Birda are much different from humans, but cows are mammals. By passing a virus through a cow, it might possibly mutate into a version more suited to infect humans.

And one way to get an infection is getting vaccinated the classical way: a small dose of the virus in question, making you just a little sick while the immune system dies its thing.


In order to get another pandemic (in the West) and to further crush food production (in the West) and enable oligarchs to buy up even more land (in the West) - use the cows as the intermediary host for the virus so it can then infect humans.

Bonus: synthetic foods are cheaper to produce, if quality of same isn't measured against real food but just against tables of contents and RDI. Hence, stop production of real milk, cheese, other dairy and meat and leather and convert to synthetic food, to increase profits. After all, soda is 98% water, and since you can sell bottled water even in Scandinavia - where most lakes and streams have cleaner water than US tapwater - replacing milk et c with "Brawndo" should be trivial.

Add climate, DEI, ESG-tags as needed to every product.

Meanwhile, BRICS, under the near-total control of China, is very carefully not interrupting anything.

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Cepljenje je, bravo. Cepiva za ptičjo gripo na kravah

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They must keep the population anxiety state elevated until the next engineered Big Event. There always has to be something to worry about. That is why they have “bird flu” and that is why they now color weather maps in all sorts of scary hues of red. The planet is literally on fire I am told by people all around me! Imagine how many other “viruses”, which aren’t being monitored, infected three people every day!

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One would have hoped that most people (if only!) would maybe not think that the word surveillance = health or even fake “health care”. Oh how far we have strayed as societies.

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The problem, as I see it, isn't 'we…as societies'. While true, I think it's the consequence of many people having given up on being, well, individuals.

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Kit Knightly at Off-Guardian has been writing about the signs they might just push this as their next big «pandemic» - to have a pandemic, you need cases, and that’s exactly what you will Get if you start PCR testing this fall with a test that can’t distinguish between regular flu and «bird flu». Article is worth a read:


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