Aug 4, 2022Liked by epimetheus

Ha! There it is, the "Russian war of aggression" (der Russische Angriffskrieg).

Here's a case with similar symptoms (in German: https://cm27874.jimdofree.com/). Joachim Gauck, former Bundespräsident and Lutheran pastor, is arguing pro war, and has of course been pro vaccine mandate.

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Thoughts, apart from being thankful and impressed by you doing so much work:

Knapp's text can largely be summed up as "Russia doesn't conform to our moral and societal standards so therefore we ar morally obligated to attack them", a very unmodern sentiment and the rallying cry of crusaders and jihadis and puritans of all sorts throughtout time. I much prefer people like Attila, Genghis Khan and Ragnar Lodbrok: "Those people over there have ricjes what they can't defend, so let's go tax them!" Brutally honest and upright, not the slimy smarmy contortions of right-thinking gutmenschen.

Actually, the text in taz can also be summed up, if one focuses on the bit about Putin using the cracks in the West's facade (and foundations...) to exert political pressure, as "Dolchstoss". I'm not sure Knapp would apporve of being likened to Julius Streicher, but it feels similar in style and tone, possibly even intent - the slavic nations were after all to become farmland and areas for resource exploitation once the slavs were done away with.

Now, Knapp isn't advocating that as such, nor is any german - but that is what it lookslike to Russia, an just as it is Knapp's words and emotions that are the only valid points ofreference when understanding Knapp, so is Russia's when it comes to understanding why they act the way they do. It's no use trying to understand Russia as "should behave like us but won't so they must be stupid or evil". Besides being inherently racist (or culturally racist I guess one would say nowadays) it also means any analysis will come out wrong.

Far better for the Knapps of the world if they accepted that Russia's stance is valid to Russia, if not to others, and straight out said: "We say what Russia is doing is wrong, so we are going to stop them and force them to do right according to us".

Perhaps one of the reasons for all the new-speak and doublethink is, that such statements in both press and by politicos would have quite sharp reactions from certain african, arabian, and asian nations... Problem is of course that engage in doublespeak and new-think long enough and you might just start believe in it for real.

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" NATO’s aggression against Yugoslavia in 1998/99"


i seem to remember it quite differently.

maybe the fact that i actually have spoken to fugitives over the years makes a difference?

ethnic cleansing is a thing maybe?

remember srebrenica?

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The only difference , now, is the Left have a festish to control people more than the Right.

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