This is happening across the Western Empire. "The Left” is just a vehicle for the tip of the imperial pyramid. Destruction is the aim and that is what the chosen puppets have delivered. When the “electorate” gets tired of “The Left”, they will vote in the “The Right” which will continue carrying out orders with minor variations, so that we wouldn’t notice the scam.

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'The right™' is not an iota better; just take Ms. Meloni and her talk about France exploiting, via its convertible franc, numerous 'former' colonies in Africa. At no point does Ms. Meloni mention that this is what the ECB is doing 'over here'.

Case in point, if needed at-all, is the Trump Derangement Syndrome: no big policy shift occurred with respect to anything; he was good at talking, but not at walking.

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The Oligarchy finances all sides, non-profits, think tanks, NGO’s. In so many ways they create their own reality. We contribute to this process by buying into their false narratives.

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Exactly, it's a near-perfect prison for the likes of you and me.

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This cycle repeats itself again and again without a critical mass of us ever noticing.

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Jul 2Liked by epimetheus

I say it again: bring back dueling. In public, town square, using any hand-held weapon unless a projectile one.

Let the one claiming to have been insulted issue challenge; let the challenged choose weapons, if any.

Refusing a duel means no more public speaking for the refusing party.

Journalists and politicians would improve overnight, I think.

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Oh, well, that would probably work way faster than, say, fixing the judiciary?

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Jul 2Liked by epimetheus

I'm rather convinced reinstating dueling as a process would fix the judiciary "toot sweet"; no more libel, slander or defamation suits.

Consider the following: a journalist calls a "right-wing" politician a "nazi". What happens in today's system? Nothing, not even if the politician sues - not even if he wins does anything happen since most regime/mainstream media is insured against fines and damages.

But if dueling was real? That 165cm, 60 kilo AWFL-journalist might find him-herself facing off against a man over 180cm and a 100 kilos, both armed with baseball bats.

No need to go á outrance; first to submit-rules lose is enough.

I'm fine with a journo criticising someone - anyone - but that's not what they are doing nowadays - the act like beaters at a hunt, driving the mob of plebs before them to devour anyone not kowtowing to their regime.

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My credo is, and has always been, that those who venture 'into the public fray, must also be willing, and capable, of bearing adversity'.

In this sense, the English language is quite better that other ones I know: to be offended, one must actively take offence.

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