Small, determined and organized minority wins. They deftly manipulate natural human proclivities and yoke them to advance their aims. Natural concerns about our environment across the political spectrum were successfully hijacked by criminals behind Club of Rome for much greater long term interests. Disorganized aimless blob can at best react to some excesses, but such efforts soon wither away both naturally and by effective manipulations. Only excessive hubris and the divine intervention can perhaps stop this. Even when things fall apart, the ruling criminals make sure their fall is cushioned by crushed humanity below so that they can land on top of us to begin riding us once again.

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You mean the likes of the UN (plus its affiliates), the Club of Rome, and the WEF?

You look at their minions, all I see is 'excessive hubris' and 'pride', which cometh before the fall.

My take is this: the Covid anti-mandate protests have rocked the boat, if only because of these 'strange bedfellows' protesting for 'real' things, as opposed to 'fake', well, 'issues™' promoted by corporate or gov't players (remember the 'pussy hats'?).

The elites now face a Hobson's choice: push 'us' harder (again), re-create that protest movement; don't push, too little speed to get crap done (e.g., 'Agenda 2030'). Either way, lots of trouble ahead, but I don't think these--essentially Fabians--will stop, they're currently re-grouping.

For what it's worth, I think they may offer a scapegoat, not Fauci, but something a bit bigger (they can't let go of the modRNA crap, it's making too much money for them), so 'we' may be in for a nasty 'surprise'…

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“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” — Woodrow Wilson (BTW, Wilson served this something). Edward M. House may have been the their visible inside man in the White House.

This something still seems to rule the world. Yes, there is a pool of resentment among the people’s of the West, but Criminals are not retreating, but carefully calibrating what to do next. I suspect they are, on one hand, worried that things may ultimately get out of hand, and on the other they feel confident they can continue managing us. COVID psy-op gave them a lot of valuable feedback.

Yes, there is a lot of trouble ahead. They are organized and we are not. This is likely to be the crucial difference. Like you say, they have targets to meet but they are very flexible on the tactical level. They will take what they can and push the rest into the future. They are also willing to sacrifice their servants, but they will sacrifice nobody if they don’t need to. Right now I don’t see any need for them to sacrifice anyone.

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Oh, well, what 'something' or 'somebody' might that be? (/sarcasm)

'This something still seems to rule the world… but Criminals are not retreating, but carefully calibrating what to do next.'

I suspect that what cometh next (and thereafter) is already 'lined up', and it is merely us 'mere mortals' who will be caught by 'surprise'.

'They are organized and we are not.'

That might appear so, but, if anything, I'd submit the notion that 'they' are fighting with each other; mind you, I'm not claiming that this will result in them relenting an iota, but I don't think they are as united as it appears.

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They are united on the fundamentals, at least that is how it appears to me. They are less divided on, to them, less centrally important issues. On some of those they may even appear to be in conflict. At the end, the ship's course is set for the desired destinations, and that ship eventually arrives to the right port. There may be small deviations on the way due to tactical issues.

I believe Carroll Quigley described the imperial center pretty well. He had unprecedented access to their archives and key correspondences.

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I'm halfway through Quigley's volume you suggested some time ago, and In tend to concur--just look at all the BS Russia and China are 'pioneering', from QR social credit systems to CBDCs.

I see this as perhaps the defining moment (possibility) for 'the West' as the one and only civilisation that ever emphasised, more in agit-prop than in deed, the sovereign, free individual.

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Agitation-prop or not, we have values and principles worth defending, especially during these troubled times.

I am glad you are reading Quigley.

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