Jun 13Liked by epimetheus

Indeed it will not end well, I keep faith it is for the loons and not us the masses

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Jun 13Liked by epimetheus

Yep. Same over here-they’re determined to start WW3.

Of course, they could just implement a no-fly zone over EVERY country and be done with it. That’s their plan, eventually, anyway.

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Ah, that would be so…for the third world that cannot fight back. Over here, we'll pretend 'Mr Market™' will do his magic by imposing all these CO2 fees and the like. We're so much more advanced than 'them', you see…

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But Cuba threat is back again, will Biden or whoever idiot of US President handle that in the same way JFK did? Ha, ha, ha...

The beauty of all of this is that european "masses" this time, differently from 1918 or 1930s are well prepared to accept whatever will come, because they do not care of their families, of their children. They only thing they care is their money and properties, they'll be worried to loose them, but they are too rich, spoiled and wealthy and brainwashed to fight and dirt their hands with blood.

We've seen that movie with Covid already.

US Social media and who's behind them have done the job a thousand times better than any other propaganda in the past, and they have a unique chance this time: DESTROY EUROPE ONE FOR ALL and survive rich, wealthy and with a great future for their economy.

As they are doing in Palestine. The next Gaza is Europe.

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Oligarchy is betting on winning and losing, but their favorite outcome seems to be losing the war against Russia. Regardless from which side the propaganda originates, Russia’s military is so strong that they can win in Ukraine and then threaten the rest of Europe. I believe Russia’s conventional war making forces aren’t as strong as propaganda wishes us to believe. The nuclear aspect is most troubling but somehow senior government officials and imperial mandarins sweep this inconvenient aspect under the carpet, although the most Malthusian amongst them would probably welcome a nuclear incineration of useless eaters. I think the aim is to sufficiently weaken Russia for her to move forces from the East to Ukraine. That makes Russia’s east vulnerable to Chinese grab. What if that is the deal between Western Oligarchy and the Chinese? Stranger things have happened throughout human history. Even if the West loses, the Oligarchy will exploit that to merge with Chinese Oligarchical system to create the wet dream of Western Oligarchy - One Global Oligarchical System. In either case, We the People are the human sacrifice to appease their God(s) whose favor they seek for the creation of the dystopian hell on Earth.

What’s their next Big Move? Another “pandemic” or this - https://nypost.com/2024/06/12/us-news/aliens-might-be-living-among-us-according-to-new-harvard-study/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0TrGbG2UYNQc9sNfCGntCKXa-mo11yLyGsvxp8U-DnJdyy3ntZwFaPAiM_aem_AZEfC4bwZIsZGDEenmPwroEfydbU181f_z_1tThxqWVXLCO5uau_blFlKdwpHurO42aGr4mJD_iJGQV5YU6vzdNU. ? I would put my money on the Aliens narrative. ;-)

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Hahaha, 'aliens' among us. I've heard that one before, and I wouldn't be surprised if that's the next big psy-op, to tell you the truth.

As to 'the oligarchy™', I think you're essentially correct: China is on board (just remember that Mr. Gao was at the infamous 'Event 201' meeting), and perhaps this re-direction of Russia towards China, away from 'Europe' is the main play that extends what Stratfor chief George Friedman said in 2015 (if memory serves): if the strategic aim of 'the oligarchs™' is to keep Russia and Germany apart, what better way to do so by having Moscow move towards Beijing--which is to say: a relationship with a clearly stronger 'partner', as opposed to the German option that would be much more 'even', relatively speaking.

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They’ve been preparing us lately for the alien psy-op. It is hard to predict when precisely they are going to pull that arrow from their quiver but they will eventually. Perhaps after their marriage with Chinese? By then there will have been no enemies left, and we know they always need an enemy. If one does not exist, it must be invented.

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Exactly. And the 'alien prep' is obvious--just think about all these 'UAP' insiders appearing on podcasts left and right.

All I can do is think about that patently absurd, if eerily prescient, fictional novel The Tartar Steppe by Dino Buzzati (orig. Il deserto dei tartari, 1940).


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I haven’t read the book. Will add it to my reading list.

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If you're adding books, try Mario Rigoni Stern's The Sergeant in the Snow (Il sergente nella neve).

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