The US embodying gluttony by beeing fed oil is too good! Merkel as Sloth, well I can't tell if it's apt or not but I guess the artist had the idea that she had a lot to do, and instead just did nothing.
What mystifies me is the teapot left of the 'Greed' sign.
The US embodying gluttony by beeing fed oil is too good! Merkel as Sloth, well I can't tell if it's apt or not but I guess the artist had the idea that she had a lot to do, and instead just did nothing.
What mystifies me is the teapot left of the 'Greed' sign.
Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .
❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”
This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”
That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞
The US embodying gluttony by beeing fed oil is too good! Merkel as Sloth, well I can't tell if it's apt or not but I guess the artist had the idea that she had a lot to do, and instead just did nothing.
What mystifies me is the teapot left of the 'Greed' sign.
Sweden: Jews Call for Ban on Nordic Resistance Movement . . .
❝I ALWAYS LIKE to take note of Jewish organisations calling for bans on immigration resistance parties. You could say “Why bother? We’re surrounded by Jews screeching for White Genocide in various, usually artfully disguised, ways. This is just another twig on the bonfire.”
This is true. But arguments about the JQ and its relationship to White minoritization are open to various kinds of objection. You can quote this or that Jewish journalist calling for open borders or abolishing White people. Objection? “It’s just one guy; no proof he’s representative of anything other than himself; besides, he’s making a legitimate argument that’s open to democratic debate.”
That is why calls for bans on political parties assume a special moral significance. It’s a demand for the suppression of debate. And when it comes from an organization that claims to be representative of Jewry, and that claim goes unchallenged, then a special moral culpability attaches to the Jews.❞