Sep 19, 2023Liked by epimetheus

Speculation: the EU and the WEF have recruited so many former once-young Stasi, KGB, and similar over the years, these now severly affect the course and actions of both.

To use a local example of my thinking: the swedish KFML, KPML and KPML(r)* were highly active in the late 1960s and 1970s. In the 1980s, the majority of them quietly dropped out of sight, dropped the rethorics and got themselves hired as journalists, TV-producers, writers and editors/publishers within state an state-adjacent media, as well as within the dep. of education.

Isn't it likely that this happened in Germany, only even more so given the division into two states, after 1990, and that it has created a cascading effect throughout all political, economical and social systems involving germans of the right age-brackets and Germany at large?

*The acronyms stand for, translated:

KFML: Communist Union of Marxist-Leninists; splinter-group from which was KPML: Communist Party of Marxist-Leninsts; splinter-group from which was the KPML(r), the 'r' meaning Radical. The latter had ties to Baader-Meinhof, RAF, and other such groups and greatly admired them for daring to use violence.

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023Author

It's certainly a better explanation than 'decadence' or 'turning'.

I think you're largely correct in terms of the 'unintended consequences', even though I suppose the combo neoliberalism and neoconservatism didn't much care about a person's past as long as he or she followed the party line…talk about 'recent converts'…

EDIT: most US East Coast neoconservatives (think: 'Project for the New American Century') were actually Marxist-Leninist-Maoists in the 1960s…

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by epimetheus

Swedish idiom: kappvändare. Literal meaning is cloak, coat or cape-turner (kappa can mean any of them). Real meaning isn't traitor or betrayer as in english, but "ruthless faithless opportunist".

Given how 1960s and later marxism (or what passes for it) lack any and all morals and virtues beyond power from destruction, and how neoliberalism/US neo-cons are all-in on objectivism and rational choice (both devoid of any moral stance beyond pure egotism), I'd say your observation is spot-on.

They never believed a word of anything, they were always narcissistic, relativist and nihilist parasitical opportunists, who made it so our societal systems now self-select for that kind of creature.

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Exactly. Turn-coats everywhere, with no-one wanting to speak out for fear of loosing their Twitter 'friends' or garnering rolling eyes at work (it's worse in academia, I think).

I'm unsure they never believed a word of anything, it just turns out that many are simply getting older (I think) and seeing things a bit clearer; yet, a sizeable contingent is simply ignorant, does not like to think for themselves (see the many pieces about the archaeologists, for instance), and fears having to engage in discussions where everyone would see their ignorance. Thus, I'd add 'opportunistic' to the list of adjectives you mentioned, if I may.

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