In the wake of this relatives sent me excited selfies of them attending a huge demonstration against Nazis in Potsdam.

I want to say that this is why I drink but I seem to have stopped doing that.


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Well, if it's any consolation (and I hope it is), esp. my younger brother also falls into that particular category (last time we met, he called me a 'Nazi' for expressing anti-woke sentiments).

Much like you, I don't drink, mostly because it doesn't make ignorant people appear less ignorant.

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How interested is the German public, really? This looks very much as journalists writing about other journalists, for journalists (and their employers) to read about - and as infighting in the Lügenpresse, possibly Old Guard vs Young Turks.

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I think many people have kinda checked out; as long as the standard of living doesn't drop to much too fast, the régime will continue, albeit in slightly modified ways. History shows that absent major problems, no danger lurks for any kind of régime, hence there's little to fear.

What, then, could be such 'game-changer'? Perhaps the end of NATO, which, absent a major war against Russia, will likely see the transformation of the EU into a fully-fledged militarised super-state (i.e., a catastrophe for everybody except the loons running that shit-show).

As to your consideration of régime media writing BS to be consumed by other régime media, thus shoring up the régime while celebrating themselves, well, apart from being an extra-nauseating exercise in narcissism, it's mainly fake/fictional crap anyways.

These things have little, if any bearing on reality, with perhaps the 'sudden and unexpected' overthrow of a failing gov't by people simply ceasing to go along with whatever BS is spouted--think, at best, the GDR in autumn 1989, with options ranging all the way to a military coup attempt to Romania executing its tyrant in autumn 1989.

Time will tell.

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