Articles such as this has been published roughly every 10-15 years, in magazines or academic journals, since the inter-war period if not earlier. While "mind control" is possible - witness civil servants and the public at large believing cloth masks stops virus particles - the total control variety of turning humans into programmable rob…
Articles such as this has been published roughly every 10-15 years, in magazines or academic journals, since the inter-war period if not earlier. While "mind control" is possible - witness civil servants and the public at large believing cloth masks stops virus particles - the total control variety of turning humans into programmable robots is not, and will probably remain impossible simply due to how the brain works.
AI and computers cannot handle paradox, self-contradictions, double-think, and so on; a human mind turned programmable will lose precisely that element of randomness that is intelligence's root cause.
At best you get a drone, and we can create that anyway: enhance cultural-societal and financial traits that increases the odds of worship of authority, and decreases independent thought and analytical same, and ability to switch "mental gears" between abstract and concrete thinking, to say nothing of the ability of metacognition.
Every other decade, natural scientists have claimed (or have let media claim) that they can perform the miracle of X by very simple means. And every time it is hypoerbole. Electricity would let us control people - it doesn't, it just fries the brain and destroys brainfunctions at random. Genetics would let us breed perfect humans - it doesn't, because not only is DNA too complex, it resets itself from artificial tampering after a few generations. Drugs? Same spiel. Social engineering? Same again.
And so on.
PS: The DNA resetting is quite funny. My wife's grandfather told about how they changed the gene deciding how man eyes a fruitfly would have and where on the body the eyes should go, resulting in fruitflies covered in eyes. After about 5-7 generations, they were back to normal. For some unknown reason, the change simply didn't stick. The DNA reset on its own. How and why is completely unknown; according to how we understand DNA, it shouldn't have been able to do that. DS
I do think 'technocrats', 'experts', and their ilk consistently over-estimate the influence of such 'devices' and programs. I'm even unsure if one actually manages to 'render' a human into 'drone-like' behaviour for extended periods of time. Case in point, falling immunisation rates in the wake of the Covid 'mass vaccination' disaster.
I'll offer anecdotal evidence from among my relatives and in-laws who all now say that they trusted the gov't on the Covid jabs, but none of them trusts doctors, 'experts', and politicians any longer.
In addition, I'd offer the notion that Klaus Schwab's acolyte and court historian Nuval Harari calls the majority of people 'useless eaters', perhaps because they also recognise the time-limited nature of 'mind control' (sic).
As to the DNA resetting--this is awesome, I've never heard about it, and I'm off looking for it.
Articles such as this has been published roughly every 10-15 years, in magazines or academic journals, since the inter-war period if not earlier. While "mind control" is possible - witness civil servants and the public at large believing cloth masks stops virus particles - the total control variety of turning humans into programmable robots is not, and will probably remain impossible simply due to how the brain works.
AI and computers cannot handle paradox, self-contradictions, double-think, and so on; a human mind turned programmable will lose precisely that element of randomness that is intelligence's root cause.
At best you get a drone, and we can create that anyway: enhance cultural-societal and financial traits that increases the odds of worship of authority, and decreases independent thought and analytical same, and ability to switch "mental gears" between abstract and concrete thinking, to say nothing of the ability of metacognition.
Every other decade, natural scientists have claimed (or have let media claim) that they can perform the miracle of X by very simple means. And every time it is hypoerbole. Electricity would let us control people - it doesn't, it just fries the brain and destroys brainfunctions at random. Genetics would let us breed perfect humans - it doesn't, because not only is DNA too complex, it resets itself from artificial tampering after a few generations. Drugs? Same spiel. Social engineering? Same again.
And so on.
PS: The DNA resetting is quite funny. My wife's grandfather told about how they changed the gene deciding how man eyes a fruitfly would have and where on the body the eyes should go, resulting in fruitflies covered in eyes. After about 5-7 generations, they were back to normal. For some unknown reason, the change simply didn't stick. The DNA reset on its own. How and why is completely unknown; according to how we understand DNA, it shouldn't have been able to do that. DS
I do think 'technocrats', 'experts', and their ilk consistently over-estimate the influence of such 'devices' and programs. I'm even unsure if one actually manages to 'render' a human into 'drone-like' behaviour for extended periods of time. Case in point, falling immunisation rates in the wake of the Covid 'mass vaccination' disaster.
I'll offer anecdotal evidence from among my relatives and in-laws who all now say that they trusted the gov't on the Covid jabs, but none of them trusts doctors, 'experts', and politicians any longer.
In addition, I'd offer the notion that Klaus Schwab's acolyte and court historian Nuval Harari calls the majority of people 'useless eaters', perhaps because they also recognise the time-limited nature of 'mind control' (sic).
As to the DNA resetting--this is awesome, I've never heard about it, and I'm off looking for it.