(West) Germany's post-1945 'new consciousness' (Hans Mommsen) is under attack--not from Mr. Hopkins but from demographic and ideological changes, and his trials are drawing these into the open
Thanks for this! Saw Hopkins link to the article in "die Zeit" but couldn't access it.
Key paragraph: "A link between the German corona measures and the crimes against humanity under National Socialism? Hopkins says that this was not his intention, but rather that he is annoyed by his critics’ black-and-white view of the Nazi era, because this dictatorship did not begin with terror and mass murder, but with new rules and laws that were supported by the German community."
That is why his prosecution is so laden with significance! His satirically fierce critical political commentary (and subsequently uncowed defiance defending it) has challenged the public (and now the judiciary) to honestly reflect on BOTH the socio-political pandemic hysteria AND the Nazi socio-political era.
"...he is annoyed by his critics' black-and-white view of the Nazi era..."
Yes, it speaks perfectly to your recent post on German history/memory and is why Hopkins' criticism and provocation so excruciatingly uncomfortable for the establishment:
"...dictatorship did not begin with terror and mass murder, but with new rules and laws that were supported by the German community."
This is explosively confrontational, for it threatens to blow up the established permissible field of discourse for remembering and understanding BOTH the Nazi period AND the pandemic. I am in full agreement with you: "What Mr. Hopkins has done, for better or worse, is putting his finger on a gaping wound that, so far, cannot be discussed openly in polite society for a variety of reasons." And I can only imagine it is why the MSM have steered clear of this case or dismissively covered it in tones of derision (at least until this die Zeit article and that from more alternative Berliner Zeitung).
Btw, what do you make of this favourable(?) coverage in die Zeit?
Addendum: On January 27th, 2020, (mere weeks before the first lockdowns) survivor Marian Turski gave a powerful speech in Auschwitz in front of, amongst others, assembled political leaders from all over Europe and the world on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. The speech was entitled, "The 11th Commandment - Never be a bystander whenever a minority is discriminated against." The whole speech is well worth reading or listening to, but I shall quote a small section which I am sure CJ Hopkins would recognise:
“But be careful, be careful, we are already beginning to become accustomed to thinking, that you can exclude someone, stigmatize someone, alienate someone. And slowly, step by step, day by day, that’s how people gradually become familiar with these things. Both the victims and the perpetrators and the witnesses, those we call bystanders, begin to become accustomed to the thoughts and ideas, that this minority that produced Einstein, Nelly Sachs, Heinrich Heine and the Mendelssohns is different, that they can be expelled from society, that they are foreign people, that they are people who spread germs, diseases and epidemics. That is terrible, and dangerous. That is the beginning of what can rapidly develop."
Thanks for the links, this surely is very interesting.
As to the 2020 commemoration, well, Covid has blown up one (of the two) main interpretations of the Hitler era: no chance that the atrocities of WW2 were possible without a kind of 'escalatory' route. So, about half of all 20th century historians were, obviously, wrong (and the reason they still have a job is because of the impossibility of comparing anything to the Hitler era.
As to your question about Die Zeit, well, my gut feeling is that they aren't so stupid, hence they understand the case to be about 'more'--I don't know if they see that 'more' to be in the way I outlined, but I'd argue it's enough, for the time being, that they understand this to be insanely stupid and--outright dangerous.
A regime helmed by totalitarians (or authoritarians if you prefer) cannot help but prosecute for political reasons, rather than as a consequence of criminal law.
A swastika on a mask hurts no-one so it's not assault/rape. It's not stealing nor is it stolen. It is not forced upon people not wanting to see it. There's no cost or compulsion involved from the side of Hopkins.
No real crime has been committed. But a transgression against the creed has certainly been committed: Power has been challenged by a Fool.
Therefore the full apparatus of the "criminal justice system" as the Anglophones so aptly call it is turned on the Fool.
In a similar case some 5-6 years ago, professional comedian and hypocrite* Arom Flam published a book detailing the deep collaboration between the Swedish Socialist Democrat Party and the NSDAP. While the contents were already well-known by anyone who had studied outside of the school system's books, the avenue chose by the party and the state to try and silence him and prevent the book from being published was this: he had used an image from a war-time poster, slightly manipulated, as cover. (The image is a tiger saying "A Swede keeps silent" - "keep silent" in Swedish is "tiget", same as the animal.)
Via a sub-sub-department of the military, the state could avoid the case being tried as a matter of freedom of the press/publishing and instead try it as a copyright case, to try and make Flam and his publisher withdraw from the stores all copies and then re-do the cover and republish, something they wouldn't be able to afford.
The Hovrätt (middle instance) freed Flam completely, citing the provision for parody in the laws relevant to the case.
*Flam is a Swedish Jew, or vice-versa and a rampant hypocrite when it comes to all issues on migration, a people's right to their own nation and such, since he is also a neo-liberal/libertarian: in a pod, now removed, he was asked if he though Israel should copy Sweden's migration-policy, laws and open borders as well as multiculturalism. This he answered by saying that Israel is the nation of the Jews and as such must keep itself Jewish since the Jews have no other nation. In effect, he revealed his double standards, setting one rule for Jews that in essence was "Blud und Boden" and another for Swedes who according to him were "obligated" to accept multiculturalism.
My understanding is that CJ is taking his case to Germany’s highest court. We shall see if it also fails to deliver justice for CJ. It is unfortunate that, on average, Germans are successfully conditioned to reflexively obey "authorities". Prussian based education has delivered a similar result to vast majority of Americans, too. Fortunately, we still have a sufficiently rebellious minority to potentially gum up the globalist totalitarians plans. Western Europe is almost beyond help; Eastern Europe still retains a reservoir of potential resistance. It is impossible to predict if it will develop into something more substantial that can make a real difference for the whole of Europe. Our future at this moment looks rather gloomy. CJ’s case confirms it.
Well, as goes Germany, so goes a vast part of Europe, too.
Just look at 'Brussels' and the EU Commission: they recently declared themselves above the law and sovereign--with the one main implication being: good luck enforcing these edicts once more people stop complying (which is, in my view, the only reason the Covid scam 'worked': became many people complied--and there's not too much hope short of a real war that this will be the case the next time; also, note that the compliance thing only works if everybody is in on this one, and I for one doubt that the early 2020 Covid insanity will be repeat-able).
They won’t repeat COVID. Whatever they do I doubt people will behave much differently. They will comply because they fail to see the connection between covid and the next engineered event. To people without memory, without retrospective everything is a one-off. I hope I am wrong.
If it's 'new' enough--and: what still is?--I think you're correct.
If that's the case, they must up the ante, and there's not much, if anything left: (nuclear) war between the US and whoever and 'space aliens' are the only things that I could think of that might compel comparable levels of compliance.
I doubt that too many people would be interested 'even' in regional shitshows, such as the Ukrainian quagmire, an Israeli attack on Iran, etc. All of this would seem like replays of bad movies or the like.
(And note that the nuclear great power war isn't that 'new' either…)
What can they do? Plenty. The most likely engineered event is some sort of collapse of electric/communication grid, blamed on whoever (Russians, Iranians, Chinese, aliens,…). When people are hungry and scared they are easy to manipulate. People will be offered some sort of hope of survival through the government in exchange for the new “security” arrangements. The same people who fell for 911, COVID,…, will fall for that, too!
We so heavily depend on electrical energy and the modern communication. Most of us don’t have a memory of living without these. Just imagine whole continents without electricity or communication. What happens after a week, two, three, four,…. You have much higher faith in humanity than I do. ;-)
This is not about trials and tribulations. It's not even about Germany. It's just about distraction. A show trial designed not so much to distract the public, but CJ Hopkins himself. Whose understanding of what he calls “GloboCap”, a system that is currently acting against its original inmates for lack of external enemies, is relatively accurate compared to his fellow playwrights. Of course, the Federal Constitutional Court will rule in Mr. Hopkins' favor. It simply has to. But it will do so at some point in the distant future, when the media caravan has long since moved on to the next infotainment topic. In the meantime, the public will eventually have entertained themselves to death (Neil Postman) and the only remaining question for the "Hate-Criminal"-Hopkins will be whether he has found the time and energy to concentrate on his actual writing again.
Thanks for this! Saw Hopkins link to the article in "die Zeit" but couldn't access it.
Key paragraph: "A link between the German corona measures and the crimes against humanity under National Socialism? Hopkins says that this was not his intention, but rather that he is annoyed by his critics’ black-and-white view of the Nazi era, because this dictatorship did not begin with terror and mass murder, but with new rules and laws that were supported by the German community."
That is why his prosecution is so laden with significance! His satirically fierce critical political commentary (and subsequently uncowed defiance defending it) has challenged the public (and now the judiciary) to honestly reflect on BOTH the socio-political pandemic hysteria AND the Nazi socio-political era.
"...he is annoyed by his critics' black-and-white view of the Nazi era..."
Yes, it speaks perfectly to your recent post on German history/memory and is why Hopkins' criticism and provocation so excruciatingly uncomfortable for the establishment:
"...dictatorship did not begin with terror and mass murder, but with new rules and laws that were supported by the German community."
This is explosively confrontational, for it threatens to blow up the established permissible field of discourse for remembering and understanding BOTH the Nazi period AND the pandemic. I am in full agreement with you: "What Mr. Hopkins has done, for better or worse, is putting his finger on a gaping wound that, so far, cannot be discussed openly in polite society for a variety of reasons." And I can only imagine it is why the MSM have steered clear of this case or dismissively covered it in tones of derision (at least until this die Zeit article and that from more alternative Berliner Zeitung).
Btw, what do you make of this favourable(?) coverage in die Zeit?
Addendum: On January 27th, 2020, (mere weeks before the first lockdowns) survivor Marian Turski gave a powerful speech in Auschwitz in front of, amongst others, assembled political leaders from all over Europe and the world on the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. The speech was entitled, "The 11th Commandment - Never be a bystander whenever a minority is discriminated against." The whole speech is well worth reading or listening to, but I shall quote a small section which I am sure CJ Hopkins would recognise:
“But be careful, be careful, we are already beginning to become accustomed to thinking, that you can exclude someone, stigmatize someone, alienate someone. And slowly, step by step, day by day, that’s how people gradually become familiar with these things. Both the victims and the perpetrators and the witnesses, those we call bystanders, begin to become accustomed to the thoughts and ideas, that this minority that produced Einstein, Nelly Sachs, Heinrich Heine and the Mendelssohns is different, that they can be expelled from society, that they are foreign people, that they are people who spread germs, diseases and epidemics. That is terrible, and dangerous. That is the beginning of what can rapidly develop."
TEXT: (DE/FR/EN/PL) https://www.auschwitz.info/en/commemoration/commemoration-2020-75th-anniversary-of-the-liberation/2020-01-27-marian-turski-the-eleventh-commandment.html
VIDEO: (PL with EN simultaneous translation) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaPF_g0jHxk
Thanks for the links, this surely is very interesting.
As to the 2020 commemoration, well, Covid has blown up one (of the two) main interpretations of the Hitler era: no chance that the atrocities of WW2 were possible without a kind of 'escalatory' route. So, about half of all 20th century historians were, obviously, wrong (and the reason they still have a job is because of the impossibility of comparing anything to the Hitler era.
As to your question about Die Zeit, well, my gut feeling is that they aren't so stupid, hence they understand the case to be about 'more'--I don't know if they see that 'more' to be in the way I outlined, but I'd argue it's enough, for the time being, that they understand this to be insanely stupid and--outright dangerous.
A regime helmed by totalitarians (or authoritarians if you prefer) cannot help but prosecute for political reasons, rather than as a consequence of criminal law.
A swastika on a mask hurts no-one so it's not assault/rape. It's not stealing nor is it stolen. It is not forced upon people not wanting to see it. There's no cost or compulsion involved from the side of Hopkins.
No real crime has been committed. But a transgression against the creed has certainly been committed: Power has been challenged by a Fool.
Therefore the full apparatus of the "criminal justice system" as the Anglophones so aptly call it is turned on the Fool.
In a similar case some 5-6 years ago, professional comedian and hypocrite* Arom Flam published a book detailing the deep collaboration between the Swedish Socialist Democrat Party and the NSDAP. While the contents were already well-known by anyone who had studied outside of the school system's books, the avenue chose by the party and the state to try and silence him and prevent the book from being published was this: he had used an image from a war-time poster, slightly manipulated, as cover. (The image is a tiger saying "A Swede keeps silent" - "keep silent" in Swedish is "tiget", same as the animal.)
Via a sub-sub-department of the military, the state could avoid the case being tried as a matter of freedom of the press/publishing and instead try it as a copyright case, to try and make Flam and his publisher withdraw from the stores all copies and then re-do the cover and republish, something they wouldn't be able to afford.
The Hovrätt (middle instance) freed Flam completely, citing the provision for parody in the laws relevant to the case.
*Flam is a Swedish Jew, or vice-versa and a rampant hypocrite when it comes to all issues on migration, a people's right to their own nation and such, since he is also a neo-liberal/libertarian: in a pod, now removed, he was asked if he though Israel should copy Sweden's migration-policy, laws and open borders as well as multiculturalism. This he answered by saying that Israel is the nation of the Jews and as such must keep itself Jewish since the Jews have no other nation. In effect, he revealed his double standards, setting one rule for Jews that in essence was "Blud und Boden" and another for Swedes who according to him were "obligated" to accept multiculturalism.
I remember that incident--what a telling case.
The main implication, professionally speaking, is that Shirer's volume is potentially also in violation of that title: what a double-standard…
My understanding is that CJ is taking his case to Germany’s highest court. We shall see if it also fails to deliver justice for CJ. It is unfortunate that, on average, Germans are successfully conditioned to reflexively obey "authorities". Prussian based education has delivered a similar result to vast majority of Americans, too. Fortunately, we still have a sufficiently rebellious minority to potentially gum up the globalist totalitarians plans. Western Europe is almost beyond help; Eastern Europe still retains a reservoir of potential resistance. It is impossible to predict if it will develop into something more substantial that can make a real difference for the whole of Europe. Our future at this moment looks rather gloomy. CJ’s case confirms it.
Well, as goes Germany, so goes a vast part of Europe, too.
Just look at 'Brussels' and the EU Commission: they recently declared themselves above the law and sovereign--with the one main implication being: good luck enforcing these edicts once more people stop complying (which is, in my view, the only reason the Covid scam 'worked': became many people complied--and there's not too much hope short of a real war that this will be the case the next time; also, note that the compliance thing only works if everybody is in on this one, and I for one doubt that the early 2020 Covid insanity will be repeat-able).
They won’t repeat COVID. Whatever they do I doubt people will behave much differently. They will comply because they fail to see the connection between covid and the next engineered event. To people without memory, without retrospective everything is a one-off. I hope I am wrong.
If it's 'new' enough--and: what still is?--I think you're correct.
If that's the case, they must up the ante, and there's not much, if anything left: (nuclear) war between the US and whoever and 'space aliens' are the only things that I could think of that might compel comparable levels of compliance.
I doubt that too many people would be interested 'even' in regional shitshows, such as the Ukrainian quagmire, an Israeli attack on Iran, etc. All of this would seem like replays of bad movies or the like.
(And note that the nuclear great power war isn't that 'new' either…)
What can they do? Plenty. The most likely engineered event is some sort of collapse of electric/communication grid, blamed on whoever (Russians, Iranians, Chinese, aliens,…). When people are hungry and scared they are easy to manipulate. People will be offered some sort of hope of survival through the government in exchange for the new “security” arrangements. The same people who fell for 911, COVID,…, will fall for that, too!
Quite likely, but I doubt that this will fly if it's 'only' a continuation of the seemingly endless quagmires elsewhere.
There's no 'novelty' there, and I suppose it's necessary to make people care (afraid) enough…
We so heavily depend on electrical energy and the modern communication. Most of us don’t have a memory of living without these. Just imagine whole continents without electricity or communication. What happens after a week, two, three, four,…. You have much higher faith in humanity than I do. ;-)
A few will survive, but isn’t that also a part of their monster agenda?
European Law reeks. Napoleon reeked. Vast numbers of Americans and Brits now want to follow Europe into totalitarianism.
This is not about trials and tribulations. It's not even about Germany. It's just about distraction. A show trial designed not so much to distract the public, but CJ Hopkins himself. Whose understanding of what he calls “GloboCap”, a system that is currently acting against its original inmates for lack of external enemies, is relatively accurate compared to his fellow playwrights. Of course, the Federal Constitutional Court will rule in Mr. Hopkins' favor. It simply has to. But it will do so at some point in the distant future, when the media caravan has long since moved on to the next infotainment topic. In the meantime, the public will eventually have entertained themselves to death (Neil Postman) and the only remaining question for the "Hate-Criminal"-Hopkins will be whether he has found the time and energy to concentrate on his actual writing again.
Sorry! Germany is going back to much of Nazi dictatorship.