Over here, state media reports that according to The Science and The Experts (meaning one single female researcher quote-mined using leading questions), parents can decrease the "klimat-ångest" (klimat-angst) of their children and themselves...

...by buying more expensive food.

Because, if you can't afford so much food, you'll feel you don't make as much of an environmental impact.

Conditioning people, perhaps?

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You bet they are conditioning people: fearmongering, playing up possible (potential) consequences, increasing anxiety, etc.

The tactic you describe about kimat-angst is widely-used; I'll post something about just such a fraudulent expert in due time, but first things first.

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Thought I would repost this climate impact for those inquiring educators drawn to your work here.

I will preface that remark by stating I have been at various times in my long career an educator and instructor in Environmental Science. I also was a presenter with Dr. William W Kellogg back when it was pushed forward by the technocrats at the Aspen Institute as The Greenhouse Effect. I was, based on the data available at the time, a signatory to the Scientists Call for a Climate Emergency. I have since then had my name removed when I realized this maybe a concern but hardly an emergency.


That said, what I post below is to me, living in the high New Mexico desert, an emergency. I don't say that lightly having been a water reservoir study project manager in my state, a natural resources inventory creator for part of our states water plan, and helping to stop fracking proposals in our geologically complex middle Rio Grande acquifer.


Comment feedback SAV

New World Encyclopedia 12/12/2024

This is in serious need of a critical  update. The Chinese government since 2014 has known about the discovery that the dust from the Taklamakhan is a critical component to western USA rainfall events.

The continuation of desert reclamation in this area by China is a threat to the national security of the USA in terms of sustainability of human settlements hydropower, irrigation and biodiversity..It further is in general violation of a number of  the Stockholm Declaration Principles.




Going on since 1978. (a time period the U.S. Senate was considering an international treaty to address environmental impact review of major technological' industrial changes) The Taklamakhan shelter belt work continues to 2050. Good from China's technocratic POV but a full on catastrophe in the making for the western USA. by SAV. Geography minor UCONN.


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