All those women look the same, as if they were all outfitted by the same Globohomo-designer.

Re: tax-funding of Antifa. That's how it is here.

Start a group of twelve people (everyone in the group starts one group and everyone is members of the other groups). Write a boilerplate set of statutes emphasising all the buzzwords from the fund-granting authority.

Hold regular weekly meetings with notes, file these and apply for grants for special projects.

It won't make anyone rich, but it will add media-cred when you write something and all the other groups sign off on it.

That way, 0.0...1% of the population will appear as spokes-persons for the majority.

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It's all out in the open.

Also, spare a penny for those poor sobs at Antifa who don't have 'job security', if you'd be so good (I'm out of empathy for them right now).

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Of course, extremism from the right kills. But it is a third-rate killer, at a rate of 200 per 30 years. Migration is a much better one, at a rate of 2000 per five years.


I am not writing this to downplay extremism from the right, or to lobby against migration, but to demonstrate the sorry state of politics in Germany.

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By which I mean: of course, adding that the problem here is the super-lopsided public ‘posturing’.

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