Elite investors works the best, sometimes they hide in government offices, sometimes they buy large yachts and flaunt their riches. Elite investors encompasses all of these idiots who think they can control the demolition of the planet.

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Agreed, but I'd amend the last noun: it's not 'the planet' (which is, and will be fine, until the sun destroys it)--it's us people.

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The planet is not fine now, we don't know that the biology can rebound 100% for sure after we are finished. And it is a fact humans have altered the succession forever. So there's that. Here in the USA its devastation since we are mimicking the German Fascist agribusiness model.

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The planet will eventually be fine, I don't doubt that for a minute.

Yes, we humans are doing a hell of a lot of damage, but in the grander scale of things, 'the planet' will move on.

As to the US agribusiness model, have you by chance read 'The Oil We Eat' and 'Against the Grain'?

As a follow-up on that matter: that's so weird--for Nazi Germany's modernisation of agriculture was geared towards autarky and self-sufficiency, which the US never did after Jeffersonian and Jacksonian democracy.

There's a bunch of, say, 'apocryphic' literature from the 1930s and early 1940s about NAzi Germany promoting 'traditional' farmsteading etc. I don't want to suger-coat it, of course not, but part of the 'Lebensraum' notion derived from the fear of too little space for too many people, hence instead of US-style agri-modernisation (for which Germany also lacked oil and gas inputs), more space was wanted--in other words: less intensification of agriculture, which runs quite counter to the US model, wouldn't you agree?

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No. The corporations of Germany, those who produced the chemical fertilizers and the pesticides, and who knows what else.., had another idea entirely - to smash apart the smallholders and consolidate the land. Start closer to 1860 to figure out who the ruthless green revolutionaries were/are. The beginning of agribusiness fascism. The US corporations are not innocent. None of the corporations are. None. All large corporate business models want to smash eggs for omelets. I wonder who came up with the idea of using the corporate model to shield shareholders from liability?

I make a point with the statement those who use money to buy food are useless eaters. Ha!

I haven't read those books, I am familiar with the oil we eat in the respect with agribusiness for every calorie of food it produces needs 10 calories of oil, and I am against the grain too.

Smallholders growing food is the most intensive form of all, which frees up space not consumes it like agriculture. The practice doesn't need fossil fuels, none, but it takes time to set up. When Germany over ran Europe over and again the practice never recovered. With some modern adjustments it could be as efficient as ever.

I don't know if the planet can recover, I don't know the odds, the odds might be close to zero, but it isn't zero. Its possible humans can extinguish life on Earth, happening right now, to what degree is the question.

But I will think about your comment and maybe shift my position a little if I read more on this topic of German peasants ruling the Nazi Party.

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These are a number of good points you raise, and they warrant reflection.

Perhaps, if I may, you'd be interested in reading the bespoke chapter in Lothrop Stoddard's book Into the Darkness: An Uncensored Report from Inside the Third Reich At War (1940)?

Conveniently, an e-book is available ove at: https://www.unz.com/book/lothrop_stoddard__into-the-darkness/

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They guys had no desire whatsoever to promote the peasant lifestyle, this was just a word bait and switch. "He thereupon proposed that I make an investigation trip through what he considered the most instructive region–rural Westphalia and Oldenburg. There I would see in successful operation an agricultural system and way of life basically unchanged since the Middle Ages. It was upon this system, adapted to modern conditions, that the National Socialist Government had framed its land laws, which it intends ultimately to extend throughout the Reich. I would thus see a sort of working model for a hoped-for future."

Highlight agricultural system, which needed to smash the smallholders to consolidate the land. Adapted to modern conditions my ass.

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"holdings tend to be too small." - I am growing a lot of food on 60' x 200'. more than I can eat. And I am only experimenting, if I really wanted to I could explode this space with food.

Again, more fascist propaganda setting up the land for profit production to feed the hierarchy.

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Oh God here is another gem: The Food Estate is a gigantic quasi-public corporation embracing in its membership not only all persons immediately on the land but also everyone connected with the production and distribution of foodstuffs.

Just another large fascist opportunity being set up for soil destruction.

What these people type is merely propaganda. The peasant lifestyle, the Free Tenant Peasant lifestyle, isn't about large.

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If it wasn't for the green ammonia German discovery the fascist agribusiness model would never have got off the ground. Now, with natural gas in short supply, I expect the methods to collapse.

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Which is it? Peasants or organized farmers? “We saw from the first that we could not reach our goal through state action alone. We needed the help of the organized farmers to put it over.”

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In the chapter "Battle of the Land" I already pulled this: The son of a wealthy German resident, he spent his early life in South America. He is well qualified for his job, since he is an expert on agriculture and stock-breeding.

Just another rich self proclaimed fascist expert. This is already so far away from the peasant lifestyle the first sentence in this chapter is a lie. Not a peasant and not a German peasant at that.

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And how about that for timing, George Webb chimes in: https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/blood-sand-and-betrayal-part-one?s=r

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Cool, thanks for the suggestion!

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I must say I wasn't aware of Germany having boosted its WHO contribution so much. Look at the 2018-2019 figures in comparison:


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That's very interesting--here's what I make of this: it's a kind of revolving laundering scheme, with all these gov'ts in cahoots taking turns increasing (and decreasing) their contributions to make it look like it's all-o.k.

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"Nothing beyond the state - nothing above the state", sure is catchy and is real good if you belong to the 1% already on top, or the 15% being perpetual cronies and a recruitment reserve for the 1%. Not so good if you belong to the 50% actually working to survive, or the 24% lumpenproletariat being kept in reserve to be used as threat and fodder if and when as needed (say, for recruiting to police and amred forces). The rest? Call it people in transit between classes, and those at the edges of said.

Problem is selling this to the banking clans, politicians and so on - but hey, I know! Remove the jingoist rethoric, the manifest destiny BS, the uniforms and parades and funny hats - remove all the semiotics of italian fascism and german national socialism and USAmerican capitalist oligarchy and french synarchism and it's a shoe-in.

Especially if we do it via non-democratic unelected "NGOs" and slush-funds we set up to broker international deals and agreements, that way it looks totally benign, and we can tax the people to pay for our investments in capitalist ventures they have to both work for and pay to buy product from.

We're going to own everything! A perfect system, where any challenge to it is by definition undemocratic, racist, communist, anarchist, reactionary, extremist or any other value-weighted term our clergy of communication can come up with.

Imagine a worker paying rent on the whip he pays to use on his own back, forever. Always ready to lunge at his fellow worker if he in turn does not whip himself hard enough.

Me, I'm walking away from Omelas.

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