Referring the sectoral vaxx mandate to the Constitutional Court, the judge provides the epitaph for Covid: 'It would have been better if you had shredded the transcripts.'
Not 'just' the Russia hoax, there's plenty of others: the Lab Leak denial, the fact that we're still talking about Mpox being a thing, the Malaria jabs courtesy of GAVI…
Excellent. Thank you. But it ends with what is sadly true. Those that complied and believed want to forget, and those that were harmed are left to scream without being heard. “I told you so.” feels good for a fleeting moment, but justice changes a society for the better. Canada desperately needs a leak of the same magnitude to bring to the Supreme Court the criminal collusion of our media, government, scientists and Public Health. But, and this is a huge “but”, our courts are just as corrupt. So, what’s the point?
Does anyone out there have the nerve? The respect for rule of law? Anyone???
Most of those who complied continue to refuse to look at these RKI Files and accept that they were misled. Judging from my work circles, it's way worse among 'the educated'.
Well, judging from the vast amount of jab injuries and deaths, I don't think the judges' families were spared; I suppose the problems may at some point get 'too close for comfort', but I doubt there's a guarantee that'll change anything.
Why does the Federal Constitutional Court HAVE to trust that what the RKI says to be independent? Do the highest judges in the land not know that the RKI is just a government agency which in the end has to follow orders from the top guy in the food chain?
During the “pandemic” the courts also followed what government told them. Remember what they did to the judge that made a decision for the children against wearing a mask in school. They made an example of him, so others just followed what the TV said.
And even if the RKI were independent it could still be wrong! After all it is just a tiny dot in the big universe called science. Especially in a country with a history like Germany the bars to truth and justice should be amongst the highest in the world. Judge Dettmar was amongst the very few who reached this bar. Shame on all the others.
Whatever the reason(s), critical thinking was replaced by blind obedience. It's easier, and if you're offered a scapegoat--'the unvaccinated'--the virtue-signalling of 'following the Science™' are a bonus feature.
Most don't want to let go of it, hence this shitshow continues.
But I also believe this lawfare is a distraction to keep the Freedom Groups away from what’s coming and what was behind Covid … the great reset and all that entails …
Never forget 🙏… I also am driving everyone around me crazy with this .. my ❤️ calls me “the hammer” 🔨 now … I just can’t let this go until those in charge are at least brought to a real court and not that fake congress stuff … those hearings were useless … I want a trial by peers ..
Yeah, like I said in an earlier post... this all ended for the general public the day after the invasion of Ukraine. Memory holed and they just moved on to the next thing like a cat following a laser pen. I certainly won't forget (and like you I am still very much pissed off by the cowardice displayed by those around me)... but that's because I made the 'wrong' choice and happened to have the temerity to utter the most powerful word in the English language... 'no'. I paid a price for this but I never caved... I just have to resign myself to losing everything next time as I can expect no help from the dopes around me. Condemnation maybe? Disdain perhaps? But what's new?
RKI can ask Pfizer about transparency 😂
Excellent trolling.
I also think that the presiding judge's 'snarky' quip about the shredding was spoken tongue-in-cheek, but these days, well, you never know.
Holy smokes… I can’t believe they all still believe in the Russian Collusion Hoax and now are falling for this Russian propaganda again ….
We have zero hope if they bring out another fake pandemic
Not 'just' the Russia hoax, there's plenty of others: the Lab Leak denial, the fact that we're still talking about Mpox being a thing, the Malaria jabs courtesy of GAVI…
Excellent. Thank you. But it ends with what is sadly true. Those that complied and believed want to forget, and those that were harmed are left to scream without being heard. “I told you so.” feels good for a fleeting moment, but justice changes a society for the better. Canada desperately needs a leak of the same magnitude to bring to the Supreme Court the criminal collusion of our media, government, scientists and Public Health. But, and this is a huge “but”, our courts are just as corrupt. So, what’s the point?
Does anyone out there have the nerve? The respect for rule of law? Anyone???
Most of those who complied continue to refuse to look at these RKI Files and accept that they were misled. Judging from my work circles, it's way worse among 'the educated'.
Well, judging from the vast amount of jab injuries and deaths, I don't think the judges' families were spared; I suppose the problems may at some point get 'too close for comfort', but I doubt there's a guarantee that'll change anything.
Why does the Federal Constitutional Court HAVE to trust that what the RKI says to be independent? Do the highest judges in the land not know that the RKI is just a government agency which in the end has to follow orders from the top guy in the food chain?
You are on point.
During the “pandemic” the courts also followed what government told them. Remember what they did to the judge that made a decision for the children against wearing a mask in school. They made an example of him, so others just followed what the TV said.
And even if the RKI were independent it could still be wrong! After all it is just a tiny dot in the big universe called science. Especially in a country with a history like Germany the bars to truth and justice should be amongst the highest in the world. Judge Dettmar was amongst the very few who reached this bar. Shame on all the others.
Whatever the reason(s), critical thinking was replaced by blind obedience. It's easier, and if you're offered a scapegoat--'the unvaccinated'--the virtue-signalling of 'following the Science™' are a bonus feature.
Most don't want to let go of it, hence this shitshow continues.
Big sigh.
But I also believe this lawfare is a distraction to keep the Freedom Groups away from what’s coming and what was behind Covid … the great reset and all that entails …
That seems the likeliest aspect of this: divide and conquer, as old as time.
Right. I’m getting killed right now because I made stupid mistake to stand up
For Free Speech on a leftist stack.
They are all for the arrest of journalists for doing work and being paid by Russia
It’s insane … I’m a Putin puppet cause & right winger because I believe in free speech.
We are in the dystopia
Never forget 🙏… I also am driving everyone around me crazy with this .. my ❤️ calls me “the hammer” 🔨 now … I just can’t let this go until those in charge are at least brought to a real court and not that fake congress stuff … those hearings were useless … I want a trial by peers ..
We shall not forget, and what you describe is also my experience (except for those who know).
The ignorance of most others around me is--breathtaking.
Yeah, like I said in an earlier post... this all ended for the general public the day after the invasion of Ukraine. Memory holed and they just moved on to the next thing like a cat following a laser pen. I certainly won't forget (and like you I am still very much pissed off by the cowardice displayed by those around me)... but that's because I made the 'wrong' choice and happened to have the temerity to utter the most powerful word in the English language... 'no'. I paid a price for this but I never caved... I just have to resign myself to losing everything next time as I can expect no help from the dopes around me. Condemnation maybe? Disdain perhaps? But what's new?
I know--as to the two examples you cite, perhaps you'd be interested in this long-form essay I wrote about this issue: