Thank you - poignant - I feel stopping at times to reflect is very worthwhile and regrounds me. And I have absolutely grieved or looked back with fondness for lost pasts (still am as madness escalates!). And yes we shall indeed carry on forward 😊🙏
Thank you - poignant - I feel stopping at times to reflect is very worthwhile and regrounds me. And I have absolutely grieved or looked back with fondness for lost pasts (still am as madness escalates!). And yes we shall indeed carry on forward 😊🙏
Thank you - poignant - I feel stopping at times to reflect is very worthwhile and regrounds me. And I have absolutely grieved or looked back with fondness for lost pasts (still am as madness escalates!). And yes we shall indeed carry on forward 😊🙏
I felt like, well, what have we lost when I looked at the photographs. I don't even know why I did it, but it was a quite overwhelming sensation.
Onwards we march. Together.