The point is the same as tossing salt over your shoulder, or spitting three times when a black cat crosses your path, or any other religious rite or token. It feels right and comforting to be able to do something against powers beyond human control or ken (whether said powers exist in the objective sense matters not to our mind), and is in general no problem as long as the rite doesn't take precedence or even worse replaces actually doing something re: the situation.

The scanians have a saying: "That's no use praying about" meaning if any actual work is to be done, get working.

Specualtively, I'd say that woman also feels brave wearing a mask despite virtually everyone showing, telling and informing her she doesn't need to, it doesn't help and it can in fact be dtrimental if worn repeatedly for long periods: taking a stand for her beliefs gives her a sense of accomplishment on a spiritual level. It's psychlogicall speaking no different from a teenaged student wearing a Che Guevara-teeshirt or a co-worker wearing a jewish star or a big wooden cross or insisting on praying in the janitorial closet several times a day: a demonstration of power and faith intended to identify fellow travellers and to provoke situations where aid faith can be demonstrated by being stubborn, obtuse and contrarian.

As a person naturally inclined to buck arbitrary authority, I can relate without sympathising, context depending.

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I've checked the article also.... it was a Norway's celebration or a "toxic" Ukraine's one? Pretty sad

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This is why I didn't write about it yet: I started digging into the background of the Ukrainians in Norway--very interesting connections.

And, yes, it's pretty sad.

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Those could be Japanese....

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Unlikely, for that person was wearing a traditional Norwegian dress…

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Don't be so sure. Japs are known to die their hairs. I once saw a Chinese guy in traditional Scottish gear playing the bagpipes in Scotland!

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Very nice and important article from the Nordic ones.... ;)


Silently the UCA or United Criminals of America has manipulated most of Europe from far north to nord africa..

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