German-language MSM, from the start, has been torn between ignoring and smearing Peterson. What Der Standard is to Austria, Die ZEIT is to Germany. They annoyed me in 2018 and 2019:
I'd add that there's hardly any other person in the public sphere whose views are as misrepresented as Peterson's. Also, I don't (have to) agree with all he's saying, but the amount of BS is astounding.
(Leaving aside the utterly absurd notion that Jesus was supposedly 'white', but given that the woke-ified morons also consider family, tradition, and Christianity 'wrong', it's hardly surprising.)
Ask the woke if Mohammed was white or black. Preferably while in earshot of an arab moslem.
Arabs have views on blacks that are rather >ahem< decideldy non-PC.
Or ask them if a jew (as Jesus, if he existed, was) is white or if not, which colour he/she is.
Or if australian indigenous people are black the way americans are.
Or, with real africans present, ask the woke to explain to the hutu, the tutsi, the somali, the ethiopian (sorry, not up on the various thousands of peoples in Africa so I'm mixing nationality and ehtnicity) that they are all blacks.
I've heard Dr. Peterson say on a number of occasions that he isn't a conservative, but the media always insist he is one.
As for wokeism as farce, there's a bill being discussed here in Puerto Rico to require people to take a gender equity class as part of the requirements to get a driving license. Such a clown world.
I've been called literally everything else, from 'antisemite leftist' to 'far-right winger' (ironically, in comments on the same article about what's going on in Israel these days…)
What unites these 'comments' and my in-person engagements, though, is that there's typically no counter-argument. All that's left is: name-calling. Pathetic.
What I find most tragic or saddest about the hype around professor Peterson (not due to him, mind!) is that having listened to some of his lectures online years ago when he was just an obscure lecturer, what he said and still says is nothing special at all.
There's nothing revolutionary or new in his "12 rules", not that he's ever claimed it to be so either.
And that's the sad tragedy: 50 years of feminism (and the rest of the same tribe of ides of March through the institutions, to mix metaphors) has made people that lost, that a man who's doing the quivalent of stating that water flows downhill is seen as revolutionary?
Do they have the spines of fermented herrings? Did no-one teach them to stand straight, walk tall and speak truth as you see it, come Hell or high water to use an americanism?
A whipped dog has no choice and his to be helped and recovered - a whipped human has at least the choice to try and strangle the taskmaster with his own whip, even if you die doing so!
"Krok was standing a few paces behind them, of the far side of the barrel. He shifted towards them, dragging Gunne with him; and suddenly it appeared as though all his previous apathy had dropped away from him. When he was close enough, and saw that there was sufficient slack in the chain, he sprang forward, seized the overseer by the belt and the neck and lifted him above his head. The overseer cried out in terror, and the nearest of the guards turned and ran his sword through Krok's body. Krok seemed not to feel the blow. Taking two sideward paces, he flung the overseer head downwards into the boiling pitch, as the other guard's sword bit into his head. Krok tottered, but he kept his gaze on what could be seen of the overseer. Then, he gave a laugh, and said:
'Now my luck has turned again' and fell to the ground and died."
Harr, I'm with you on the 'is he saying new stuff' thing. That said, though, he's apparently among the few professors who still read beyond their narrow field of expertise (if you'd like to call it that, I'd be hesitant to do so) and try to 'kindle the flames' of curiosity in his students and listeners, as the Ancients were doing when they spoke and thought about 'education'.
Back in the Cold War, the Soviets liked to call the West 'degenerate', as you well know:
'A whipped dog has no choice and his to be helped and recovered - a whipped human has at least the choice to try and strangle the taskmaster with his own whip, even if you die doing so!'
No need to fear the apathetic, smartphone-addicted, and uber-comfortable rabble who wouldn't attend a rally against unconstitutional curtailment of fundamental freedoms (which, to me, are natural rights) during 'Covid'.
No hardship, no effort. No effort breeds carelessness and ignorance. Out of which, typically, hard times emerge, which are the breeding ground for renewal, I suppose.
Perhaps the Greeks were correct about the cyclical nature of history.
Greeks may well have been, but I prefer the Nordic ancestral attitude to adversity and the cyclical nature of things: it doesn't matter. You fight.
That is someting that is anobvious kenning in the Sagas and Eddas, that despite All-Father knowing that Ragnarök comes no matter what, he still fights against it. And as it is written, after the Wolf devours the Sun and the World Tree burns and all is Darkness, a new sun will rise and green grass will grow yet again and heroes gather on Idavall.
You fight any way you can, is the lesson, precisely because there is no choice but to fight no mater the outcome.
As I wrote, it is no wonder what books and stories have been made forgotten or have been branded "wrong" or "unsuitable". Virtually all ficton for allages for 30+ years emphasises compliance, obedience, and accepting your ordained Fate: slave mentality.
It is the same with music. The genres being made popular like rnb,hiphop and pop are all self-agrandizing, all appealing to primitive pre-puberty impulses and are also quite narcisist. In contrast, oi, ska, punk, heavy metal and various folkmusic styles emphasises struggle, togetherness, and an Eulenspiegel-attitude to authority unless said auhtority has actually earned its station by respected deeds.
There is I'd claim an underlying trend through all mass-media where obedience, compliance and authority-worship is the message - though I'd need thousands of words more for a full run-down.
I think that is what Peterson, consciously or not, noticed some ten years ago, and your point about reading outside of one's field gels with that: my field if I may wear such a big hat is as I've said the ideas of history/history of ideas (I guess you can use idé-historia in german?)- that automatically means that one must more or less study everything at least cursory.
That is the great European/Oriental-divide in how our various cultures perceives (or rather perceived in our case) Fate or Doom which is also correct for us germanic peoples. Short version:
The Heroes (original sense of the word) of the Orient triumphed by learning and accepting their Fate/Doom, and becoming a willing instrument of same. The Heroes of the Occident triumphed /against/ Fate by not giving up or giving in.
Longer version:
To the orientals, Fate was something pre-ordained and unavoidable. Something you could only handle if you could discover in what way you were supposed to serve or appease Fate. It harmonises well with the cultural-societal need for such an interpretation since urbanisation came to them thousands of years before it came to Europe: to keep peace and to ensure order and obedience, the cultural traits emphasising such as intrinisically good were strengthened unitl Good/Just/Right (moral sense) became synomous with obeying a divinely ordained Fate, i.e. obeying the satrap or emperor or priest-king.
Not so for the pre-christian europeans. The greeks thanks to their long contact with eastern peoples via trade and war incorporated some such elements in their myths but added on top of their indigenous ones, creating a fertile ground for dramatic conflict. For romans, germanic peoples, celts, and others this didn't set in until christianity becomes monodominant, and the last places of Europe to be converted were the North and baltic regions, which is barely a millennia ago.
As such, it was natural that it was from these cultures that the revolt against the jewish-greco-roman influenced catholic church came; both politically as well as societally.
I listen to rabbis on YouTube, granted not as much as I listen to the inspirational Jordon Peterson, and I don't get that vibe of seeking anyone to fight for Jews, from religious Jews.
German-language MSM, from the start, has been torn between ignoring and smearing Peterson. What Der Standard is to Austria, Die ZEIT is to Germany. They annoyed me in 2018 and 2019:
I know, I've seen this.
I'd add that there's hardly any other person in the public sphere whose views are as misrepresented as Peterson's. Also, I don't (have to) agree with all he's saying, but the amount of BS is astounding.
(Leaving aside the utterly absurd notion that Jesus was supposedly 'white', but given that the woke-ified morons also consider family, tradition, and Christianity 'wrong', it's hardly surprising.)
Ask the woke if Mohammed was white or black. Preferably while in earshot of an arab moslem.
Arabs have views on blacks that are rather >ahem< decideldy non-PC.
Or ask them if a jew (as Jesus, if he existed, was) is white or if not, which colour he/she is.
Or if australian indigenous people are black the way americans are.
Or, with real africans present, ask the woke to explain to the hutu, the tutsi, the somali, the ethiopian (sorry, not up on the various thousands of peoples in Africa so I'm mixing nationality and ehtnicity) that they are all blacks.
Or just ask the woke what race Nayib Bukele is.
And film their facial expressions.
I've heard Dr. Peterson say on a number of occasions that he isn't a conservative, but the media always insist he is one.
As for wokeism as farce, there's a bill being discussed here in Puerto Rico to require people to take a gender equity class as part of the requirements to get a driving license. Such a clown world.
I'm convinced that this class makes you a more alert driver, for sure. What an absurdity.
He's correct in that - politically speaking without the post-millennial gobbledygook newspeak, he's a classic liberal progressive/social democrat.
'Course me being a "regressive atavism" politcally speaking, everyone looks liberal to me.
(I've been called "regressive atavism" to my face by feminists here, and I really enjoy the label!)
I've never been called that to my face.
I've been called literally everything else, from 'antisemite leftist' to 'far-right winger' (ironically, in comments on the same article about what's going on in Israel these days…)
What unites these 'comments' and my in-person engagements, though, is that there's typically no counter-argument. All that's left is: name-calling. Pathetic.
What I find most tragic or saddest about the hype around professor Peterson (not due to him, mind!) is that having listened to some of his lectures online years ago when he was just an obscure lecturer, what he said and still says is nothing special at all.
There's nothing revolutionary or new in his "12 rules", not that he's ever claimed it to be so either.
And that's the sad tragedy: 50 years of feminism (and the rest of the same tribe of ides of March through the institutions, to mix metaphors) has made people that lost, that a man who's doing the quivalent of stating that water flows downhill is seen as revolutionary?
Do they have the spines of fermented herrings? Did no-one teach them to stand straight, walk tall and speak truth as you see it, come Hell or high water to use an americanism?
A whipped dog has no choice and his to be helped and recovered - a whipped human has at least the choice to try and strangle the taskmaster with his own whip, even if you die doing so!
"Krok was standing a few paces behind them, of the far side of the barrel. He shifted towards them, dragging Gunne with him; and suddenly it appeared as though all his previous apathy had dropped away from him. When he was close enough, and saw that there was sufficient slack in the chain, he sprang forward, seized the overseer by the belt and the neck and lifted him above his head. The overseer cried out in terror, and the nearest of the guards turned and ran his sword through Krok's body. Krok seemed not to feel the blow. Taking two sideward paces, he flung the overseer head downwards into the boiling pitch, as the other guard's sword bit into his head. Krok tottered, but he kept his gaze on what could be seen of the overseer. Then, he gave a laugh, and said:
'Now my luck has turned again' and fell to the ground and died."
Frans G Bengtsson, The Long Ships/Röde Orm.
No guesses why they are censoring books.
Harr, I'm with you on the 'is he saying new stuff' thing. That said, though, he's apparently among the few professors who still read beyond their narrow field of expertise (if you'd like to call it that, I'd be hesitant to do so) and try to 'kindle the flames' of curiosity in his students and listeners, as the Ancients were doing when they spoke and thought about 'education'.
Back in the Cold War, the Soviets liked to call the West 'degenerate', as you well know:
'A whipped dog has no choice and his to be helped and recovered - a whipped human has at least the choice to try and strangle the taskmaster with his own whip, even if you die doing so!'
No need to fear the apathetic, smartphone-addicted, and uber-comfortable rabble who wouldn't attend a rally against unconstitutional curtailment of fundamental freedoms (which, to me, are natural rights) during 'Covid'.
No hardship, no effort. No effort breeds carelessness and ignorance. Out of which, typically, hard times emerge, which are the breeding ground for renewal, I suppose.
Perhaps the Greeks were correct about the cyclical nature of history.
Greeks may well have been, but I prefer the Nordic ancestral attitude to adversity and the cyclical nature of things: it doesn't matter. You fight.
That is someting that is anobvious kenning in the Sagas and Eddas, that despite All-Father knowing that Ragnarök comes no matter what, he still fights against it. And as it is written, after the Wolf devours the Sun and the World Tree burns and all is Darkness, a new sun will rise and green grass will grow yet again and heroes gather on Idavall.
You fight any way you can, is the lesson, precisely because there is no choice but to fight no mater the outcome.
As I wrote, it is no wonder what books and stories have been made forgotten or have been branded "wrong" or "unsuitable". Virtually all ficton for allages for 30+ years emphasises compliance, obedience, and accepting your ordained Fate: slave mentality.
It is the same with music. The genres being made popular like rnb,hiphop and pop are all self-agrandizing, all appealing to primitive pre-puberty impulses and are also quite narcisist. In contrast, oi, ska, punk, heavy metal and various folkmusic styles emphasises struggle, togetherness, and an Eulenspiegel-attitude to authority unless said auhtority has actually earned its station by respected deeds.
There is I'd claim an underlying trend through all mass-media where obedience, compliance and authority-worship is the message - though I'd need thousands of words more for a full run-down.
I think that is what Peterson, consciously or not, noticed some ten years ago, and your point about reading outside of one's field gels with that: my field if I may wear such a big hat is as I've said the ideas of history/history of ideas (I guess you can use idé-historia in german?)- that automatically means that one must more or less study everything at least cursory.
Which makes the patterns visible.
I recall Peterson emphasising this time and again: life is mainly a struggle and suffering, but we've seemingly forgotten--chosen to ignore--this.
There's a certain fatalism in what you write (and what I think about it): struggle and suffering is inevitable, so make the most of it anyways.
That is the great European/Oriental-divide in how our various cultures perceives (or rather perceived in our case) Fate or Doom which is also correct for us germanic peoples. Short version:
The Heroes (original sense of the word) of the Orient triumphed by learning and accepting their Fate/Doom, and becoming a willing instrument of same. The Heroes of the Occident triumphed /against/ Fate by not giving up or giving in.
Longer version:
To the orientals, Fate was something pre-ordained and unavoidable. Something you could only handle if you could discover in what way you were supposed to serve or appease Fate. It harmonises well with the cultural-societal need for such an interpretation since urbanisation came to them thousands of years before it came to Europe: to keep peace and to ensure order and obedience, the cultural traits emphasising such as intrinisically good were strengthened unitl Good/Just/Right (moral sense) became synomous with obeying a divinely ordained Fate, i.e. obeying the satrap or emperor or priest-king.
Not so for the pre-christian europeans. The greeks thanks to their long contact with eastern peoples via trade and war incorporated some such elements in their myths but added on top of their indigenous ones, creating a fertile ground for dramatic conflict. For romans, germanic peoples, celts, and others this didn't set in until christianity becomes monodominant, and the last places of Europe to be converted were the North and baltic regions, which is barely a millennia ago.
As such, it was natural that it was from these cultures that the revolt against the jewish-greco-roman influenced catholic church came; both politically as well as societally.
Now the jewish television actor Zelensky says you will have to send your sons and daughters to fight for him. Are you going to obey him?
I don't think we should obey the jew.
That's a fascist idea you want to repeat?
I listen to rabbis on YouTube, granted not as much as I listen to the inspirational Jordon Peterson, and I don't get that vibe of seeking anyone to fight for Jews, from religious Jews.
You are selling a pig in a poke.
Zelly is a satanist.