Aug 14·edited Aug 14Liked by epimetheus

That's why I keep telling people who are chasing 'data' they are wasting their time. The believers will just spin up their data(tm) with experts(tm) to soothe and provide plausible deniability. None of this is about data. None of it. That should have been obvious when they rolled out the shots in the first place. We have decades of papers prior to 'covid' showing what the LNP and mRNA platforms do in animal trials and they do not care. We know they use spiked placebos and pharma games the system for profit.

This is not about data.

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I'm saying the same: it's a scam, start to finish, with loads of grifters addicted to the 'grant' money, media attention, and the like.

It's about gaslighting, and killing people.

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Yep. Speaking of grifters - the latest Australian academic pandemic grift is coming from wildlife researchers. The grant money is flowing hard and fast and they are very excited to be taking the spotlight. https://archive.li/MZnGO

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Oh my, if we could only stop 'migratory birds' from spreading deadly diseases, eh?

Are we conducting screenings on human migrants, by the way?

Asking for a friend…

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In order to continue using mRNA as a population reduction tool (and continue massive transfer of wealth from many to few), the myth must be maintained. I don’t believe there was any positive effects of these jabs; they were designed to be bio-weapons and their practical effect was a reflection of their designed features.

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It's resembling ever more late-stage Soviet-ism, that is, to me at least. There's the same old 'safe and effective' clamouring, the same old 'did this (or that)', while, as is evident from the very low 'uptake' of these 'offers', there's virtually no-one falling for this crap anymore.

Captive audiences is all that's required, i.e., lockdowns and mandates--and we know what to do about this: 'just say no'.

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They are keeping it alive because they wish to normalize the mRNA killing technology. They intend to use it on all farm animals, and want us to eat us this stuff. They aren’t done with us. I am just wondering when we will see an emergence of a critical mass of resistance across the political spectrum. This system is more dangerous than any historical totalitarian regime. There is no escaping this; we must resist and change it from wherever we live.

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