125 Bundeswehr Soldiers Still Prosecuted for Refusal to Get Vaxxed
There was no order to begin with, hence the entire cascade of abuses was illegal from the get-go, yet those who committed these crimes refuse to take responsibility
Every now and then, the powers-that-be reveal themselves to the public. Yes, I have nothing but contempt for esp. politicos™, journos™, and experts™, but in some cases, it is very hard to accept that this is what our societies have become.
I’m, of course, talking about the incredible injustice of soldiers who refused to get injected with the modRNA poison/death juices and who were disciplined, censured, and, at times, jailed, as the case of the remarkably courageous Alexander Bittner illustrates who rather went to prison than to bend his knee:
From prison, he sent an open letter to some of his supporters:
And today, we’ll continue our enquiry into these despicable matters, mainly courtesy of Camilla Hildebrandt who refuses to be silent. Kudos to her.
You see, Alexander Bittner isn’t the only soldier who languishes somewhere between insubordination, disciplinary hearings, fines, and jail time.
And the most patently absurd aspect is—no amount of new information has had any impact whatsoever on the stance of the Bundeswehr brass or military justice (sic), to say nothing about politicos™, journos™, and experts™.
Brace yourself for one of the greater scandals of the Covid scam (translation, emphases, and [snark] mine).
Bundeswehr: Unvaccinated and Jailed
Corona reckoning in 2025? Several Bundeswehr soldiers were sentenced to prison because they refused to be injected with the experimental mRNA coronavirus preparations. At the end of 2024, more than 100 disciplinary proceedings were still pending against soldiers in connection with the administration of these substances. According to the Ministry of Defence, there are ‘no plans’ to discontinue these proceedings. Multipolar spoke to affected soldiers and also went in search of the legal basis. An investigation.
By Camilla Hildebrandt, Multipolar Magazin, 7 Feb. 2025 [source]
Corona is over, we look to the future. For many, this is the view of the past five years. However, this does not apply to Bundeswehr soldiers who decided against getting injected with Covid drugs under the so-called toleration obligation [orig. Duldungspflicht]. While US President Donald Trump issued an executive order on 27 January that provides for the reinstatement of soldiers to their previous rank who were dismissed for refusing a coronavirus vaccination, the receipt of back pay and compensation, legal proceedings against Bundeswehr soldiers are still taking place in Germany [of course they would: the same criminals who oversaw the Covid op are still in place].
‘It would be news to me that any soldier is currently in prison for not being vaccinated. I deny that here’, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said in October 2024 in the Bundestag. Lauterbach’s statement is false. Although the coronavirus vaccination requirement for the Bundeswehr was lifted at the end of May 2024, police officers arrested Sergeant Major Alexander Bittner in his barracks on 16 Sept. 2024. He had refused to pay the probationary fine of 2,500 euros for refusing to obey the Covid vaccination [kinda technical here: the reason Bittner is in jail is his refusal to pay the fine, which is the ‘argument’ underwriting Lauterbach’s comment (yet I’m 112% sure the latter is gaslighting everyone, even though he might be technically not incorrect, but that’s a different kind of thing, even for politico speak™)]. Bittner was imprisoned in Aichach prison in Bavaria until 9 Jan. 2025. He was then released early after four months due to good behaviour. He had been due to serve six months.
Former corporal Jan Reiners began his 40-day sentence in Lingen prison on 12 July 2024 for refusing to obey the Covid vaccination. The first responders’ association Blaulichfamilie decided to buy him out [i.e., they paid his fine] two days later due to his mental condition.
Sergeant Major S. (name known to the editors), 30, formerly stationed in Bavaria, received his sentence at the beginning of June 2024. His application for an appeal was rejected.
It’s always the same pattern, in my case it was 60 daily sentences [orig. Tagsätze, i.e., penalty sum per day] of 40 euros each for refusing to obey orders for the Covid vaccination. Nevertheless, it was a partial success, because I was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment, three years’ probation and a fine of 2,000 euros at the district court [i.e., for refusing to get injected with these modRNA poison/death juices, Sgt. Maj. S. became a felon].
Sergeant Major S. is currently expecting that, in addition to the civilian conviction, he will also be summoned to appear before the military service court, ‘with the aim of probably giving me a dishonourable discharge and stripping me of all benefits’ [and the politicos™, journos™, and experts™ alike talk of war vs. Russia: who, pray tell, will do the fighting?]
125 Disciplinary Proceedings Still Pending
A response to an enquiry to the Ministry of Defence about the number of proceedings against soldiers who have refused orders for Covid vaccination for the period 2022 to 2024, reads:
If you are referring to disciplinary proceedings, it must be noted that the aforementioned judicial disciplinary proceedings are related to breaches of official duty in connection with coronavirus vaccinations.
This means that these proceedings therefore not only relate to the refusal of vaccination, but also include false statements and falsification of documents. As of 31 December 2024, ‘125 disciplinary proceedings initiated by the courts for breaches of official duty in connection with coronavirus vaccinations had not yet been legally concluded.’ There are ‘currently no plans’ to discontinue the proceedings. The ministry refers to the principle that the penalty is generally determined by the law applicable at the time of the offence.
Mrs L. (name known to the editors) was a chief petty officer in the navy and was promoted to professional soldier after six years of service. She worked in a high security area with responsibility for personnel, material, and training. The career appraisal from January 2020 still stated that ‘this unusually capable, intelligent, and reliable soldier’ should be considered for a transfer to the officer career path ‘due to her obvious aptitude for leadership and management’. At the time, it was mandatory for soldiers to be vaccinated against tetanus, diphtheria, polio, whooping cough, mumps-measles-rubella, hepatitis A and B, and influenza in accordance with the basic vaccination schedule. When the coronavirus vaccination was added in November 2021, Ms. L. quickly realised that she could not accept this order.
The Bundeswehr doctor in charge was annoyed by her questions, says L., ‘she didn’t even know the European Medicines Agency’ (EMA), which is responsible for the evaluation and safety review of medicines in the EU. Official channels were followed immediately after the vaccination order was issued, and problems of conscience were declared to all the relevant authorities. But after the doctor was also unable to provide informed consent, L. handed in her notice of termination of contract [with the Bundeswehr] to the Schleswig-Holstein barracks on the same day. Despite her quitting, interrogations for insubordination were initiated the following day.
So far a regular procedure, according to L., but she felt that the amount of the disciplinary fine of over 1,000 euros was a ‘back-stabbing [orig. Nachtreten, i.e., if you’re down and someone keeps hitting you] on the part of the Bundeswehr’. L. lodged an appeal at the beginning of 2022. The rejection notice stated [take note that this is the German MoD speaking here]:
The behaviour you have shown allows conclusions to be drawn about your reliability of character, your sense of responsibility, and your moral integrity [this is all projection], and is likely to significantly impair your standing and trustworthiness [note that these two parts of the sentence do not logically nor linguistically fit together].
The disciplinary fine is therefore appropriate. ‘Despite this hair-raising justification, I was able to continue working for another two months without having my security clearance revoked until my dismissal was confirmed at the end of February 2022’, says L.
According to lawyers, the Covid vaccination order violates Section 17a of the Soldiers Act and Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (‘in particular, no one shall be subjected to medical or scientific experiments without his voluntary consent’) [who would have thought…].
Order for Covid Vaccination ‘Illegal’
Lawyer Edgar Siemund, an expert in military law and retired lieutenant of the reserves, says that the order for Covid vaccination is ‘illegal’ [orig. unzulässig, i.e., it is not for the Bundeswehr to issue]. In his legal opinion, all of these orders requiring soldiers to be vaccinated are an ‘abuse of command authority’. According to Siemund, three areas of responsibility overlap here: the relationship of responsibility between superiors and soldiers, between doctors and soldiers/patients, and between doctors and employers [if this holds up in court, it’ll probably derail the sectoral vaccination requirement for healthcare and other care workers].
The lawyer explains the responsibility of the doctor and patient/soldier:
If the soldier appears in the medical centre and declares that he is only appearing because of the duty to tolerate vaccination, the doctor knows that he is acting against his will. This means that the doctor cannot vaccinate him because he is not allowed to treat the soldier, who is a patient here, against his will [if that is true and holds up in court, it’ll make a lot of doctors liable under the law, esp. those who short-circuited informed consent by handing out forms in pop-up vaccination clinics].
A military doctor is also subject to a professional responsibility; no patient may be treated against his will. Point 2 of the Nuremberg Code holds:
The voluntary and informed consent of the patient after the best possible explanation is a fundamental basis for all treatments in the healthcare system, all therapeutic trials and all medical experiments on humans.
Like many other soldiers, Sergeant Major S. was represented by lawyer Edgar Siemund. ‘We tried everything and argued with the Soldiers Act and the service regulations, I also received all the other prescribed vaccinations, so I was not an opponent of vaccination, but I could not accept the Covid vaccine.’ Moreover, when S. received the order, he already knew of several cases in his circle of acquaintances with serious side effects, such as strokes shortly after the vaccination: ‘Back then, of course, it was all a conspiracy [sic], but today everyone should be aware that the Covid vaccination can have fatal, irreversible side effects.’
Petition for Clemency Rejected
Sergeant Major Alexander Bittner, who left the prison in Aichach in January after four months in accordance with the two-thirds rule [get out of jail earlier due to good behaviour], says that many of his fellow inmates and officials were unable to believe the reason for his imprisonment, as was the head of the prison: ‘He virtually apologised to me a few times and said that we were only the lowest authority and had to carry out what came from above and from the court.’ [sic] Politicians from various parties had visited him [i.e., photo ops] in the prison after numerous letters, but nothing had changed as a result. When a decision was made on an AfD petition for clemency in the Bavarian state parliament’s legal committee in October 2024, all parties except the AfD voted against Bittner’s release [and this is why our societies will continue down the drain as the co-perpetrators of the Covid scam are all-in on this, and as long as there’s no Covid reckoning, things will get worse].
When asked by Multipolar about the false statement by Health Minister Lauterbach quoted above, a spokesperson replied:
Federal Minister Lauterbach did not deny the facts of the case. Rather, he said: ‘It would be news to me that any soldier is in prison because he has not been vaccinated’. [see, weasel words]
There was no further response from the ministry to the reply that this was incorrect and that Lauterbach had clearly stated in the Bundestag that he ‘denied’ that a soldier had been imprisoned for refusing to be vaccinated [this is how they™ continue to gaslight and rule us: by playing word-games that irritate us as you and me can clearly see how this is wrong (sadly, Ms. Hildebrandt also fell for this); for them, by contrast, the offence was non-payment of the administrative fine which landed Mr. Bittner in prison, not his refusal to take the modRNA poison/death juices: the eternal sunshine on the spotless mind, isn’t it?].
In S.’s opinion, an example should be made:
If you act against the system, you will be fought with all means. They don’t want people and soldiers who think for themselves.
Although orders and obedience are a matter of course in the military, if following the law also applies to unlawful considerations, however, S. continued, ‘then we have arrived at state arbitrariness or a collapse of the rule law.’ [this is the point of a comprehensive Covid reckoning, isn’t it?] Comrades are being sentenced, removed from service without any consideration or second thoughts—soldiers who have served for 30 years in some cases and neglected their families in order to fulfil their duties, including in foreign missions such as Afghanistan or Kosovo, where they risked their lives for their country and citizens, according to S. ‘And today they are being treated like this. An indictment [orig. Armutszeugnis] of Germany.’ [While S. is correct in his analysis, I doubt he understands the life-lie, or Lebenslüge (Henrik Ibsen), most of us have been, and many still are, living: if the gov’t becomes a tyranny, there’s no loyalty that is owed by you and me; it must be enforced via increasingly coercive means—and make no mistake, if these shenanigans are permitted to stand, i.e., if no-one of those who gave the orders stands trial, this is the fate of everyone]
‘Complete failure of command’
Sergeant Major Eric Mühle deployed to Afghanistan twice, and he also refused the Covid vaccination. He spent fourteen years in the Bundeswehr. Then his service ended. Nevertheless, he still expects to be summoned to court [despite his service having ended]. According to Mühle, you only realise the reality of foreign deployments ‘when you’re already in too deep and find seasoned comrades crying and having panic attacks in the bathroom in the morning.’ And if the comrades had actually taken their oath seriously during the coronavirus period, ‘to bravely defend the rights and freedom of the German people’ they would not have simply stood by and carried out orders from above, ‘but we would have actually defended the weak and needy. It was a complete failure of leadership.’ [which makes the few soldiers who took the proverbial lessons of history seriously and withstood these pressures all the more remarkable].
Any order must fulfil basic requirements and provide reasons that create trust and consent, adds Ms. L. ‘We have not been working with blunt orders and obedience for a long time’, as the command tactic envisages, says L., adding that ‘this outdated [are they?] method can neither attract new recruits, nor retain personnel, nor win wars.’ [which is why these orders and actions by those in authority™ are so hare-brained and absurd: I doubt they understand what they did, and if they understand it, the only reason they’re continuing to dig deeper holes is—ass-covering and the increasingly desperate efforts to save their own hides].
Alexander Bittner is officially still a soldier. But after his prison sentence, he is currently mentally unable to return to his barracks. Serving according to regulations, as if nothing had happened, is inconceivable for him:
The day I was arrested left me with a great feeling of betrayal and disappointment, the likes of which I have never experienced in my entire life.
No Legally Binding Order?
Lawyer Edgar Siemund says he also doubts that there was ever a legally binding order from the then acting Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (CDU) for Covid vaccination. He only had the ‘daily order [orig. Tagesbefehl] for deployment against Covid-19’ from 29 November 2021. ‘However, such a daily order is only a call without a legally binding character’, said Siemund. In this daily order, the minister had stated that
I therefore instructed on 24 November [2021], following consultation and approval by the staff representatives and participating committees, that vaccination against Covid-19 should be added immediately to the list of immunisations for military personnel that must be tolerated. Those who help others must be protected themselves. The soldiers of the Bundeswehr serve Germany, they are role models [this is how these politicos™ deceive themselves and others: Ms. Kramp-Karrenbauer merely ordered the modRNA poison/death juices to be added to a list: no harm done, eh?]
At the court hearing before the 1st Military Service Senate of the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig on 29 May 2024, the presiding judge Richard Häußler was asked by the defence lawyers whether he had the written original of the order to include the ‘vaccination’ against COVID-19 in the Bundeswehr’s basic vaccination schedule or when he made his decision on the legality of the Covid vaccination requirement on 7 July 2022. ‘Judge Häußler denied that he had. In my opinion, there is no legally binding order’, says Siemund, adding: ‘Judge Häußler “assumed” that it existed because he had read the order of the day.’ However, this is pure speculation. [if true, there was no written order (which is how the powers-that-be intend to stay out of legal troubles), hence the entire legal edifice for prosecuting soldiers is built on—nothing; we so desperately need a comprehensive legal review].
In May 2024, Bundestag member Andrej Hunko (BSW [Bündnis Sarah Wagenknecht, the self-declared reconstructed descendant of the GDR’s Socialist Unity Party headed by Ms. Wagenknecht]) asked the federal government about the ‘verbatim written content of the key passages of the order’ of 24 November 2021 and received the answer that the minister’s order at the time had read as follows
I agree with the recommendation of the GI [Inspector-General]. I therefore request the implementation of the recommendations unanimously adopted by the Mediation Committee, in particular the immediate inclusion of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccination—including booster vaccinations—in the basic vaccination schedule to be subject to toleration [see, Ms. Kramp-Karrenbauer merely ‘followed the recommendations’ of someone else, i.e., for her and her ilk, she didn’t issue any order in a legally binding sense…].
No minutes of the decision
The decision was apparently controversial internally at the time, and an mediation committee had to be set up. AfD MPs later asked the Federal Government for the minutes of the meetings of this mediation committee and added that part of the committee ‘was still against a corresponding draft resolution on Friday, 19 November 2021’, whereas ‘these recommendations were then adopted on Monday, 22 November 2021, at around 10.30 a.m.’. And further: ‘minutes exist of the negotiations of the mediation committee of meeting 210, in which the decision was reached, namely minutes number 4 and 5, which the questioners consider to be of particular public interest.’ However, the Federal Government denied having such minutes [democracy dies in darkness, they say, and it is true]:
The Federal Ministry of Defence (MoD) has no minutes of meetings dealing with the topic of COVID-19 vaccination, the duty to tolerate, and the inclusion of COVID-19 vaccination in the Bundeswehr’s basic vaccination schedule [how convenient, isn’t it? This is why the courts must address this, incl. questioning those in power then] The meeting of the Mediation Committee is subject to the principle of non-publicity in accordance with Section 38 (4) of the Soldiers’ Participation Act (SGB). This means that the Mediation Committee is only obliged to inform the official side of the final recommendation [which is, likely, legally non-binding in the sense that it precludes ministerial—or anyone else’s—personal liability] in the matter requiring participation. However, disclosure of documents that provide insight into the internal decision-making process is also excluded due to the principle of non-publicity [note the ‘principle’, not anything like, say, a law or legal clause].
When Multipolar asked the Ministry of Defence whether the legally binding order for the Covid vaccination was available and requested a copy, the MoD answered:
The ‘daily orders’ published by the MoD [Federal Ministry of Defence] are usually important announcements on special current occasions or historical events. This also applies to the order issued by the then Federal Minister Kramp-Karrenbauer…on 29 November 2021, which is not an order in the legal sense [so, if there’s no ‘order in the legal sense’, how could a judge sentence anyone for ‘insubordination’ or the like?]
However, the ministry could not provide any internal documents or orders. ‘This is also the case with the document you have requested.’
About the author: Camilla Hildebrandt, born in 1971, studied Romance languages and trained as a radio journalist, has been working for public broadcasters for around twenty years, mainly in the cultural sector. From 2013 to 2020, she travelled to Bolivia, Guatemala, Brazil, Lebanon, and Palestine as a lecturer at the Deutsche Welle Academy for Journalism. She has been reporting on current politics since 2020.
Bottom Lines
And in this piece by Camilla Hildebrandt, we may observe all the problems arising from, and still flowing due, the unwillingness of the powers-that-be to take responsibility for their own actions.
Politicos™ claim they issued no legally valid order; this is admitted by their staffers (see the MoD’s comment at the end of Ms. Hildebrandt’s article), hence everything that followed that Tagesbefehl is legally dubious: the order to soldiers to get injected with the modRNA poison/death juice, the sentences meted out against those who refused, which included jail time and/or a monetary penalty; the demand to either get jailed or pay up, which resulted in Alexander Bittner’s incarceration and the continued processing of the 125 other such cases.
All of this is illegal, yet despite us knowing this, politicos™, courts™, journos™, and experts™ alike refuse to adhere to either the rule of law or their conscience.
And this is how the grand Western experiment of participatory democracy under the rule of law ends: with an apathetic citizenry (that is very much not deserving of that moniker) to inconvenienced to hold to account those who govern ostensibly in their name.
Power being one of the most alluring prospects for us weaklings, it also abhors a vacuum. Those with no spine and a willingness to commit atrocities will, inevitably so, try to seize it for the sake of their own sick and twisted ambition, or simply because they enjoy hurting others.
That is the one and enduring lesson of history.
Today, it’s the sick and evil Covid scam that is its manifestation; tomorrow, it’ll likely be martial law, ‘our sustainable and inclusive future™’ (read this mimicking Klaus Schwab); and the day after tomorrow, it’ll be George Orwell’s dystopian vision:
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.
If there is one little figment of hope, much like in the ancient Greek myth of Pandora’s box, this situation has an actually rather simple solution:
Do not comply.
Doing so will be followed by immediate relief, clarity of vision, and a clear way forward, which was immortalised, I’d argue, by Martin Luther King:
In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Hence, a corollary may be formulated: be a friend, for refusal to do so leads to ruin and perdition, which, as Julian Assange noted in 2007, may be summarised as follows:
Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love.
Do not comply; be a friend; speak up.
Thanks for this. It's as if a fog of madness descended upon so many people.
"106. Jannette Rempfer, Former Army RN."
Dr. Sigoloff, October 11, 2023
- Dr. Sam Sigoloff's rumble page is https://rumble.com/c/AfterHoursWithDrSigoloff
- Dr. Sam Sigoloff is one of the first 3 of the DMED data whistleblowers together with Drs. Theresa Long and Pete Chambers. Their attorney, Tom Renz, spoke at Senator Johnson's January 4, 2022 roundtable, testimony which is transcribed here:
- This is an Internet interview, Dr. Sigoloff, in his home studio in Arizona, appears on the left side of the screen and Janette Rampfer, RN, outdoors, is on the right side.
DR. SAM SIGOLOFF: OK. The 10 USC 1107 Alpha that's the one that is the US code that states that it's unlawful and illegal to tell service members to participate in anything that's under EUA [emergency use authorization]. So that's masks, that's the testing for covid, that's the shot. It's all of that. And it, that's how they, I don't know how they were able to do this, but they convicted Mark Bashaw [1] of not getting the shot, not getting the testing, and not wearing the mask, even though it's unlawful under 10 USC 1107 Alpha.
JANNETTE REMPFER, RN: Right. I think the, the key point of information I was given, which was, I was privy to, not to most people, was that the JAG[2] officer that we had on our team, he wound up pulling up all sorts of information that was unlawful, going down to the point where Lloyd Austin[3] was also exempt from getting it because Congress signed off that he was the one mandating it for all the military and he himself hadn't even gotten it. So nobody in Congress was getting it, it was just really interesting coming from the government stand side.
Now what was happening in the hospital? Again, no names. I know handfuls of people that turned in fake cards. Got pregnant on purpose. That wound up getting a vaccine off post so-to-say and turned in— Things were just not quite organized in Hawaii. So you can get your vaccine at any drug store and it wasn't at the hospital, so any card just presented with the date. There were people selling them and just turning them in just to say they got it but they never received it. So there was a lot going on behind closed doors, and the hard part was not being able to speak because of UCMJ.[4]
DR. SAM SIGOLOFF: Yeah, it's interesting how they can kind of hamstring you and make you think that, oh, we're going to take legal action against you, even though you're talking about things that aren't mission-related. There're, it's, you know, I received the unlawful order that I cannot talk about covid 19 vaccine or virus during the duty day and in uniform. Well that's against the first amendment because it has nothing to do with my military duty.
JANNETTE REMPFER, RN: Well, I wound up having most people come to me privately and quietly, knowing that I was against what the government was doing with the military as far as this mandate. So people were starting to come to me and saying, hey, how can you help me? And I said, I can help you legally. I can't tell you what you can and can't do, but I can tell you if you need information to get you to not take this, that I can do. And the religious accommodation was one and medical. And I have helped numerous physicians, anesthesiologists, nurses, even soldiers, all dig their heels into the ground, not get it, and they're still fine. They're still in the military. Never got out.
I got out with honorable discharge because I got tired of not— um— What I had was the truth behind me, and I had enough guts to just start speaking out loud. And that's kind of where the tension was rising, but I was doing it in a professional way. But I had the power and nobody liked it. And at the end of the day we were right.
# # #
[1] See: "95. Mark Bashaw, Former 1LT in the Army"
Dr. Sigoloff, July 27, 2023
From the rumble page show note: "Today I talk with former 1LT Mark Bashaw. He has been a previous guest on this show. He was taken to a Court Martial and convicted by the judge for not participating in Emergency Use Authorized masking and testing. He was given no punishment. The Judge recommended that his commanding General throw out the conviction, the General had a different plan."
[2] JAG stands for Judge Advocate General's Corps.
"JAG’s mission involves providing legal services to both military personnel and the organization. One primary duty is to ensure legal readiness. This involves advising commanders on military justice, operational law, and civil law. Officers also handle legal issues affecting military operations."
— Source: https://ucmj.us/what-is-judge-advocate-general-corps-jag/
[3] Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense. For biographical note, see: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Lloyd-Austin
[4] UCMJ stands for Uniform Code of Military Justice. See: https://www.law.cornell.edu/index.php/wex/uniform_code_of_military_justice
Eighty years ago the Allies out German soldiers in prison, for obeying orders.
Now, Germany is about to put its own soldiers in prison for disobeying orders never given, orders that would have been illegal if given.
And then, they wonder why willingness to join the armed forces is at an all-time low in all EU-nations.