The analogy of the vaccine response to Covid-19 as a housing crisis with massive state-awarded construction contracts involving novel building materials/technology and approved in a short-cutted process is simply ingenious. Physical cracks in the fassade!

Nobody in their right mind would accept the government mandating young families move into those buildings. Bob the Builder can recognise the inherent dangers and risks. Much more intuitive than the shrouded mysteries of virology, biochemistry, epidemiology, and pharmacovigilance.

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Exactly my thought.

Also, note the 'if gov't can mandate that kind of BS in an emergency, gov't will create emergencies to mandate that kind of BS' implication.

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Well... Jane the nurse could also see patients dropping dead after being injected. Plenty a Jane did notice, but she's just a Jane, no MD, let alone a PhD, so who cares what she thinks she's noticed?!

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I see a different - minuscule but existing - risk/chance in this. Germany is characterised with turning a sordid past into a hair-shirt in the present, forever. By daring to declare a recent past nation-wide crime as "Shit happens", a crack in the mental process of societal self-flagellation appears.

A crack that might burst the dam of the guilt-trip for WW2 and associated events, which virtually no living German (soon actually no living German) has anything to do with.

What could a German people unburdened by what has been get into their heads to do about things they find fault with, in Germany?

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Yes, it's really fascinating, this process of how individuals, society, officials, and institutions process current events and how those events then enter the collective 'historical' memory.

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That's a keen observation--funny it is, though, for today's 'revisionists' are found mainly on 'the Left™' (as opposed to the Historikerstreit of the 1980s when it was right-wingers who questioned Germany's special-ness).

I think, if I'd to extrapolate from your comment, Rikard, that the possibilities are endless, but I think they will point into the long-term, overarching aim of all elite Germans for 200 years: domination of Europe by elimination of the one military threat (Russia) by the other other military threat (US), and this time in cahoots with Britain and France.

Talk about history repeating itself in weird rhymes…

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What I actually see happening is a slow rewriting of the WWII history in which the Russians are the bad guys, and by extension, the Germans are the good guys. It's early days yet, but remember the standing ovation that the SS grandpa got in the Canadian parliament, and of course, Europeans are now commemorating the end of WWII not only with no Russian participation, but with no mention of the Soviet Union or of the Red Army. So, that's where this is going, as far as I can tell. But of course, the past is largely a function of the present. (Or if you prefer: our interpretation of the past is largely a function of the present. But since we cannot make any sense at all of the past without interpreting it somehow, it boils down to the same thing.) The Americans are in the process of throwing in the towel in Ukraine, and given a bit more time, they may very well end up throwing in the towel in all of continental Europe (read: NATO disintegration and the dismantling of American bases in Europe). If that happens, then European countries will need to come to some sort of mutual understanding with the Russians, and so the WWII narrative may reverse again.

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That is a very real possibility, especially in nations with historical grudges when it comes to Russia.

Just look where I'm at in Sweden. People here are almost gung-ho for a NATO/EU military assault on Russia proper, not just by proxy in Ukraine.

What are they expecting, that the Swedish "empire" will resurrect?

If your prediction starts to come true, I expect the divide between Germans/the nazis to be enhanced to beyond even Hollywood-levels. Already for two decades or more, American pop-culture has consistently spoken of "ze nazis" as if they were some alien group or force that imposed itself on the Germans.

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“In this respect, I am sorry to say. My opinion hasn’t changed in the past four years. Mistakes happen; shit happens.”

Mistakes were not made…

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And this latest, long-form discussion must not end until this pandemic of inhumanity, recte: "plandemia," will be legally fully worked out. I'm part of this angry public, by the way.

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Hear, hear.

No such talk is permitted in Austria. Sigh.

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If it becomes permitted in Germany, it'll become permitted in Austria (and Czechia), too. As you said: "what happens in Germany, will not stay in Germany, so to speak." Ain't that the truth?

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Whatever is done for a legal reckoning it must not be done through the local courts but through an international tribunal (like the Nuremburg tribunals) that excludes any judges from the country under suspicion and including independent vaccine experts like Peter McCullough etc. The local courts cannot be trusted, they are part of the problem as they will always protect the State and its functionaries. Thought experiment: suppose every German postwar cabinet knew that high-voltage above ground powerlines caused cancer and still continued building them. Suppose a class action claim encompassing all the victims and/or their descendants is mounted against the State and all surviving cabinet members. They produce irrefutable evidence of willful intent and/or gross negligence; if they win it will blast a fatal hole in the State's finances. How big do you think the chances are that a German tribunal would rule in favour of the claimants?

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Problem here is, though, would a national/local court be bound by such Nuremberg-like decisions? I have significant doubts, esp. as the 'findings' of the Nuremberg Trial had to be incorporated into (German) case law through the 'backdoor' of accepting, at face-value, the claim, made by the supreme justices in their closing statement, that none of these findings may be challenged.

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I guess his name is Thomas.

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A pillar of a nation‘s legal system like Peter Fischer crumbles to dust in my opinion by diminishing what happened in the last 4 years to a word I don’t repeat. It is an insult to all those who have suffered or died because all control systems failed.

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