What is there to say but "We told you so" to politicians, pundits and other useful idiots?

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Also, if you find yourself in your social circles and labelled a 'conspiracy nut', 'cranky uncle', or the like, you can easily link to these resources to turn the tables.

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I feel so happy for the guy in NYC who tweeted a few months ago that he heard 'Jewish chanting from his basement' and everyone said he was crazy and 'anti-semitic.'

Now, Jewish tunnels confirmed.

Anything is possible, friends! Our tinfoil hats will become crowns of knowledge!

It happened for me: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/if-you-want-a-document-ask-a-conspiracy

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Excellent piece!

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Even more immigrant based societies like the US have a limit to how many immigrants they can successfully absorb without inflicting permanent damage on their own societal fabric. Uncontrolled immigration is primarily a social engineering tool. All national cultures of the West, particularly those of Europe must be destroyed. Any attempts to merely control the inflow of immigrants are results of “white supremacy”, “rabid nationalism”, “extreme right”, “fascism”,... Only one country is totally exempt - Israel. Strangely, all governments of the Western countries which are currently under attack are supposed to defend Israeli genocidal policies while they shouldn’t control their own borders. A very strange dichotomy, which we aren’t suppose to notice, let alone discuss. And no, I am not an Anti-Semite! ;-)

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Es gibt Weltweit keinen Bevölkerungsrückgang in der kultivierten westlichen Welt ist die Geburtenrate gesunken im vergleich mit den unterentwickelten Kontinenten wo die Geburten explodieren.

Die demografische Entwicklung der arabischen, aber vor allem der afrikanischen Länder übertrifft alles, was historisch bekannt ist. In den Ländern ist eine Steigerung um fast 500 Prozent.

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"three major reasons are the empowerment of women (increasing access to education and increasing labour market participation), declining child mortality, and a rising cost of bringing up children (to which the decline of child labor contributed). [I’d add a fourth: massive anti-family/children propaganda]"

5) Keeping up with the Joneses. The drive to conformity, particularly for women, is huge and underrated here. If all my friends have 1-2 kids, do I really want to be the minivan freak with 4? My MIL, who has no self-awareness whatsoever and deeply wants us to be the average American middle-class family, is so horrified that we have three kids (her own grandkids!) that every dang time she visits, she tries to convince my husband to get a vasectomy. Every time anyone with more than three children comes up in conversation, she's got something snide to say about them. As though they've done something dirty and illicit. Cooties and stuff. Not everyone's so obvious about it, but social conformity is a terrifying force to reckon with.

Many-- I'd venture most-- women are so susceptible to this, that they will expand or limit their family size based entirely on the size of the families in their social peer groups. I witnessed the phenomenon in the other direction at a church I used to attend. Over the course of a few years, they had the most astonishing baby boom. Several families at once were having a third, fourth, fifth, or higher-order kid. They were not catholics, and there was nothing inherent in the theology or culture of the denomination to cause this. Most churches in the same denomination have families with totally average family sizes. The thing was localized to just the one parish. These young families-- particularly the moms-- deeply wanted more children. Most probably wouldn't have felt comfortable having more, if they were constantly hanging out in the 1.7-kids peer group dictated by their incomes. But because they were part of the same church, they made an environment for each other, where having four or more children was OK. They had social permission.

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