Be afraid, be very afraid of Mr. Scholz who holds: 'If you are a good leader, you listen to the people…But you never think they really want you to do exactly what they propose.'
Tangentially, Turkey stans ready to block Sweden and Finland from NATO-membership, due to Sweden's long time aid to the PKK. Hilarious.
If mrs. Andersson cuts aid to PKK and sundry, she loses the support of the communist party and the old school communists in her own party. If she fumbles the NATO-issue, she loses all support from her industry-affiliated parts of the party, the trade unions and the inustrial sector.
Not to mention that the tens of thousands of kurds in Sweden might well vote for the communists, meaning the socialist democrats may lose swing votes in key municipalites and districts in the cities.
And should other moslems follow suit due to (from their point of view) the swedish governement allowing the burning of the Koran., they might lose several hundreds of thousands of votes.
Meaning they would share the fate of Greece's PASOK, the party they most closely remeble.
Maybe Russia has been making the moves on Trukey too? Putin's objectives have been achived in the war: Ukraine in ruins, the eastern parts will become Russia's again, Transistria and Molodovia might become a new Jugoslavia for the EU, Germany et al are wrecking their own economy due to tip-toeing hither and yon politically and the US is now so set against Russia any possible successor to Putin is locked in from the start, having to continue the current politics.
Time to dust off Paracelsus yet again, regarding Germany and her comeback?
Hmmm, you sound like you almost pity Ms. Andersson here…
Sure, she (and her ilk elsewhere) are caught between a rock and a hard place (and then some), but then again, it's not as if she couldn't (didn't) foresee this. If she or her 'advisors' (ahem) didn't envision that 'controversy', I suppose that they shouldn't be in power?
The problem is the solution. Less economic activity is less government revenue. Less ability to manage. In the specter of shortages of real resources they can not build enough military equipment. More military is less of everything else as the planet full of humans struggles with resource depletions. The difference now is these fools no longer have the backdrop of increasing fossil fuel usage and seemingly endless supplies. The shortages will be felt more strongly by the government itself. There are a few regional exceptions like Russia. Well, we know what happened to those German bastards time and again with those dreams of conquest, they always collapsed. This time it will not be so long to complete the cycle methinks. The only way forward is for People finding ways to take care of themselves. That chancellor said so himself. Start by planting a garden now.
Or, this time they have learned to do conquest the british and american way: create strife, discord and dissent in the nation you wish to dominate, fund and train terrorists sympathetic to you, employ death squads or drones to tak out opposition leaders, try to starve them out using embargoes an blockades and when all else fails use high altitiude bombers to reduce the place to rubble before building it back better.
Because conquest is only wrong when it's done by others than anglos?
All conquest results in the overuse of resources, the reason for island imperialism (those stupid idiots can even feed 10% of its population), and as the world's currency fails, also the neocon strongholds. That's my unqualified view. Without the world currency it will fail spectacularly just like the endless schemes of German Fascists.
"We should be the nation that is willing to find the European solutions that are good for all, not just for our country." Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen! Seems we can't help it...
Re St Olav's: I've seen that piece, and there's also been a man in his 30s who, right after finishing the marathon a few weeks ago, collapsed and died near the finish line. While an autopsy was ordered by authorities, I've yet to see (find) the results…
When I told me wife about the above piece, she retorted: 'why would people show up in the ER? Either due to accidents or heart attacks'--I guess we may pick our guess here, eh?
(I'll write more about Norway tomorrow or on Wednesday…)
Or it might be Putin. Or the Chinese. Or the seasonal snow melt (which, as you certainly saw in the 'news', was blamed for high electricity prices last week…)
Tangentially, Turkey stans ready to block Sweden and Finland from NATO-membership, due to Sweden's long time aid to the PKK. Hilarious.
If mrs. Andersson cuts aid to PKK and sundry, she loses the support of the communist party and the old school communists in her own party. If she fumbles the NATO-issue, she loses all support from her industry-affiliated parts of the party, the trade unions and the inustrial sector.
Not to mention that the tens of thousands of kurds in Sweden might well vote for the communists, meaning the socialist democrats may lose swing votes in key municipalites and districts in the cities.
And should other moslems follow suit due to (from their point of view) the swedish governement allowing the burning of the Koran., they might lose several hundreds of thousands of votes.
Meaning they would share the fate of Greece's PASOK, the party they most closely remeble.
Maybe Russia has been making the moves on Trukey too? Putin's objectives have been achived in the war: Ukraine in ruins, the eastern parts will become Russia's again, Transistria and Molodovia might become a new Jugoslavia for the EU, Germany et al are wrecking their own economy due to tip-toeing hither and yon politically and the US is now so set against Russia any possible successor to Putin is locked in from the start, having to continue the current politics.
Time to dust off Paracelsus yet again, regarding Germany and her comeback?
Hmmm, you sound like you almost pity Ms. Andersson here…
Sure, she (and her ilk elsewhere) are caught between a rock and a hard place (and then some), but then again, it's not as if she couldn't (didn't) foresee this. If she or her 'advisors' (ahem) didn't envision that 'controversy', I suppose that they shouldn't be in power?
The problem is the solution. Less economic activity is less government revenue. Less ability to manage. In the specter of shortages of real resources they can not build enough military equipment. More military is less of everything else as the planet full of humans struggles with resource depletions. The difference now is these fools no longer have the backdrop of increasing fossil fuel usage and seemingly endless supplies. The shortages will be felt more strongly by the government itself. There are a few regional exceptions like Russia. Well, we know what happened to those German bastards time and again with those dreams of conquest, they always collapsed. This time it will not be so long to complete the cycle methinks. The only way forward is for People finding ways to take care of themselves. That chancellor said so himself. Start by planting a garden now.
Or, this time they have learned to do conquest the british and american way: create strife, discord and dissent in the nation you wish to dominate, fund and train terrorists sympathetic to you, employ death squads or drones to tak out opposition leaders, try to starve them out using embargoes an blockades and when all else fails use high altitiude bombers to reduce the place to rubble before building it back better.
Because conquest is only wrong when it's done by others than anglos?
All conquest results in the overuse of resources, the reason for island imperialism (those stupid idiots can even feed 10% of its population), and as the world's currency fails, also the neocon strongholds. That's my unqualified view. Without the world currency it will fail spectacularly just like the endless schemes of German Fascists.
Sorry, not tracking your point. Helpers? (No, I'm not sarcastic, I really don't get what your after.)
"We should be the nation that is willing to find the European solutions that are good for all, not just for our country." Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen! Seems we can't help it...
Re St Olav's: I've seen that piece, and there's also been a man in his 30s who, right after finishing the marathon a few weeks ago, collapsed and died near the finish line. While an autopsy was ordered by authorities, I've yet to see (find) the results…
When I told me wife about the above piece, she retorted: 'why would people show up in the ER? Either due to accidents or heart attacks'--I guess we may pick our guess here, eh?
(I'll write more about Norway tomorrow or on Wednesday…)
Or it might be Putin. Or the Chinese. Or the seasonal snow melt (which, as you certainly saw in the 'news', was blamed for high electricity prices last week…)