May 29Liked by epimetheus

“After careful consideration, the Federal Government has come to the conclusion that an answer to the question cannot be given due to conflicting overriding interests of the state”

Please forgive my USA centered comment, but this reminds me of the responses that our Attorney General, FBI director, and other federal officials give about EVERYTHING when testifying before Congressional oversight committees.

They basically thumb their noses and say that they don’t have to provide any information…… to Congressional oversight committees that are supposed to be overseeing THEM.

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No worries, the similarities may be due to both places being run by the same gang of criminals.

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They are waging a multidimensional war against the people. One aspect of this war is to prevent people from noticing there is a war. This is happening across the West which means there is a coordinating center. COVID made that clearly visible to anyone who can still process the truth. Unfortunately those seem to be a dwindling minority.

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And don't forget that 'they' have long since moved on. We're still catching up.

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May 29Liked by epimetheus

It sure reads as a conspiracy to subvert democracy via faked events and faked/staged news reporting on same.

Exactly the thing the same politicians and urinalists wants to criminalise.

Here, our major daily newspaper and channel TV4 recently dropped a big one: they claimed the Sweden Democrats run "trollfactories", anonymous propaganda channels.

When alt-media fact chekced this, they found that TV4 had simply picked a few dozen X-accounts criticising the migration and culture policies of the Socialist Democrat party (who is part-owner of TV4), accounts with no connection at all to the Sweden Democrats.

Only, state and regime loyal media failed to report that last bit, which caused the head of the governement agency for psychological defence and counter-propaganda to speak out, calling TV4 and the major dailys on their crap and telling them he would be opening an investigation into the matter.

Which cause the media to freak of course. People fact checking them? Fascism! A governement agnecy checking to see if they knowingly create/report falsehoods for a propagandistic purpose? That's how Hitler got started!

And the clou: people reporting all over the net on the actual, proven with a paper-and-money trail real propaganda units owned and staffed by the Socialist Democrat party. Reporting that serves Trump and Putin!

If it wasn't happening here, it'd be fun to watch.

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Oh, this is kinda like the same everywhere in 'the West', as your example shows.

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