All real science, all real tests and all previous knowledge points to masking not having any actual effect on an airborne virus.

For a very simple, silly, reason you don't need to be any kind of scientist to understand. Any painter, construction worker, anyone who's worked with a sand-blasting machine or similar, could have explained this.

Filter-size vs particle size. That, and if you don't have separate I/O air supply and/or over-pressure suits, virus-sized particles /will/ get through.

And there's not enough such equipment to go around, it's not practical outside work, and most people can't or won't use it correctly.

Heck, just imagine the number of filters per person per day.

No, the whole masking-lunacy is totemic or fetishistic and also (I think) a grand-scale experiment in population control, yielding hitherto unavailable empirical knowledge on how to manipulate and control a population in real-time, to basically make them jump through hoops - to have the population demand to be forced to jump through hoops, even.

Just the other day, I got some real "heat" for not being jabbed and for pointing out that everyone in the gathering except me were jabbed, and had Covid at least two times while I - who's been exposed - hasn't had it once.

Many have compared masks and jabs to religious liturgy and ritual and there's something to that, but it's too pat, too neat.

The real comparison I feel is the ritualisms of certain psychotics, especially schizophrenics, who try to force the internal chaos down by external ritual.

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Huhum, I do think that it would be a fun thing to add the 'Chief Epidemiologist at the FHI' epithet to Preben's affiliation, but I think it would 'give away the game' of, you know, 'competence' among 'public health officialdom' too easily…

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Nov 24, 2023
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Well, I work at UiB, yes, and if you need more information on the distinction, here you go:

'In Norway, Professor II is an informal designation for a secondary position as a professor, normally 20 per cent, which is usually linked to a main position at another academic institution. The formal job title is simply Professor. Professors II are full professors in Norway with the same requirements for professorial competence and the same status and rights in the university community as other professors, and are employed in the same job code as other professors. The Roman numeral II stands for "(professor in) second position", i.e. a second position in addition to a main position.'

Translated from https://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professor#Professor_II

The reason I wrote the above is--Norwegian law permits fully employed professors to have a 'secondary' university affiliation ('Professor II') with up to 20-25% earning opportunities. So, technically, Preben is employed at 125% of full-time employment equivalents, but his 'main' job is with the IPH in Oslo (which also explains how often he is supposedly 'at his desk' at UiB…).

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