By now, we should realize that the Western Imperial Oligarchy is deliberately destroying the West. That is beyond any doubt. “US oligarchs” aren’t just destroying Europe; they are destroying the US! Therefore we ought to begin to think about why do they wish to destroy that which made them rich and powerful. Western Civilization is under attack, from Christianity to individual cultures, from Family to Country. They are also destroying productive economy, and setting us up for a war in which we are all losers. Our currencies are being destroyed. Our countries are being invaded by hordes of migrants which cannot be absorbed into the dominant civilizational cultures. Our freedoms are under attack. Europe is particularly targeted but the Anglo-American domain is not being spared, either. Peoples of the West must realize that the ruling Oligarchy is fighting an Omniwar against them. Politicians, media, even radicals have all been bought; they are all working for the same bosses. They own the “left” and the “right” and most everything in between. Are we still being able to mount a robust defense? Can we destroy the Imperial Parasitic Oligarchy and their vassal puppets before they destroy us? We most certainly cannot succeed if we cannot discern what is really happening. Everything wrong around us are manifestations of the same exact causes. We cannot fight back against individual effects; we must go after the systemic cause(s).

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That is the one conundrum I (still) fail to understand: there's much, much more that goes down the drain if all the tinfoil-hat 'conspiracy theories' about depopulation, one world gov't, etc. are true--don't the elites understand that their lives won't be as pleasant as it is? I mean, imagine one of these gazillionaires scheming behind the scenes, protected by his private praetorian guard, well-fed, etc. Doesn't he understand that his private employees might prioritise their families over his?

At that point in time, I suppose we'll get the following outcome: perhaps not those in the background pulling strings, but those at (somewhat) 'lower' levels recognise this 'conundrum', turn around, and rally a sizeable contingent of people to 'restore' order, or what's left of it. Thus the one world/new world order push is stopped--by non-compliance and a few people breaking ranks, mainly out of less-than-benighted self interests.

I would surmise, further, that this would be about as good as might get; think retrenchment, lots of cohesion from those (few) that would support such policies (hardships). I doubt that the imperial parasite can be destroyed, but given the major upheaval (think: the 'Dark Ages'), I suppose it would take the parasite quite some time to recover, esp. as the example implies much lower taxes = more personal freedom, and it will take ages to chip away at that.

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Yes, it is incomprehensible to us, but that ought not be the reason to needlessly filter out certain aspects of our reality. Look all around and see what is actually happening, and what they are saying and writing. Without looking at why and trying to figure out their logic, they are indeed doing most of the things “conspiracy theorists” claim they are doing. They are waging a multi-front war against all the peoples of the Western Empire. Taking a historical view and analyzing the present I believe we can predict where they wish to take us with decent precision and accuracy.

Will they succeed, to what degree they will succeed, that largely depends on what we do. If we continue on the same path without a critical mass of us recognizing what is happening and willing to resist, they will succeed beyond their expectations. In all other likely scenarios they will partially succeed while retaining the power. These partial success scenarios are all utter disasters for us, the people. Millions, if not billions of us, will have perished and human population will be drastically reduced because they have already succeeded in collapsing our birth rates.

Based on what they have already done, they are the worst war criminals in human history. They most certainly should not be our Rulers, and we should treat them as the existential threat to us, our Enemies. They aren’t just stupid, mistaken, incompetent; they have been waging a sustained war against us for a long time. Their intent is discernible; all we need is to open our eyes.

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Part of establishing WORLD GOVERNMENT is destroying existing government.

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True, except they are destroying much more than government.

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Yeah. Bad policies destroy the people and discredit the government.

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Jul 31Liked by epimetheus

Yes sadly so many useful [latest crisis] idiots around

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It's also a testament to the crapification of 'reporting', even though the NZZ (used to be) much better at journalism (at least in their 'international' pages) than most other German-language papers…

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Top shelf essay. Bravo.

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Thank you, dear sir, for reading and your kind words.

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Restricting exploration, production and distribution of oil raises the price due to supply and demand. Monopolists alway want to profit by selling less at a higher price. NO INVESTMENT REQUIRED except hiring some useful idiots.

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Oh, there's more than a decade of under-investment in the oil and gas industry, we're just about experiencing the consequences of these 'policies'.

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Oil and gas would be dirt cheap if the free market was allowed to operate.

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