Nya Dagbaldet, "Neue Tageblat", describes themselves as a humanist newspaper in the tradition of the ideals laid down in the UN's original anti-genocide convention (I'm not sure exactly what the paper means by the UN-bit, really). Their "about us"-page, titled "Om Nya Dagbladet" on the homepage, is simple enough that you should be able to run it through a trnalsator without really losing anything of the mission statement given in bulletpoints at the bottom of said page.

Since it is regard as "alt-media" in Sweden, it is also labelled "right-wing extremist" simply since the paper lets all sides get a word in. Do note that by the swedish definition of "right-wing extremist", the german CDU is an extremist far-right party; austrian FPÖ is regarded as "worse than nazis" by swedish state-media. This should tell you something of the danger of using swedish mainstream-media's labels.

I'd classify them as classic european liberal of the pre-WW2 variety, with a lot of modern life-style liberalism sometimes bordering on flower power - what makes swedish media classify them as right-wing is that they are generally critical of globalisation, NATO-membership for Sweden, critical of the EU, and of Big Capitalism and post-democratic supra-state associations supercedeing national sovereignity.

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Ha, while I'm still learning Norwegian, it's good enough to have gotten that impression from reading the Swedish 'about us' page before using a translator to check if I got it right (or wrong), thanks for the input!

Funnily, it's the same everywhere--even 'alternative' media is quite crapified by now, on which see also Ron Unz's very acid, if spot-on, consideration:


It's so strange that everyone and everything that's critical, however mildly, of the established narrative will be defamed and labelled 'right-wing extremism' these days. I still wonder why that's the case, but then again, the most likely consequence will be the continued 'normalisation' (as in: it's normal to identify as 'right-wing') of policies that might actually bring about a restoration of pre-WW2 nationalist politics in a number of countries (which isn't that good, actually), but then again: I suppose that the most interesting thing about our current moment is the fact that IF Europeans return to the pre-WW2 internal divisions, violence, bloodshed (quite likely), THEN 'even' US-led emaciation and domination might appear much more 'benign' in (future) retrospect.

Talk about rocks and hard places, eh?

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The harder you move leftwards, the greater the right side becomes. It's true of both teeter-totters and in politics.

And since you simultaneusly move always to the left of your own previous position, and demonise any position to the right of you as right-wing extremism, sooner or later everything but an outright dismissal of reality-as-is becomes right-wing extremism.

Point out the fact that negroes, arabs, syrians and afghans and assorted similar people commit 90% or more of all cases of rape in Sweden? Racist, nazist, and so on - despite it being demonstrably true and that the statement doesn't do anything but state an objective fact. Since the fact, the reality-as-is, is not in line with the political identity, the fact itself must be declared anathema and heretical by way of the label of right-wing extremism, and all mention of it be forbidden and declared apostasy.

You should check out Nyheter Idag, one of the first alt-media papers to gain national notoriety and recognition. When they tried to label it as a Russia-funded nazi-paper some ten years ago or so, the owner and editor of the paper, a mr Chang Frick pointed out that he is of jewish/gypsy heritage - a bit off the mark for a nazi. Cue hilarity and much back-tracking.

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Gratitude for your transparency and clarity and for taking us along on the journey of discovery 😊🙏 thank you!

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You're way too kind--it's quite a rollercoaster, to be frank, but then again: I'm a strong proponent of the 'sunlight is the best disinfectant' trope.

Honestly, I'm not as convinced as Thomas Röper is--but, as I said, he's been quite correct on many of the developments in Ukraine, incl. in particular his early reporting on the US bio-labs in the country.

I remain wary of the document, in particular as I think some of the more 'formalistic' notions (incl. the denomination of currency as in €, instead of US$) is…well, strange, as in 'inconsistent' with RAND's style.

So, time will tell, I suppose, but I do wish to emphasise the very many, quite telling ties that esp. the German Greens have to the WEF (Young Globald Leader Baerbock), various belligerent Transatlantic 'NGOs' (ahem), and ultra-Zionist organisations, such as the Leo Baeck Foundation (with which Baerbock is affiliated).

We'll see how this evolves…

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And that’s what I love about you - the here’s “stuff”, here are my thoughts and ideas, have a read and think and research yourself. I still have much to learn and catch up on and I really value your European coverage and how easy you make it for “newbies” to take more personal responsibility and finding and building community for the way forward.

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This is about the nicest thing anyone could say about my spare-time activities: thanks a lot for reading and commenting!

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The Steele Dossier followed a similar trajectory to get into the mainstream, delightful to those who wanted to believe it. There's lots of agendas out there (China, UK, WEF, Russia, Biden personally), so lots of reasons to manufacture and "leak" that RAND document.

Germany has been on this green self-immolation path for decades, we didn't need a think tank to know what's coming. UK did a U-turn on the green agenda, resuming oil drilling and fracking right away. Germany COULD do same, as now is not the time to be anti-nuke and anti-physics. (Note Boris Johnson scuttled the peace deal, UK is now positioned to benefit from this mess.)

Biden absolutely pushed for the Ukraine/Russia conflict. He's dirty, been in deep with his son in Ukraine for decades. Who knows what his plan is there. Putin is shrewd, he didn't have to get goaded into this quagmire, but Russia benefits economically, too.

China benefits, the battery components needed for "green" energy comes from China, and when German factories have to shutter from no power, China can step in to sell their manufactured goods and components to Germany and the EU. Belts and roads will criss-cross Europe.

I don't know who wrote that RAND paper or why, but the US continues to print money and strain its economy to support "Ukraine," and Biden will sell our LNG to Germany, driving our prices up further. Economically destabilized Germany/EU hurts the US. Biden probably wins, though. He is, after all, owned by China and Ukraine. And the cabal of European billionaires wins, this seems to be part of the destabilization they've pushed for so they can "build back better."

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I'm not going to argue with you on all the points you raised: apart from the 'Steele Dossier' and the subsequent cluster/mindf***** masquerading as 'Russiagate', there's plenty of misinformation out there.

Also, as you clearly--and very concisely--state, no-one needed this paper to be written for all the reasons you mention. No-one among the European 'Greens' needs this kind of advice, they are so deep into their own holes that I don't think the (alleged) RAND paper makes a meaningful difference anyways.

Fake or genuine, it just might make a difference over the next couple of years in terms of 'domestic' (i.e., European) elections; if it's fake, establishmentarian parties will use it as a battering ram to discredit any anti-establishment sentiment espoused by the (mostly systemic) opposition.

If, however, it turns out to be genuine (if misdated, which is what I tend to think about it, i.e., I think it's an early draft or the like, perhaps written in a hurry, and then date was changed*), then the potential for anti-establishmentarian formations to use it as a battering ram in the opposite direction is obvious. In the latter case, I suppose that once that kind of information would get some traction in legacy media, I would suspect that the 'left-of-centre' factions to change their jerseys even faster than the traditional 'right-of-centre' parties.

* as a brief note: this is what I think right now, and I reserve the right to change my future opinion as more information becomes available.

Also, as a quick reply: if you're correct in the last paragraph (and I also tend to think you are), what's Russia's role--the Kremlin is very much aboard the 'BBB' agenda and the 'Great Reset'?

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Then there's the budding Sino-Russian romance, either of them is capable of engineering this event, but together even more so. Both benefit, again, at the expense of the US. https://quoththeraven.substack.com/p/fringe-forum-world-war-iii-russia?utm_source=%2Finbox&utm_medium=reader2

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I wonder how the Greens Baerbock and Habeck were placed in their positions. Just serendipitous for the Rand Corp. and their exercise I suppose

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Where'd they get that Covidiot goon Drosten? Three peas in an unqualified pod.

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Sorry Epimetheus, there is no confusion at all, at least in my comment to the first post on the matter...

I did link the original 2019 Rand report on how to exacerbate Russia to the point of a war, and how to use it to weak that Country economically, geopolitically and its relations with Europe.

In that study that everyone can watch and read, there is no mention particularly of Germany but EU and Nato allies.

So this document could be either an addendum or a false flag. I believe is the second one, a typical strategy of the Propaganda from same Rand think tank or US Intelligence: I'll publish in 2019 a study publicly saying we must make a proxy war to Russia at the same time I'll let circulate later another one that specifically target Germany as another country to weaken.

In this way I (US/NATO/CIA) can easily demonstrate that journalists/sites that take the new doc as true are just "conspiracy theorist" because it's pretty evident to the ones that have knowledge of the last 10 years in Ukraine, that Germany is the first to help Ukraine, is one of the country that has more ECONOMICAL interest in UKraine, especially Bayern/Monsanto, real estate and the typical shopping of ex soviet countries that Germany or german private Companies have done since 1986 from East Germany to Hungary and Czech Republic, to the ex Soviet republics.

Germany without any doubt is (look at CBS doc on armaments) the nation in EU more involved militarily in a direct war against Russia side by side with US and Ukrainians. 1+1=2 that doc is propaganda


But on the other side it could be propaganda for sure, but by Russian agencies to weaken consensus at home of the extraordinary efforts and involvement Germany is putting in place in Ukraine...

Last: News Guard is another CIA branch, sorry

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You're right, my friend--I just wrote about it:


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One of the "versions" I have come across is that Germany actually intends to militarize itself using the Ukraine war, so the document could be a fake in that regard diverting the attention ("we are not the aggressor, we are the victim!"). On the other hand, looking at how things play out, German population does look like the victim of the current policies. But then I thought - could it actually be both? Meaning - weakening German economy is stage 1, and Stage 2 after that, once a bulk of its population is cold, hungry and angry, militarize them to replace (by then destroyed) Ukraine in the globalist fight against Russia in the fully raging by then WWIII? You cannot make people go to war if they are happy, warm, well-fed and content with life, you need to make them miserable first and get to "hate" Putin, who is the one constantly blamed for for the crisis. All speculation, but who knows what's in those devious minds. If they could get Ukrainians hate Russians (who are all intermarried and inter-related), it's nothing to get Germans to do a replay of WWII in their "revenge" against Russia once they are hungry and cold. And the way most people so easily fall prey to propaganda, I have no reason to believe "they" will not succeed if that's actually is the plan.

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