Their 'crime™' was that parents did so to avoid masking and testing requirements for their 7yo--hence the Oberlandesgericht Karlsruhe took away parents' rights
Notice the class-aspect: this never happens to politicians, upper class in general or rich people, despite many of them having nannies or other servants on staff, and often having the children tutored at home by private tutors.
It is high time for a re-enactment of the latter half of the 19th century: Revolutions demanding national justice, equality before the law and actual democracy where a people decides it's own destiny - not banks, not global capitalists, not cults, but the people.
Another item in my "why I'm glad that I don't have children" collection. As for your question: "Who are we? Are we sovereign citizens or are we subjects or virtually unaccountable authorities?" The latter. What, no-one ever told you?
BTW, have you noticed that democracy just got cancelled in Romania? Kill democracy to save it. It's almost funny.
Well, I'm going to respond with--you have that thing less to worry about, isn't it?
As to Romania, well, it's the logical conclusion of 'saving our democracy' by means of 'cancelling elections'. Silly us to believe we'd actually need to vote to be a 'Democracy, Inc.' (also a reading suggestion: Sheldon Wolin, Inverted Totalitarianism).
Crazy on too many levels. Doesn’t Germany’s anti-homeschooling law date back to the Nazi era? Of course, Nazis would not want homeschooling and today’s totalitarians don’t want it for precisely the same reasons.
I'm unsure about the anti-homeschooling laws, but it could be. Oh, lest I forget, the German judiciary has repeatedly invoked legal standards and statutes from the period 1933-45 when the state dealt with the judicial review of anti-mandate protesters. So, your point is well taken, but it's also an easy one to make.
Also, don't mention this in polite society…/sarcasm
Why is this possible? This is possible because people focus on garbage instead of the basis of this terror and tyranny: THE MISSING VIRUS!
As far as I know, every court case was dropped as soon as the defendant insisted that there was never a pandemic because there are no viruses, i.e. as soon as he demanded proof of the virus, which no country in the world can provide.
Exactly. The gov't creates a strawman argument, which is then adjudicated. The problem is that this massively delegitimises the system, hence it will fall sooner or later.
I have become a very strong supporter of homeschooling. I never wanted to - but because of travelling for extended periods, we homeschooled our two teenage kids for two years. My son, who has learning disabilities, learned to read. Both had experiences abroad they could not have had otherwise. I also researched homeschooling a lot, and found that homeschoolers generally get a better education than is average for public schooled kids. And much less time is spent on schoolwork ( we did mornings only). It's an excellent alternative - if possible, both personally and politically!
Notice the class-aspect: this never happens to politicians, upper class in general or rich people, despite many of them having nannies or other servants on staff, and often having the children tutored at home by private tutors.
It is high time for a re-enactment of the latter half of the 19th century: Revolutions demanding national justice, equality before the law and actual democracy where a people decides it's own destiny - not banks, not global capitalists, not cults, but the people.
Exactly. As George Carlin once quipped, it's a big club, and we're not in it.
Another item in my "why I'm glad that I don't have children" collection. As for your question: "Who are we? Are we sovereign citizens or are we subjects or virtually unaccountable authorities?" The latter. What, no-one ever told you?
BTW, have you noticed that democracy just got cancelled in Romania? Kill democracy to save it. It's almost funny.
Well, I'm going to respond with--you have that thing less to worry about, isn't it?
As to Romania, well, it's the logical conclusion of 'saving our democracy' by means of 'cancelling elections'. Silly us to believe we'd actually need to vote to be a 'Democracy, Inc.' (also a reading suggestion: Sheldon Wolin, Inverted Totalitarianism).
Free Reiner Fuellmich!
Put his jailers on trial!
Crazy on too many levels. Doesn’t Germany’s anti-homeschooling law date back to the Nazi era? Of course, Nazis would not want homeschooling and today’s totalitarians don’t want it for precisely the same reasons.
I'm unsure about the anti-homeschooling laws, but it could be. Oh, lest I forget, the German judiciary has repeatedly invoked legal standards and statutes from the period 1933-45 when the state dealt with the judicial review of anti-mandate protesters. So, your point is well taken, but it's also an easy one to make.
Also, don't mention this in polite society…/sarcasm
Why is this possible? This is possible because people focus on garbage instead of the basis of this terror and tyranny: THE MISSING VIRUS!
As far as I know, every court case was dropped as soon as the defendant insisted that there was never a pandemic because there are no viruses, i.e. as soon as he demanded proof of the virus, which no country in the world can provide.
Exactly. The gov't creates a strawman argument, which is then adjudicated. The problem is that this massively delegitimises the system, hence it will fall sooner or later.
More likely later, perhaps in the year 2666 or so…
I have become a very strong supporter of homeschooling. I never wanted to - but because of travelling for extended periods, we homeschooled our two teenage kids for two years. My son, who has learning disabilities, learned to read. Both had experiences abroad they could not have had otherwise. I also researched homeschooling a lot, and found that homeschoolers generally get a better education than is average for public schooled kids. And much less time is spent on schoolwork ( we did mornings only). It's an excellent alternative - if possible, both personally and politically!
Schiffmann knew what he was doing, as drastic as it seemed to move to Tanzania (and I couldn't bear it for long there I reckon)
roland freisler would have been proud of them
Oh, it's getting increasingly hard to argue against that notion, eh?