Academia is collapsing and I could not be happier. https://www.thefp.com/p/i-overhyped-climate-change-to-get-published

Guy publishes a climate change paper in Nature, then comes out and says how fraudulent the process was.

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Oh, wow, that is…underwhelmingly surprising, for, if you happen to read papers such as the one above, for instance, *that* was obvious.

And, yes, your excitement of the coming downsizing of (parts of) academia is shared by me.

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I hope they retract his paper and he starts a Substack. He does not "deserve" a paper in Nature now. It's time to bring it all down.

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Oh my, I'm translating and publishing Brown's piece in German as I type this--thank you so much for bringing this up!

It might well be that Nature 'retracts' Brown's paper, which will garner more attention.

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Having people acutally use scientific methods is nice and all, and thanks for the run-down.

Me, I'm thinking I didn't and still don't need that to realise human-caused climate change hypothesis is bunk. Reasons being:

1) Climate data are aggregated weather data - and we all know how "good" meteorologists are at predicting weather. Any timescale beyond 12-24 hours and their probability rate drops to 50% accuracy or less. So methods and means with that poor accuracy used as the basis for claiming human action affects the global climate? Nuh-uh.

2) Not a single private corporation was the slightest interested in this until the taxes started flowing to them and politicians got invited onto boards and as shareholders, as per Hayekian neo-liberal economic theory (aka capitalist corporatism, also called fascism only this verson is non-marxist). Whn there's zero real risk for the decision-makers own assets, and no accountability, and it's all wrapped up in moralistic messaging, that means it's a grift. Always.

3) Media hysterics and terror-mongering. This always means the same thing: to get you to panic and obey in the hope that the one you obey can defeat the terrible whatever.

And, just to tootle my own horn: this was obvious in the early 1990s. Remember the indian (or was it pakistani?) teenaged girl they trotted out at press-meetings around the world during the years leading up to the Kyoto-meeting?

Yup. Never fails. They always pick the same method, from the Children's Crusade to having children testify at witch-trials to puppeteering Jidda Krishnamurti as Jesus v. 2.0 to climate prohetesses.

To paraphrase: "Oh my god, it's full of patterns!"

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worth considering

Residence Time vs. Adjustment Time of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere

by Peter Stallinga

Entropy 2023, 25(2), 384; https://doi.org/10.3390/e25020384


Human CO2 Emissions Have Little Effect on Atmospheric CO2

Edwin X Berry, Climate Physics LLC, Bigfork, USA

DOI:1 10.11648/j.ijaos.20190301.13


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Dr Ed Berry submitted hi paper on this refuting the IPCC claims. And this Seven Proofs: Why Human CO2 does not control the CO2 level or the climate. https://edberry.com/seven-proofs/

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Well, I'm baffled. Not.

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