Apr 23Liked by epimetheus

The reason for this is that over the past 30 years, islamic nations have been allowed influence in the UN, and in islam, child marriage is normal, legal and endorsed by their prophet.

That's the real reason for all the efforts everywhere to remove age limits on intercourse and marriage: the moslems wants their child-brides.

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Okay, to play devil's advocate here and wade into a minefield, after skimming the 8-March Principles and admittedly not being well informed on this area of law, I can think of a couple of milder examples perhaps extenuating 'criminalalization' which spring to mind (not to say they preclude the more extreme possibilities Epimetheus mentions).

Two consensual teenagers (close in age) but both below the legal age of consent.

Two consensual teenagers (close in age) but only one is below the legal age of consent.

(a larger age difference makes it difficult to exclude the older teenager taking advantage of the younger)

It seems a lot of this rests on the basis of informed consent and I presume/hope that children (let's say, for the sake of this argument, under 14) can never be deemed legally capable of informed consent. In which case, some of Epimetheus' worst case concerns might be moot.

As to instances of teenagers with adults (let's say over 21) it seems nigh impossible to rule out the adult taking advantage of the teenager despite and also questionable whether the teenager can truly give informed consent to enter into sexual activity with an adult.

Again this all seems to rest on the concept of informed consent and the legal minimum age of consent.

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Apr 23Liked by epimetheus

It also means that countries that allow state’s rights (to make their own laws) will be subject to these rules, which will negate said state law. In this country, states set their own laws regarding age of legal participation in many areas of life. As with the WHO health takeover, individual states are deciding not to participate. The UN rules would overrule that right?

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I asked Google “do all people menstruate?". This is was the first returned link - https://www.transhub.org.au/menstruation#:~:text=Having%20a%20period%20is%20not,and%20even%20plenty%20of%20men!

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