was the EU Parliament, which I hold isn't a legislature, to which my esteemed colleague--himself a political science [sic] professor objected, and he did so not by referring to anything about the function, distribution of authority between the EU Parliament, Commission, and Council, no, his 'argument™' was merely to remind me that 'the curriculur literature says it is a legislature'. (I kept my quiet but I was tempted to tell him that this isn't even a shit argument, for he logically also exonerated, say, eugenics, fascism, and a whole host of other rather unpalatable notions as they, too, once were 'in the curricular literature' of university courses.
Needless to say, academia is full of this kind of people.
Academia is the worst! Your anecdote confirms this.
Oh, there's so much more where that one came from…
Meerloo is essential reading.
"There is something essentially unpleasant in the need to express and judge all opinions and evaluations in accepted clichés and labels. It implies a devaluation of the work or of the idea involved, and it denies the subtle human differences between people and the phenomena their words describe. In Totalitaria, man is so anxietyridden, so fearful of any deviation from the prescribed opinions and ways of thinking that he only allows himself to express himself in the terms his dictators provide. To the citizen of Totalitaria, the acknowledged label becomes more important than the eternal variation that is life.
As words lose their communicative function, they acquire more and more of a frightening, regulatory, and conditioning function. Official words must be believed and must be obeyed. Dissension and disagreement become both a physical and an emotional luxury. Vituperation, and the power that lies behind it, is the only sanctioned logic. Facts contrary to the official line are distorted and suppressed; any form of mental compromise is treason. In Totalitaria, there is no search for truth, only the enforced acceptance of the totalitarian dogmas and clichés. The most frightening thing of all is that parallel to the increase in our means of communication, our mutual understanding has decreased. A Babel-like confusion has taken hold of political and non-political minds as a result of semantic disorder and too much verbal noise."
The Rape of the Mind | Joost A. M. Meerloo, M.D. (1956)
Good thing I never went for a commission in that Saftladen despite their urging.
Oh, well, good for you, I suppose.
The hypocrisy is so bad at this point, it boggles the mind, doesn't it?