Techniques of propaganda and mind Control are already so effective that further pharmaceutical or mechanical intervention is simply unneccesary. COVID19 showed us how bad it’s gotten. You can basically manipulate large portions of the populace at will by clever use og propaganda and «nudging». This is precisely what Yuval Noah Harari mea…
Techniques of propaganda and mind Control are already so effective that further pharmaceutical or mechanical intervention is simply unneccesary. COVID19 showed us how bad it’s gotten. You can basically manipulate large portions of the populace at will by clever use og propaganda and «nudging». This is precisely what Yuval Noah Harari meant when he said that «humans are hackable animals» - he wasn’t talking about the future. People have already been successfully «hacked» to regurgitate the thoughts and opinions the programmers want them to have.
Yes and no, I'd say: yes, because these propaganda techniques are awesomely effective; no, because they appear to wear off quickly when faced directly with 'the enemy'. Hence it works less well with, say, Covid, as opposed to the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
I think you have to «segment» the population to use a marketing term. You have some People who are «true believers» of any «official» narrative. These are the obnoxious trolls you Find everywhere viciously defending the current narrative whatever it is. Then you have the large middle segment that sort of just go with the flow but as you point out for these People the spell can be broken (it happened with covid in the end). Then you have the rare breed of «dissidents» who for some reason propaganda works less well on. This would be the yous and the mes.
An interesting observation here is how effectively the «current narrative» was pivoted from covid to ukraine allmost overnight. All the rabid lunatics who wanted to more or less execute the unvaccinated were suddenly shouting «slava ukraini» instead. I was active in some message boards at the time and it was like flipping a switch, and all the cockroaches scurried away from the covid topic over to «Putin bad» and «kill all Russians». The problem we face is that the blob in the middle will tend towards the «official» narrative, not towards the dissident views. I can’t imagine the dissidents make up more than 10% of the population. Thus, the mindcontrol over 90% of the population is effective enough. But you are right, it does require a constant barrage of propaganda to maintain the illusions.
As regards the 'blob in the middle', I suspect they tilt towards the 'official' narrative for want of alternative viewpoints, which is where media control comes in. Since we know MSM is highly concentrated and compromised (with its Transatlanticist bend), it's obvious that those who are fed that kind of 'news' will go whichever way 'the telly' tells them.
I still maintain that for the 'blob in the middle', the longer these 'narratives' are kept on life-support, the more begin questioning them, hence the need for 24-hour news-cycles to spew out 'something else' every now and then to make sure that the 'blob' continues to support 'the current thing'.
As to the 'Slava Ukraini' switch, that was one genius move (and exceedingly disgusting). I'm looking forward what the next 'big' thing might be: clearly, neither MPox nor measles are gonna do it, and I doubt the current avian flu scare will stick. Palestine/Israel seems too much of thing, but perhaps a 'retaliatory' strike on Iran might 'work', esp. as neither the solar eclipse nor 'the climate crisis' are making people move as predictively as before.
Techniques of propaganda and mind Control are already so effective that further pharmaceutical or mechanical intervention is simply unneccesary. COVID19 showed us how bad it’s gotten. You can basically manipulate large portions of the populace at will by clever use og propaganda and «nudging». This is precisely what Yuval Noah Harari meant when he said that «humans are hackable animals» - he wasn’t talking about the future. People have already been successfully «hacked» to regurgitate the thoughts and opinions the programmers want them to have.
Yes and no, I'd say: yes, because these propaganda techniques are awesomely effective; no, because they appear to wear off quickly when faced directly with 'the enemy'. Hence it works less well with, say, Covid, as opposed to the Ukraine-Russia conflict.
I think you have to «segment» the population to use a marketing term. You have some People who are «true believers» of any «official» narrative. These are the obnoxious trolls you Find everywhere viciously defending the current narrative whatever it is. Then you have the large middle segment that sort of just go with the flow but as you point out for these People the spell can be broken (it happened with covid in the end). Then you have the rare breed of «dissidents» who for some reason propaganda works less well on. This would be the yous and the mes.
An interesting observation here is how effectively the «current narrative» was pivoted from covid to ukraine allmost overnight. All the rabid lunatics who wanted to more or less execute the unvaccinated were suddenly shouting «slava ukraini» instead. I was active in some message boards at the time and it was like flipping a switch, and all the cockroaches scurried away from the covid topic over to «Putin bad» and «kill all Russians». The problem we face is that the blob in the middle will tend towards the «official» narrative, not towards the dissident views. I can’t imagine the dissidents make up more than 10% of the population. Thus, the mindcontrol over 90% of the population is effective enough. But you are right, it does require a constant barrage of propaganda to maintain the illusions.
Very well-taken points.
As regards the 'blob in the middle', I suspect they tilt towards the 'official' narrative for want of alternative viewpoints, which is where media control comes in. Since we know MSM is highly concentrated and compromised (with its Transatlanticist bend), it's obvious that those who are fed that kind of 'news' will go whichever way 'the telly' tells them.
I still maintain that for the 'blob in the middle', the longer these 'narratives' are kept on life-support, the more begin questioning them, hence the need for 24-hour news-cycles to spew out 'something else' every now and then to make sure that the 'blob' continues to support 'the current thing'.
As to the 'Slava Ukraini' switch, that was one genius move (and exceedingly disgusting). I'm looking forward what the next 'big' thing might be: clearly, neither MPox nor measles are gonna do it, and I doubt the current avian flu scare will stick. Palestine/Israel seems too much of thing, but perhaps a 'retaliatory' strike on Iran might 'work', esp. as neither the solar eclipse nor 'the climate crisis' are making people move as predictively as before.