Loved this inspiring vignette of blossoming resistance! The narrative is cracking …

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Spread the word. The narrative (which one?) cracked a while ago.

I honestly lost track a while ago, and then I stopped caring about them.

How do you go about your daily life, by the way? How do you 'cope' with this utter madness? Do share!

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My husband and I are very fortunate in that we are naturally homebodies and so are perfectly content to stay locked in our home with our beloved kitties ;-) We can have pretty much all of our necessities delivered (thanks in large part to a wonderful CSA that partners with hundreds of local farmers and producers), so I can count the number of times on one hand that we’ve had to venture into the madness since spring 2020. The last time we ran errands, I didn’t even know if masks were still being required, but I didn’t wear one and no one bothered me, so that was a happy relief.

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1. Have you asked that colleague for the basis of his thinking ? How did he come to hold those views?

2. "n line with, if not in excess of, ‘vaccination’ uptake)" Since the vaxes are useless, it is "safe"and generous to assume the vax rates discounted by 15% since some unvaxed are too old or having medical conditions. Don't let them try to pin us to any exact rate since the onus is on them!. It is well accepted doctrine that if a vax is 50% or less effective, it is worthless. IanSC on twit regularly reminds his readers that Frauci claimed that if the vax rate is at least 50% there won't be any surge! And no one can argue that the failure rate is less than 50%. Thus, their own data prove their lies!

I never downloaded the QR code app. I never willingly will.

Here in Australia it is illegal to provide false infor for check-in.

"‘The Shape of Things to Come’ " - I would call it "The Big Picture".

"Do ‘Covid Passports’ do anything health-wise? They don’t, hence this must be about population control ..." They always have multiple purposes - at least dual - for everything they do. Planning skullduggery is hard and tedious work. Covid passport is only a trial run to get people acclimatised to use it as part of their lives like credit cards, mobile phones and online transactions. With the vax, testing, and passport. they have our digital IDs. Once they digitise money, propety and other records, no one can change their ID since they have our DNA and vax details. They already signaled their intention with the "reset", "build back better", and you will own nothing. Except for USA, Israel and jihardists, most people are unarmed. They have trialed "no jab, no job" with great success. Basically, they can do whatever they want now. Notice those draconian penalties for being unvaxed in some countries now? In Victoria Australia they have a passed a pandemic law that allows the govt to find people $20k for breaching a health order, whcih can include for not wearing a mask! In NSW Australia, they can find people $5000 for breaching a quarantine order.

It won't be a nuisance once a QR code chip is embedded in a hand. That will be one reason for them having it embedded. Get people to accept the passport, then make it more "secure" and "convenient" by embedding it! Peoples are programmed to naturally acclimatise to new conditions. That is how we managed to survive and thrive, to the amazement of our space brothers. They knew this innate ability to adapt and are using it against us! There is a joke about some Jews finding their land permanently under deep water. So, their rabbi said to his flock, "Listen up, people, we have three days to learn how to live under water."!

I hope you are righr about the superspreader scams. I suspect they will use such events for their own ends.

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Good stuff.

Am I being completely naive in thinking this will end soon as governments acknowledge the mild nature of omnicron and encourage infection? Any chance ?

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Hi Ryk,

thanks for sharing the thought. My reply is--I don't think you're naive at-all. I'd say that governments are naive, for they believe they can bullshit us much longer. I expect them to 'suffer' a rude awakening before too long.

As to Omicron, I doubt that government policies (if that's actually the correct word, for I fail to see much, if any, coherence here) will change before the population has moved on.

Thus, it falls to us all--we, the people, that is--not to let these bastards get away with it.

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I look forward to your thoughts on Austria and how things are going there. I’m loving your substack. Keep going. And congrats on the watercooler win. Nice.

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No offence, you are more than naive. You are dreaming. They did not scam this much, and this far, killing many, broke many, made billions, have us by the short and curly, only to let us go? Have you seen one govt which has basically reversed its polcies? Can you name one? Why did all of them basically follow the same scripts? Never assume naivety or stupidity on their part. Those type of people don't lie and lie. And come out with clever lies and lines.

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Hi Barry,

first of all: thanks for taking the time to post so many comments (not 'only' here but also, perhaps esp. so, over at the sticky 'whatever else' post); I greatly appreciate your investment.

Look, I don't mean to suggest life is easy or that the things I'm saying are going to happen. You may call me naive or a dreamer, both are monikers I'll gladly accept--I'm a parent, my kids are 4 and 7, I *must* be both naive and a dreamer in this regard, for otherwise what is there to do?

In my professional life, I'm a historian, with a decade-plus track record of looking at how the modern national states came into being. You're correct in your assessment that no government willingly gives up anything or backpedals. Ever.


If there's one or two things I also learned, its this: things that can't continue, won't; and there's a myriad of 'little things' anyone of us can do, every day, to make those who dare to boss us around pay.

In addition, I would propose one more things: their lies may sound plausible at first, but they are never 'clever'. And sooner or later, they will trip over their own lies.

Look, Barry, I'm terribly sorry about the shitshow your country has become. I agree with the fragmented nature of protests and objections you mention, and I'm fully with you when it comes to being angry and afraid at the same time, hopeful and utterly devastated, often at the same moment. This is what makes us human.

What's more, your and my emotional investment also suggests we're not beaten and defeated. And as bleak as things look right now, one must remain hopeful, for otherwise you may also join your fellow citizens-turned-sheep and begin queuing at a 'vaccine' centre.

Don't do it. Don't give into despair.

There's a reason why, out of Pandora's Box once opened, Hope came out, too.

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I see you are a historian. If I could recommend one history book to you about anything which has nothing to do with any of this it would be Spain in our Hearts. It’s about the Spanish civil war. It’s by A Hochschild.

Also I found this post of yours

Very moving. You have a wonderful way with words. I also would recommend any book that is a collection of MLKs speeches. It’s phenomenal what he could do with words. The pen is mightier than the sword. Sometimes. In MLKs case it would be oftentimes. With warmth and appreciation, Ryk.

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Thanks. Fackel.

I appreciate your note. Of course, we need to always be positive but also realistic. Both concepts can co-exist. They want us to feel down and out. That was/is one real reason for the lockdown measures, especially blocking the enjoyment of parks, playground, beaches. and outdoors.

The lies are "clever" and catchy enough to fool people - -"novel", "flatten the curve", don't be selfish, "data and science", " the science". "rare", etc.

When I look at the protests, I don't see or feel any PRESSURE. What pressure when people are milling about, smiling, taking selfies? And some even wore masks! Now contrast that with the protests by the Left. No, I never condone or damage to property, or abuse of cops, except in self-defence. For example, a few months ago, in Melbourne, an obese guy was retuning home from work. As he was walking towards a train platform, he was punched in the stomach for no reason by a cop. So he rightly swore at him.

I am not so much despair, as disappointed, puzzled and annoyed by people's lack of questioning and easy acceptance of the lies. I even offered some strangers, and my former dentist, my database of links re rowuhan. They all declined.

Before the vax started, I asked a few random strangers, quite old ones, they all said "no". So I was surprised and disappointed to see such high rates. Recently, I asked more random strangers, they all had them! One guy declined a second go. Some looked quite pleased with themselves. One pensioner asked me why would lie to us. I was so shocked I could not answer him.

I corresponded wth a MSM journalist. A beautiful female who still advocated for the vax even she though she suffered perio. I told her that any damage to a heart can never be repaired; it can only be mitigated; and asked some basic questions. All I got back from her was curt dismissive replies. it is sad enough that she voluntarily suffered; but she is also an advocate. With her, she has no excuse that she was uninformed and misinformed.

I try to avoid being emotional by not reading or viewing tragic vaccine deaths and injuries.

They will never defeat you, me and other like-minded people.

I've been on record online and with multiple people in person that I would rather take a BULLET than their vax!

As long as humanity will surive, and I was comforted in a dream to that effect, I am less concerned. Of course, any person of good will and with a heart don't want to see people being fooled and suffer. I am more concerned about people being seriously and permanent injured than dying. Provided they had lived reasonable lives, death is the end of their pain. Those who existed suddenly were very fortunate indeed.

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Dec 7, 2021
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Hi BillyB,

welcome, fellow Scandinavian! I'm aware of the gov't presser tonight, in fact, I expect "results" along the lines you outlined: try to look like 'doing something, really, anything'.

Funny (as if it were) enough, the law is as you say: I wonder, though, how these laws a) would be implemented in, say, remote inland places or b) in more populous coastal cities where there are few, if any 'cases'. My guess: noone much cares.

The 'common attitude' is also, incidentally, what th FHI (the Norwegian CDC equivalent) also says; I do get the impression, though, that I'm the only one who reads their statements in my circles. I do agree with the resistance to the introduction of 'Covid Passports': it's a simple cost-benefit analysis--I don't go to any place that requires me to leave my data (see above, haha) and/or requires me to put on a face diaper. If I'm 'asked' to put on such a thing, I only ask my interlocutor to take a step back and reply: 'there, I fixed that for you' and go on my merry ways.

I think we're in agreement about how this will play out: passive resistance, with snappy, witty retorts at times to grind down the morale of these corner boys.

Also, I just read in my local paper that public bus drivers are 'complaining' that 4 out of 5 people ignore the mask 'mandate' (if one can't keep 1m distance, that is): it's a start. Next time I'll take the bus, I'll make sure to stand next to the driver; if asked to don a face diaper, I'll ask the driver to take a step back. Rinse and repeat, that's the way.


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