It's infuriating that the state can be so thoroughly corrupted by a pharmaceutical company that they will press parents into harming their own babies. This is actually demonic, I can't think of any other word for it.

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It is, and there's no doubt about this left, isn't it?

It's furthermore a call esp. for parents, but really for everyone, to draw a line in the sand and stand one's ground.

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Their child could die of the JAB. They don't care.

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Meaning the Communist/Lula Government. He's a criminal himself.

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I wonder if the Brazilians have been bought off by Big Pharma, or if they are simply trying to be more Euro-American than the Europeans and the North Americans. The inferiority complex is a real thing, trust me. You see a fair amount of it over here in the Czech Republic (saw it during the corona debacle, seeing it now with Ukraine), especially in "elite" circles. It makes people behave far more stupidly than you'd expect, given their (often non-negligible) cognitive abilities.

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It looks like they desperately wanna join the 'West™' inner circle club, isn't it?

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Trying to get the best possible view of the iceberg from the Titanic deck, if you ask me.

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Huhum, if memory serves, back then some of the surviving men were shamed by doing so, as opposed to the many women and children who didn't survive.

Then again, 'honour' used to be thing, as was 'shame'. No such things exist anymore in our brave new world.

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I remember when "Lula" first made headlines in western media. Then, they were exceptionally skeptical towards him, almost to Trumpian levels.

Somewhen, something changed because now he is lauded by our regime-media using tones normally reserved for Biden-Harris-Obama-Clinton-Zelensky.

Meanwhile, they try their level best to ignore that Javier Milei and Nayib Bukele exist at all.

Who talked to "Lula", about what and when, is something I'm sure Brazillian investigators could tell a lot about.

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Well, I grant you the point about Bukele, but Milei? Or that recently elected Mexican president?

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In 2007 former "economic hit man" John Perkins wrote:

I asked [Lula's emissary] whether Lula had been corrupted and for how long. It was obvious that this question made him extremely uncomfortable. After a long pause, he admitted that Lula was part of the system. "Otherwise, how could he have risen to such a position?" However, Jose also professed his admiration for Lula. "He's a realist. He understands that in order to help his people he has no choice ..." Then he shook his head. "I fear," he said, "that Washington will try to bring Lula down if he goes too far."

"How do you think they'd do it?"

"Everyone has—as you say—skeletons in his closet. Every politician has done things that can look bad, if brought into the light in a certain way. Lula has skeletons. If the powers that run your empire want to bring him down, they'll open the closet door."”

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And to those Americans who think “it can’t happen here “, a little reminder:

The Supreme Court was the only thing that stopped Joseph Biden and the Democrats from imposing vaccine mandates on the general public.

If Kamala Harris (or any other Democrat) is (s)elected President, she, he, they or it has promised to ‘reform’ the Supreme Court….. meaning pack it with left wing justices who are absolutely guaranteed to allow vaccine mandates.

Another reason, if one were needed, to keep her (and them) out of office and vote for Donald Trump…..

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Sure, though remember that Donald Trump was the one who got the lockdowns going, or more precisely, proved incapable of stopping them.

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I know, but I also know where the advice for the lockdowns came from…..

And there is a huge difference between lockdowns (no matter how ill advised) and mandating that supposedly free citizens get an experimental “vaccine”.

A very huge difference….

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I take it you don't reside in, say, California, sir, isn't it?

And, yes, you're right.

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No sir, I live almost as far from California as it’s possible to get and still live in the continental USA :)

I live on the east coast in the state of Maryland.

It’s politically bad, but no where near as bad as California (yet).

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It was in the last couple of months that I read that Brazil was still coercively covid transfecting all their infants (maybe the Amazon tribes are exempt?). I could hardly believe it was true – that’s how fast the illusion of the return to normality has taken hold. Even after reading this it’s hard to fully accept as reality.

It’s abysmal on the level of freedom and dignity, as you say, but I’m afraid there will also be a terrible reckoning in terms of the rising generation’s physical health.

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Could you pleas explain

‘ coercively covid transfecting all their infants’?

Because my grand daughter was born 2 years ago with a syndrome called ‘failing to thrive’ she is not eating probably and can hardly put on any weight. I suspect that they done something to her at the hospital when she was born. I was suspecting the c19 jab. All her other siblings are fine ages 10 and 16.

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Erzsebet, I’m very sorry to hear your granddaughter is not as well as she should be.

My turn of phrase, even explained, won’t give you anything useful, I’m afraid. I was just referring to Brazil’s policy to mandate covid vaccination of all their young children, the reality underlying this post by Epimetheus.

The perhaps unfamiliar word “transfection” is the technical term for what is going on at the cellular level with the mRNA (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna) and vvDNA (AstraZeneca, J&J, Sputnik V) so-called vaccines: the insertion of genetic material into our cells to appropriate their protein-manufacturing power to make proteins human cells otherwise never would (much as viruses do). In this case, the goal has been to make our cells gush out coronavirus spike protein.

The authorities naturally have preferred to use reassuringly familiar words like “vaccination” for this unprecedented therapy, but “transfection” is the scientists’ own term, even if I use it with a degree of contempt.

I do hope your granddaughter turns the corner and begins to thrive, and my thoughts are with you and your family.

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