In the future we will no longer need humans in the judiciary branch; they will be replaced by AI robots which can be at least equally bad. Also, judicial proceedings are so yesterday. The system will find novel ways to prevent crimes from occurring. We can already see that they are punishing people for their thoughts! Wait until when all this stuff is automated. Algorithmic justice! ;-)

We are sliding on a slippery slope from which there are no quick returns.

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James Howard Kunstler brought up one feature of a possible future: conscious shutting down of the grid, which is the precondition for most surveillance in place.

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We will never do it because, with time, they are going to make us even more dependent on it.

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Oct 5Liked by epimetheus

BTW, is it just me, or are these insanities reappearing after a bit of a lull? The thing is, Ukraine is losing its war, and so they need to come up with something to distract their populations from it. That "something" might be a second act of the corona hysteria. The Americans have their Middle Eastern war, which should work pretty well to get most Americans to forget about Ukraine quite quickly (if they haven't done so already), but it's tougher for European governments, given that Jews are victims, and so Israel is completely correct in everything it does, but Muslims are victims, and therefore they are correct in everything they do. A bit of a bind, don't you think? So it's hard for the Europeans to rely on the Middle East in that way ("Putler bad!" was so much easier - alas), and so, why not reintroduce some lockdowns, mask mandates, juice mandates... Might make the plebs forget about Eastern Europe. Worth trying, right?

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I won't rule out any of these seemingly 'strange', so-called 'conspiracy theories' at the moment (or for the time being). I do think 'the system™' may well be conducting a quite limited hangout op here, with perhaps some other high-profile cases also added to the Constitutional Court's docket to enable, after 1-2 verdicts, to pass a king of 'general amnesty'--really, stating 'oopsie, mistakes were made on both sides' while the proverbial witches were long burned on the stake'--to rally the plebs.

You're absolutely, and hilariously so, right about the protests; take, e.g., the return of the so-called 'Thursday Protests' in Vienna two days ago. 24 years ago, they were a recurrent feature of Thursday evenings in Vienna when there was an actual gov't in power consisting of the FPÖ and the ÖVP; now, it's to 'prevent the Nazis' or whatever.

Curiously enough, there's ample of footage online that shows, among others, 'grannies against the right' (yes, there's such a thing; it's about as sane as to be expected), 'queers for Palestine' was there, they left-ish students* carried 'Nazis go home' placards while some Middle Easterners were calling for the ending of Israel a few meters behind them.

What an awkward place to be in, right?

* I'll also add that Austrian universities--both at the faculty and student levels--are a bit swamped by German students, many of whom wouldn't be permitted to study (a subject they desire) in Germany because of bad grades in high school, hence they flood to neighbouring Austria. They are super politically correct and often instrumental in organising these kinds of protests.

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Oct 5Liked by epimetheus

I cannot even read this. What the hell is wrong with Germany?? It's frankly terrifying. Germany (and Austria, too) is where the Czech Republic gets its bad ideas from. So when this sort of thing happens, it's pretty scary!

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I don't know what to say.

I literally sat there weeping for what I believe to be humanity.

It's arguably worse in terms of its presumed long-term impact: if that is somehow deemed 'o.k.' to 'not newsworthy' (I dare you to find that anywhere), way worse things will happen before too long.

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Oct 5Liked by epimetheus

Thank you for relating this story. It’s so far beyond the realm of simple decency and even common sense that I really don’t have the words to express my disgust with these people.

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I support these motions.

I'd merely add: these people, as you so eloquently call them, are demonic, pure evil, yet at the same time, they appear like the grey flannel suit-wearing, banal empty suits Mr Smith encountered when he went to D.C.

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21 hrs agoLiked by epimetheus

I was going to go with Evil, but demonic is a much better choice.

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I don't think that, at this point in time, the difference is merely linguistic.

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Oct 5Liked by epimetheus

At the start I grabbed my pitchfork and started sharpening the tines …at the end my eyes are filling up and you are right, such an honourable man (and daughter) doing what is right.

In 2020 I could mainly see greed and power grabbing and spoke of caution, since 2021 I cannot ignore the evil at play and I feel daily it is taking me to closer and closer to the good of god which I still do not quite know what to do with but I am letting it unfold.

I thank you sincerely for stomaching to share the insanity with us all, it hurts but I think it has to for us all to indeed grab those pitchforks and hold the line.

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I just wrote in response to Irena's comment: 'I literally sat there weeping for what I believe to be humanity.'

I'll add this, though, and I'd emphasise I'm merely (able to) speak for myself: since the anecdote I recount in the bottom lines, I've stayed away from the official church. My wife insisted on getting married in church, and because I selfishly cared about our relationship, I acceded to her wish. Our children are both baptised, and we try to imbue Christian values.

Yet, while I personally feel like I'm quite a bit of a phoney myself doing all that, I'd add that we're all mere mortals (sinners) on this Earth, and these past years are contributing (informing) a bit of a re-consideration of the teachings of Christ on my part.

Still, the horrible realisation of evil pervading this Earth, and how deep its demonic impulses run, is, and continues to be, staggering.

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I wrote this message during Holy Week this year. It is for Christians who have been abandoned by their worldly churches: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/march-2024-substack-muster-and-democide

plus Psalm 26.

If you are interested, I would highly recommend the bible preach by Australia's Bishop Mar Mari (Assyrian church). He is my go to. This one is particularly excellent, but they are all really good: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xI_18fObAc

He never locked down and told everyone the vax is from Satan. He is the Bishop who was recently stabbed in the eye while preaching. The other priests who speak on the channel are also excellent.

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Thanks for this, I'll certainly have a look (I even recalled that incident you relate).

I don't know what to say about these men of the cloth; in Vienna's cathedral church of St Stephen's, a pop-up vaxx clinic was set up in 2021…

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This may explain a few things: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/here-is-the-depopulation-plan-the

"Once the Roman Catholic Church is brought down, the rest of Christianity will follow easily."

Fear not. Christ is still the Head of the church, and as believers we are his true church. There are still some holy men of the cloth out there, with authority from Christ. Most of them have been thrown out of the Vatican and the Orthodox power structure but their authority in Christ is undeniable.

You would also probably really like the series of Father Malachai Martin on Art Bell radio show from the 90s. He left the Vatican. These interviews are a must-listen.

Here is an essential article by Katherine Watt and Father Martin interviews in footnotes. I remember listening to all of them as I was painting my house. They were so good that I was transfixed up on a high ladder listening - I forgot all about the painting at hand: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/on-demonic-possession-as-it-relates

I understand exactly how you feel. I miss the Church so much, but I cannot go back. I leave the door open, but for now, no.

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Thank you.

I don't mean to over-dramatise this all, but one bit of Milton Mayer's They Thought They Were Free (pp. 209, 225, if you'd ask), whose book I re-read in summer, stuck with me in a rather uncomfortable way:

"Through National Socialism I lost my soul. I blasphemed. Every night, through all those years, I blasphemed; I said my children's prayers with them; I took the name of the Lord in vain. I wanted them to be Christians, and I myself had denied Jesus Christ."

"And you, you knew all the time that you blasphemed?" "All the time, I knew all the time that I was damned, damned worse every day. But I wanted my children to be Christians."

"Why, Herr Kessler?"

"Why does a man want his children to be better than himself?"

Thank you, for linking to the Art Bell interviews and Ms. Watt's piece. I'll try to get through them (I couldn't the first time I found them a few years ago).

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Boy oh boy.

If you have not read my story, strap in: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/we-were-fearfully-and-wonderfully

I do not write about myself very often, but last year I wrote a Christmas message and this year I will write another one. This year's is even crazier. Last year I started my 'message' in July, and same with this year.

I have an extremely intense spiritual life that I do not talk about because most people will think that I am absolutely insane. I will talk a little bit more about it this year.

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