On UK's Ch4 Drama, there's a group of well retired ex colleagues that meet up again at another's funeral. Can't remember exactly but he had slow death. At the wake they all get drunk and make a pact, out of True love, (title of drama), that in event any of them wanted to exit the world due to medical diagnosis, the others would make it h…
On UK's Ch4 Drama, there's a group of well retired ex colleagues that meet up again at another's funeral. Can't remember exactly but he had slow death. At the wake they all get drunk and make a pact, out of True love, (title of drama), that in event any of them wanted to exit the world due to medical diagnosis, the others would make it happen. Soon after funeral, one of theem, actual instigator of the coversation asks for help as he has terminal cancer prognosis. Deed done followed by one female with dementia. The young policewoman is suspicious of terminal cancer man's death. I've not watched all 6 parts because, quite frankly, it's too depressing. However, now that I'm tuned into spotting predictive programming, the ending will probably be last one/two caught. However, no doubt the drama itself will be/maybe already has been discussed on some political show with audience invited to vote on assistance, legalities - is it a crime etc. The religious aspect is very important too. My condolences to Mark A Girard. I was originally in favour a few years ago but am opposed now.
On UK's Ch4 Drama, there's a group of well retired ex colleagues that meet up again at another's funeral. Can't remember exactly but he had slow death. At the wake they all get drunk and make a pact, out of True love, (title of drama), that in event any of them wanted to exit the world due to medical diagnosis, the others would make it happen. Soon after funeral, one of theem, actual instigator of the coversation asks for help as he has terminal cancer prognosis. Deed done followed by one female with dementia. The young policewoman is suspicious of terminal cancer man's death. I've not watched all 6 parts because, quite frankly, it's too depressing. However, now that I'm tuned into spotting predictive programming, the ending will probably be last one/two caught. However, no doubt the drama itself will be/maybe already has been discussed on some political show with audience invited to vote on assistance, legalities - is it a crime etc. The religious aspect is very important too. My condolences to Mark A Girard. I was originally in favour a few years ago but am opposed now.
Wow, what a cool comment--and, yes, without having seen the series, I'd agree on the predictive programming aspekt.