Ah the Lisbon Treaty… I remember it well. So nice that here in Ireland they made us vote twice. We gave the wrong answer the first time. For what it’s worth I voted ‘No’ twice but it passed the second time.

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Thank you for doing so; we puny Austrians were never offered (sic) that kind of opprtunity.

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I wish I could take credit for it but it’s the way our constitution is set up. Whilst not quite at Swiss levels constitutional referendums are a semi regular event. We had one a while ago to try and redefine our constitutional definition of the family and remove the word ‘Mother’ (you can guess the reason for that) from it. It was rejected by over 70% of the voters as far as I can recall. Ironically I couldn’t vote because I was living in Austria at the time.

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Do you have a link to further reading on the rendition flights to Poland, Romania?

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