May 24, 2023Liked by epimetheus

Most on the Left enjoy being subservient to the State, as long as they control that particular State.

I know that that is a generalization, but there aren’t many examples of a leftist government even allowing individual freedoms.

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Brilliant piece, thanks for the translation. Well, Jakob has been hanging out with the right people (from Laidak, Berlin). I've shared it widely - will post this on Twitter, too. x

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Many thanks for this translation. Had seen the piece but couldn't read behind the paywall. Reminds me of Ulrike Guerot's article „De facto ist eine gesamte Gesellschaft entmündigt worden“ late 2021 https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/plus235908648/Ulrike-Guerot-De-facto-ist-eine-gesamte-Gesellschaft-entmuendigt-worden.html

She decried the dismissal and tarring of any and all criticism being in the service of the far-right and argued the left ought to be wrestling such popular traditional leftist positions from the right. Instead it was playing a moralising game of casting aspersions of guilt-by-association on any and all skeptics.

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May 24, 2023Liked by epimetheus

The Hannah Arendt quote ("Widerstand durch Wirklichkeit", and so on) is a bit curious. It can be found all over the place, especially since Covid, but ultimately seems to go back to this essay (which I do not have access to): Nordmann, Ingeborg: Erfahrungen in einem Land, das die Realität verloren hat. In: Arendt, Hannah: Besuch in Deutschland 1950. In: Knott, Marie Luise (Hg.): Zur Zeit. Politische Essays. Berlin 1986. S.67-95

It is not to be found in "Elemente und Ursprünge totaler Herrschaft", Arendt's revision (far from simple translation) of "The Origins of Totalitarianism".

Oh, and on my desk there is a ZEIT piece by Oliver Nachtwey and Carolin Amlinger (I might amuse myself by writing about it). Havin read it, I know that I do not have to read their book...

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