Further, "asylum seeker" does not equal "person with right to claim asylum", something which the media and the state agencies have ignored for decades.

You'd think a professor of Sociology would pay attention to words and their meaning better than the one cited and quoted, and you'd certainly expect him to use data for several years and not just one.

Like f.e. making one graph for "asylum seekers allowed into Nation" for each nation, and then super-imposing two other graphs, say f.e. "crimes committed by asylum seekers" and "cost of asylum seekers".

Then, you make graphs for "asylum seekers who become legal residents/citizens", "children of asylum seekers/migrants from Nation", and also graphs for costs, crime, school grades, et cetera.

All the data needed is there, in state collections.

I no longer need numbers: I just need an old truth.

"When someone has the ability to know, but refuse to look, that proves that they know and that in turn makes them culpable in any crime or abuse"

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Of course that's a good addition.

And your conclusion also points, once more, to the Covid sham: public health officialdom is in a position to know but they refuse to address the elephant in the room.

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What's going on is that Germans (and other Western/Northern Europeans) see Ukrainians as Europeans who are relatively easy to integrate, and so hospitality to Ukrainians doesn't really "count" as asylum-seeker load-sharing. However, this is not to be discussed in polite society, which insists on infinite human replaceability, and according to which there are no significant differences between, oh, Ukrainians, Libyans, Indonesians, Eritreans, Koreans or anyone else anywhere (except for Russians, of course, who are evilly-evil), and we're all one big happy human family. So, a you-name-it is the same as a Ukrainian and therefore the two must be treated identically for the purposes of immigration (including asylum), except that Ukrainians don't actually count, 'coz they're not like, y'know...

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When was the last time we mentioned that doing so is a Ponzi scheme?

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