'As we go marching', the core weakness of European arms manufacturing is revealed, which will, of course, do not change the politicians' minds as they have long-since departed reality
A couple of things you may not be aware of about SIPRI:
It has been since inception heavily slanted towards pro-Soviet policies, due to infiltration, and this tilted to become pro-Russian later, as well as pro-Iranian and pro-islamic. SIPRI is currently known to be infiltrated by the Moslem Brotherhood, and is in part funded by Russia.
Manfred Lasczak, head of STASI in Sweden in the 1970s, explicitly stated in an interview that SIPRI was one of the prime targets of STASI for infiltration and subversion and that the sauna of the DDR embassy was a virtual meetings&communications hub of Swedish communist politicians, journalists (including some of our major papers and also state media journos) and SIPRI-staff, and DDR diplomatic corps and STASI agents.
More examples of how SIPRI was an instrument for DDR/USSR can be found in Bo Theutenberg's book series "Dagböcker från UD" (Foreign Department diaries, roughly). A sample:
"Agenten ”ENGELMANN” (XV/19114/60), i klartext Karl-Heinz LOHS, östtysk medlem i SIPRIS styrelse, berörde i sin rapport till STASI (SIRA nr 33233) kärnvapen, kärnvapennedrustning, kärnvapenfri zon mm."
"Agent 'ENGELMANN' (XV/19114/60), real name Karl-Heinz LOHS, East German member or SIPRIS' board of directors, touched upon in his report to STASI (SIRA nr 33233) nuclear weapons, nuclear disarmament, nuclear free zones, et c."
An agent of STASI as a member of the board of directors.
It's no secret for Swedes read-up on our Cold War history that there was a very real non-violent war going on within the state itself, with pro-USA and pro-USSR factions infiltrating and utilising purportedly neutral NGOs as lobbyists and levers. SIPRI was a diplomatic weapon in the service of the USSR, and is today a willing tool of Russia and the Moslem Brotherhood both, simply due to intertia and its political history.
No wonder the MSM is doing the marketing for SIPRI, they always do. They have the same background after all - all the senior journalists and editors are old KPML(r)-members or old Maoists and the like.
It seems to me that modern industrial economies cannot sustain themselves without a constant and large influx of money from the state, usually borrowed. Today’s economies require a permanent Keynesian stimulus. We are heading into a systemic collapse which usually ends up in wars. War has always acted as an economic reset, but this time around, I suspect, there won’t be any post war growth in the West; I suspect the West will be a net loser. The Rulers are pulling the plug on the West. In its stead, they hope to bring about a planetary oligarchical order.
The interests of Rulers and of the rest of us have long ago utterly diverged. The ramifications of this are yet to be played out. If we leave it to them, the future for us looks pretty bleak. We can look forward to living in 15 minutes cities and eating Soylent Green.
Well, I suppose it comes down to definitions: what's a 'modern industrial economy'?
Marx called the problem 'the structural crisis' (but Marx was an occult theosophical wizard and not an economist), but the issue is, it seems, the 'business cycle' itself, which we seem to cannot stand anymore.
Enter big gov't, and the 'system' gets perverted to ever-larger degrees.
It doesn't matter, by the way, if you're on 'the left™' (whatever that means) decrying Big Business or if you're on 'the right™' (same issue) decrying Big Gov't--the problem is that they are flip sides of the same coin. The former is, technically speaking, a behemoth striving for vertical integration (control of inputs, supply lines, labour, sales, etc.) while the latter strives for horizontal integration (laws, regulations, rules, etc.).
The end result is ever-shrinking freedom for everyone, and it doesn't matter if you're an individual and get squeezed by downward pressure on wages or taxed excessively. The result is the same: more control over whatever one does.
Yes, the size of government is directly related to the dominant scale of business enterprise. G.K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc saw that coming. Government and business merge into one, ever increasing totalitarian system. Growing wealth while real economy is shrinking is a form of cannibalism which cannot be sustained. What they do to us is directly connected to our ability to tolerate their pillaging and plunder.
A couple of things you may not be aware of about SIPRI:
It has been since inception heavily slanted towards pro-Soviet policies, due to infiltration, and this tilted to become pro-Russian later, as well as pro-Iranian and pro-islamic. SIPRI is currently known to be infiltrated by the Moslem Brotherhood, and is in part funded by Russia.
Manfred Lasczak, head of STASI in Sweden in the 1970s, explicitly stated in an interview that SIPRI was one of the prime targets of STASI for infiltration and subversion and that the sauna of the DDR embassy was a virtual meetings&communications hub of Swedish communist politicians, journalists (including some of our major papers and also state media journos) and SIPRI-staff, and DDR diplomatic corps and STASI agents.
More examples of how SIPRI was an instrument for DDR/USSR can be found in Bo Theutenberg's book series "Dagböcker från UD" (Foreign Department diaries, roughly). A sample:
"Agenten ”ENGELMANN” (XV/19114/60), i klartext Karl-Heinz LOHS, östtysk medlem i SIPRIS styrelse, berörde i sin rapport till STASI (SIRA nr 33233) kärnvapen, kärnvapennedrustning, kärnvapenfri zon mm."
"Agent 'ENGELMANN' (XV/19114/60), real name Karl-Heinz LOHS, East German member or SIPRIS' board of directors, touched upon in his report to STASI (SIRA nr 33233) nuclear weapons, nuclear disarmament, nuclear free zones, et c."
An agent of STASI as a member of the board of directors.
It's no secret for Swedes read-up on our Cold War history that there was a very real non-violent war going on within the state itself, with pro-USA and pro-USSR factions infiltrating and utilising purportedly neutral NGOs as lobbyists and levers. SIPRI was a diplomatic weapon in the service of the USSR, and is today a willing tool of Russia and the Moslem Brotherhood both, simply due to intertia and its political history.
Oh, I just looked at their ‘about us’ section and noticed its lavishly funded by just about all the ‘usual suspects’, which was obvious.
While I didn’t know about what you mentioned, the fact that this NGO (sic) sells its prouct (the report) is tellong enough.
My point is that MSM is doing second-hand reporting and propagandising its readers/viewers.
No wonder the MSM is doing the marketing for SIPRI, they always do. They have the same background after all - all the senior journalists and editors are old KPML(r)-members or old Maoists and the like.
KPML(r) = KommunistPartietMarxist-Leninisterna(radikal)
Well, I'm certainly not surprised at-all.
I bet they all sport stellar ESG scores.
That is the most important aspect here: I'm sure these companies all do, but then again, check out today's (5 Dec.) posting.
It seems to me that modern industrial economies cannot sustain themselves without a constant and large influx of money from the state, usually borrowed. Today’s economies require a permanent Keynesian stimulus. We are heading into a systemic collapse which usually ends up in wars. War has always acted as an economic reset, but this time around, I suspect, there won’t be any post war growth in the West; I suspect the West will be a net loser. The Rulers are pulling the plug on the West. In its stead, they hope to bring about a planetary oligarchical order.
The interests of Rulers and of the rest of us have long ago utterly diverged. The ramifications of this are yet to be played out. If we leave it to them, the future for us looks pretty bleak. We can look forward to living in 15 minutes cities and eating Soylent Green.
Well, I suppose it comes down to definitions: what's a 'modern industrial economy'?
Marx called the problem 'the structural crisis' (but Marx was an occult theosophical wizard and not an economist), but the issue is, it seems, the 'business cycle' itself, which we seem to cannot stand anymore.
Enter big gov't, and the 'system' gets perverted to ever-larger degrees.
It doesn't matter, by the way, if you're on 'the left™' (whatever that means) decrying Big Business or if you're on 'the right™' (same issue) decrying Big Gov't--the problem is that they are flip sides of the same coin. The former is, technically speaking, a behemoth striving for vertical integration (control of inputs, supply lines, labour, sales, etc.) while the latter strives for horizontal integration (laws, regulations, rules, etc.).
The end result is ever-shrinking freedom for everyone, and it doesn't matter if you're an individual and get squeezed by downward pressure on wages or taxed excessively. The result is the same: more control over whatever one does.
Yes, the size of government is directly related to the dominant scale of business enterprise. G.K. Chesterton and Hilaire Belloc saw that coming. Government and business merge into one, ever increasing totalitarian system. Growing wealth while real economy is shrinking is a form of cannibalism which cannot be sustained. What they do to us is directly connected to our ability to tolerate their pillaging and plunder.
Max Weber called the prospect of Western civ “mechanised ossification”, btw.