Is there a more repugnant human on the face of the planet than Thierry Breton. Rhetorical. He somehow embodies everything that’s wrong with the world today - an emetic in human form.

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Probably quite a few, say, Tony Fauci, Bill Gates, etc come to mind.

Personally, I only ever award second places—if only to have that particular option in the future….(and no, I’m not in disagreement with you).

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actually there are 2 of them joining US corporations

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NO One is Safe until HUMANITY is Safe from

ZioNaziMossadMafia’s Greater IsraHELLz OCCUPATION of

HĀTŌs Politicians and Governments

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How many times have the CorporateFascist Extortionist Thieves gotten away with their Government OCCUPATION sham❓

TwittX, Musk’s “interference” apparently, was a planned RedFlag ~ a made to order excuse~ to “Annul” MORE Free and Fair Elections opposed by the ZioNaziMossadMafia’s CorporateFascist, WEALTH $$upremacy

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