Call me a cynic, but 'the Science™' is struggling to 'splain' things 10-15 years ago, although questions remain about NIR (which changes the body's pH value) and the lipid nanoparticles
Insights? The people in my town appear to be largely zombified if that’s any help?
Nobody will respond to a simple good morning/afternoon anymore. It could be the juice, the EMF, the various G’s floating around out there… who knows? I’m only partially being tongue in cheek but I have definitely noticed a change in people… it could simply be a cultural or economic malaise or their souls have ascended early. It feels like I’m living in the plot of They Live/Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Ironically children seem unaffected they always return a cordial greeting.
3/4/5/XG is too profitable and necessary to the capitalist economy and societal model, to be dangerous.
That is the logic that informs decision-makers and scientists alike.
That you could say "It is lynch-pin technology to how we live, but we must fully investigate any potential dangers, especially those that build up over time" does not compute.
The 85-130 IQ - i.e. normal intelligence and normal cognition, have real difficulty stepping out of thinking in false binaries and false oppositional forces.
And having a little humility for that we only know what we're ignorant of, when it hits us in the face - not before.
As I reported in my recent piece on the 'Medical IoT', these wireless technologies have been so embedded in our economy and society it's hard to imagine taking 1-2 steps backwards voluntarily.
As always, though, it's adapt or die. Not a whole lot space in-between.
It took centuries for the dangers of burning coal to become so severe they impacted the bourgeoisie and the upper classes - once that happened, coal became dangerous and in need of research and control and so on.
Since XG doesn't discriminate based on income and is everywhere, there might be a slim chance for sanity, if and when the 1%ers realise they cannot insulate themselves from this.
Not quite true. I've read that telecom bigwigs do not allow EMFs (electromagnetic radiation) in their homes - they know how to block the radiation and maintain a clean(er) environment for themselves...... [sorry, don't remember the source]
I can comment on the health issues of EMFs, not on cows (sorry, no experience), but on people. I had to move from an inner city apartment after cellphone signal towers were installed on the roof of the nearby building - which beamed directly into our kitchen & bedroom windows. Shortly after installation, while cooking in the kitchen, I suddenly almost collapsed - could not stand up any more. I went into the living room (corner apartment: this was facing a different direction, and farther from any direct signals) and rested on the sofa. I felt ok there. I walked back to the kitchen - and my heart began to POUND. Returned to the living room - my heart stopped pounding & my heartbeat normalized. Into the kitchen - POUNDING HEART. I have never had any heart issues, nor do I still. This was like a (very unwelcome) controlled experiment! N=1, but perfectly consistent.
I could no longer enter our kitchen until I did some remediation.
I hired a building biologist who specialized in these issues (due to his own personal experiences) who tested every room & device in our apartment. He found extremely high levels of EMR and suggested many changes, which we made. (Eg., get rid of wifi, cover all exterior walls & windows with EMR-blocking fabrics...). These changes allowed me to live in this apartment until we moved a few months later. I now live in a semi-rural area with poor cellphone coverage (distant towers). We had especially created an environment with NO wifi (only ethernet), but our tv/internet/phone provider was bought out and forced a change: they no longer have any non-wifi equipment (we have the lowest signal available, and there are no other providers out here).
I've since done a lot of research: and guess what? There is a LOT of research showing the dangers of EMR!
I'm sorry about your travails, but I thank you for sharing them.
One thing stuck out: no more non-wifi or non-bluetooth equipment--there is now but one option of wired headphones available in Norwegian stores I frequently go to as I don't want my children to wear wireless devices.
It's so absurd: why don't 'they' want children without neurological changes/damage?
Insights? The people in my town appear to be largely zombified if that’s any help?
Nobody will respond to a simple good morning/afternoon anymore. It could be the juice, the EMF, the various G’s floating around out there… who knows? I’m only partially being tongue in cheek but I have definitely noticed a change in people… it could simply be a cultural or economic malaise or their souls have ascended early. It feels like I’m living in the plot of They Live/Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Ironically children seem unaffected they always return a cordial greeting.
Oh, well, same same.
My gut feeling is that cell phone radiation + cationic lipids may not match very well, though…
I’m open to any and all theories… aliens, elves or malign deep state forces…
3/4/5/XG is too profitable and necessary to the capitalist economy and societal model, to be dangerous.
That is the logic that informs decision-makers and scientists alike.
That you could say "It is lynch-pin technology to how we live, but we must fully investigate any potential dangers, especially those that build up over time" does not compute.
The 85-130 IQ - i.e. normal intelligence and normal cognition, have real difficulty stepping out of thinking in false binaries and false oppositional forces.
And having a little humility for that we only know what we're ignorant of, when it hits us in the face - not before.
You're, of course, correct.
As I reported in my recent piece on the 'Medical IoT', these wireless technologies have been so embedded in our economy and society it's hard to imagine taking 1-2 steps backwards voluntarily.
As always, though, it's adapt or die. Not a whole lot space in-between.
It took centuries for the dangers of burning coal to become so severe they impacted the bourgeoisie and the upper classes - once that happened, coal became dangerous and in need of research and control and so on.
Since XG doesn't discriminate based on income and is everywhere, there might be a slim chance for sanity, if and when the 1%ers realise they cannot insulate themselves from this.
Not quite true. I've read that telecom bigwigs do not allow EMFs (electromagnetic radiation) in their homes - they know how to block the radiation and maintain a clean(er) environment for themselves...... [sorry, don't remember the source]
I can comment on the health issues of EMFs, not on cows (sorry, no experience), but on people. I had to move from an inner city apartment after cellphone signal towers were installed on the roof of the nearby building - which beamed directly into our kitchen & bedroom windows. Shortly after installation, while cooking in the kitchen, I suddenly almost collapsed - could not stand up any more. I went into the living room (corner apartment: this was facing a different direction, and farther from any direct signals) and rested on the sofa. I felt ok there. I walked back to the kitchen - and my heart began to POUND. Returned to the living room - my heart stopped pounding & my heartbeat normalized. Into the kitchen - POUNDING HEART. I have never had any heart issues, nor do I still. This was like a (very unwelcome) controlled experiment! N=1, but perfectly consistent.
I could no longer enter our kitchen until I did some remediation.
I hired a building biologist who specialized in these issues (due to his own personal experiences) who tested every room & device in our apartment. He found extremely high levels of EMR and suggested many changes, which we made. (Eg., get rid of wifi, cover all exterior walls & windows with EMR-blocking fabrics...). These changes allowed me to live in this apartment until we moved a few months later. I now live in a semi-rural area with poor cellphone coverage (distant towers). We had especially created an environment with NO wifi (only ethernet), but our tv/internet/phone provider was bought out and forced a change: they no longer have any non-wifi equipment (we have the lowest signal available, and there are no other providers out here).
I've since done a lot of research: and guess what? There is a LOT of research showing the dangers of EMR!
I'm sorry about your travails, but I thank you for sharing them.
One thing stuck out: no more non-wifi or non-bluetooth equipment--there is now but one option of wired headphones available in Norwegian stores I frequently go to as I don't want my children to wear wireless devices.
It's so absurd: why don't 'they' want children without neurological changes/damage?
Perhaps because clear thinking children might grow up to be clear & independent thinking adults????
Exactly my thoughts, to say nothing about physiological (and neurological) changes on top of it.