This a part of the planned destruction of the West. COVID, jabs, food shortages, energy shortages, inflation, wars,..., all different vectors of destruction.

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

Nice piece dear Epimetheus.

Energy problems are as Covid annoumcements in the last 20 yrs. With just a tiny difference, who we'll "eat" most of the cake are different from Covid ones.

I've learn in the last 20 years that there is a clear policy across the neo nazi globalist western countries, very simple: "first make the rich fatter then make the ignorant eat some of the cake."

Ignorant are all of those people that whose culture is the money only, they do not have talents, they do not have an ideal or project a part to be as much as possible similar to rich people.

Unlike the real rich that I have met in my like and work, they like to show up what they earn, they like to get the best, because the best is a sign of richness... in their little brains.

And that's why Social platforms became so famous and powerful!...

I'm sorry if I'll offend someone here but all of the incentives that came from State to private sector has been mostly, if not all, about Real Estate construction or restore in the last decade. Some infrastructure also. So the ignorant are most of the workers and activity around Real Estate, from carpenters to architects and engineers. 20/25 years ago you could see Bank agencies opening all over the town, but they last for few years. Instead of them now you see Real Estate Agencies, everywhere, 4/5 of them in a km of main streets... Who opened and run them? Ignorant people, that maybe they were selling vacuum cleaners years before or anything else. Do they have a talent? Do they studied for that? Nope. They are parasite of a blown market, blown artificially by Neo Nazi politicians of our almost over EU conutries. And they carried one of the most tax evasion ever: billions of euros, with the collaboration of those politicians.

So, why all of this happened?

Simply because the enrichment of ignorant have no consequences on power, political power, or even better: the more ignorant get to a power position the simple is to control them, remote control them... They do not have any ethics, no principles, a part again money, ownership.

So it's easy for those guys in the German, or any other western Government, spread propaganda on Covid, on vax, on Ukraine, on Russia, on Nato and so on...

The old middle class that instead had a culture of democracy, freedom, rights, ethics is out of the game, completely, everywhere. And since at least 20/25 years!

Criminals call for criminals, support crime, corruption and finally Neo Nazism.

As it's happening now. As it happened in 1930s.

Hope Putin drops the bombs soon then! ;-)

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Going to LaLa-land to look for ideas, I found this one right below Wernicke's area:

What does North Afrca have a lot of? Problems, sand and sunlight.

Ok, so why not rent suitable land Hong Kong-style from say Morocco and build huge hinking solar arrays there, and a suitably huge cable to Europe? (Yeah, I know, there's more tech to it than just a huge extension cord but it's not like it's technically complicated.)

It would be far cheaper, politically and financially and environmentally than relying on gas from Russia or oil from Mesopotamia and Arabia (Sykes-Picot and all that). It would also benefit the nation renting out space - a mutual benefits employment and training system could easily be set up, creating lots of good techs and engineers for the host nation, and providing lots of extra manpower for the solar plants.

Such a project could well be combined with both desalination plants to create more freshwater for the region, agricultural investments in hothosues on lands surrounding the plants, and solar tower technology to maximise use/effect.

Of course, it would also destroy a lot of the capitalist market for gas, oil, coal and the selling of climate cultist doom&gloom amulets and similar simony. So I guess it's impossible then.

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Have you looked for "Desertec", by the way?

Such a project (dream) existed, but it was scrapped a few years ago…

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Thanks for the tip, will have a look. Nah, I came up with this at a meeting at work 15 years ago, becaused I had zoned out and was thinking about the day's classes - topic had been the EU. So I tried to think up scenarios in which the EU, as in Europe acting in concert with pooled resources, actually could achieve something.

And I always try to think in win/win - no lose scenarios, and this is one of the ideas that popped out.

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I'm with you on the intent, but the 'Desertec' scheme was killed, if memory serves, by the combination of low prices for hydrocarbon energy after 2008, 'technical difficulties' (thermodynamics, in particular), and the 2011 Libyan aggression. If it was for me, I'd also throw in the fact that it was cheaper, more convenient, and easier to do to tap into Scandianvian 'green' energy after Ms. Merkel announced the 'Energiewende'--and we'll live to find out how this one will end before long, won't we…

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Jul 12, 2022·edited Jul 12, 2022

Yeah, but you're a much kinder person than I am, probably. When the Libya crisis (and the Tunisian) hit, my firts thought was "Right-ho, let's mobilise an EU-occupying force, grab a slice some 300 kilometers from the coast inland, and mak it permanent occupied zone."

Refugee-camps, prison camps, solar plants as above, and so on.

When I say I'm atavistic and old-fashoned, I'm not kidding.

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Russia has a 100 years left of gas reserves if they don't supply anyone else: https://www.worldometers.info/gas/russia-natural-gas/

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Thanks for this: "in particular the acceleration of the catastrophe in 1931/32, brought about by the collapse of the Vienna-based, Rothschild-affiliate Creditanstalt (the biggest lender east of Berlin) which was bailed out by the government while harsh austerity measures for the masses were implemented."

The fascists get their way!

I will have to remind you that people are becoming weaker and seek air conditioned and heated shelter. They won't question why they need it, just that they need it and need it all the time. This does have a strain on resources.

Now lets add Russian Gas into the equation, those people, they are people by the way, also are being habituated to the same luxuries of these energy sources. Using this power source makes life so easy!

BTW. Did you know Russia has only 100 years of gas left? That is without supplying Europe? Why the hell should they supply gas to stinky Germans?

Putin is either so damned smart in that he wants to blame Europe for hoarding the gas for Russia, or the rest of you are so damned stupid to believe this energy use will continue, like, forever!

Toughen up already and start building systems that don't require so much energy.

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